Climate Eco-Socialism

Climate Eco-Socialism

Jeremy Nieboer

21,58 €
IVA incluido
The Bruges Group
Año de edición:
Ecología, la biosfera
21,58 €
IVA incluido
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This is the final CLIMATE book. All is Well All will be Well explained how the Sun’s cycles, Earth’s orbits and ocean shifts govern temperature. CO2 Nature’s Gift showed that CO2 provides all our oxygen and food but is at its lowest level for over 99% of the past 500 million years.  If CO2 doubled crop yields rise by over 50% - with no noticeable effect on warming. At pre industrial levels CO2 has already absorbed all available radiated heat. Adding more of the gas has no noticeable effect.  Even if doubled it would result in warming of only 0.80C. This is a basic principle of radiation spectroscopy. It has been known for over 50 years to those responsible for disseminating the shocking deception of global warming dogma. Intent must be inferred from the effects.  Ending fossil fuel combustion, which eco-socialism requires, will bring about the collapse of the open market economies of countries that enforce it.  Our prosperity is receding as ever more burdens of compliance become insupportable.This final CLIMATE volume raises four questions forced upon us by the insanity of Net Zero.How have the liberal democracies of the World allowed the collapse of industrialised civilisation to become even a possibility?How is it that the dismal and fallacious conception of a fearful and imperilled humanity has been allowed to paralyse reason?How has a colossal deception come to be dictated by an unaccountable bureaucracy and basic principles of physics and spectroscopy distorted and suppressed? Which States will benefit from such a disaster? Are they not China and Russia whose scientists and governments know that there is no man made CO2 climate crisis?Will our way of life be preserved if we allow these things or do not even seek answers?

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