ChatGPT for Authors

ChatGPT for Authors

Kevin Albert

15,14 €
IVA incluido
Kevin Albert
Año de edición:
15,14 €
IVA incluido
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Would you like to discover how to write a book in just one day thanks to AI?Do you want to know how ChatGPT can help you write better, faster, and more effectively?What if you could turn artificial intelligence into your best ally for generating passive income?The recent and unstoppable emergence of artificial intelligence, specifically ChatGPT, in our lives has led to a historical revolution in all sectors. Writers (and aspiring writers) are no exception. Many people see this new technology as a threat to their jobs or even to humanity itself. Others, on the contrary, see an incredible opportunity. If, like me, you belong to the latter group... Welcome to the Matrix!This book is for you if: - You’ve always dreamed of writing a book but have never found the time to start (or finish) it. - You want to improve the quality and speed of your writing. - You’ve suffered or are suffering from writer’s block. - You want to learn to create unique covers with artificial intelligence. - You’re concerned that using AI might make your books sound unnatural or lack sufficient quality. - You want to learn how to use ChatGPT ethically and professionally. - You struggle to maintain motivation during the writing process. - You don’t want to fall behind in your writing career. - You want to start using ChatGPT but are afraid of infringing on copyright and intellectual property. - You’d like to find a balance between human-generated and AI-generated writing. - You want to learn one of the best ways to generate passive income using artificial intelligence. - And much more.Get your book now and find out why so many people are talking about ChatGPT!

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