Sigmund Freud
Written by Sigmund Freud, Civilization and Its Discontents was first published in German in 1929. Originally published as ’Das Unbehagen in der Kultur, this brilliant work seeks to answer several questions fundamental to human society and its organization.In this book, Freud questions man’s place in the world between the individual’s quest for freedom and society’s demand for conformity. Freud’s theme is that what works for civilization does not necessarily work for man. Man, by nature is aggressive and egoistical and seeks self-satisfaction, but culture inhibits his instinctual drives. The author also deals with the subject of neurotic repression and guilt, referringto them as being the price paid by individuals to live together as acommunity.Exploring what Freud sees as an important clash between the desire for individuality and the expectations of society, the book is considered one of Freud’s most important and widely read works, and one of the most influential books in the field of modern psychology.