Chilensis subterranean

Chilensis subterranean

A. Isabel de Lourdes Q. Calderón

54,90 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
54,90 €
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This research was conducted to participate as a speaker at the II Congress organized by the Chilean Association of Popular Music Studies, in collaboration with the Alberto Hurtado University and the University of Art and Social Sciences. In Santiago de Chile from January 8 to 11, 2014. When we approach content regarding the era of the military dictatorship in Chile, we turn to historiography that teaches it from a perspective stripped of humanity, as if the facts had occurred only on paper. As a teacher of History and Social Sciences, I believe it is essential to achieve a contextualization of the period from the human feelings materialized in the classroom. At the moment of analyzing the power of history from the sung word, we manage to unveil senses, meanings, from the exploration of a place within the human feelings, taking into account that the contextualization of the metaphor denounces us a territory of revelations that hope to harmonize feelings to remake a close history. Geographical analysis of Canto Nuevo where the music, the lyrics and the history of 1978 to 1990 in Chile are in dialogue.

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