


Joan Rust

12,37 €
IVA incluido
Xlibris US
Año de edición:
Estudios literarios: ficción, novelistas y prosistas
12,37 €
IVA incluido
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...the splendid humor and devotion to narrrative of the popular Anniecat Chronicles in a new book by Joan Rust, her further tribute to life in the Northwoods and the celebration of family.Joan (JoJo) Rusts new book, CELEBRATION provides a home-spun respite from the stress of video games, the tedium of text messaging and the anxiety of twenty-four hour news. JoJos world view, formed in the 1940s and 50s, and nourished in the rustic environment of Michigans Upper Peninsula, provides a calm reflection upon the many ways in which our lives are blessed in a world that hurries as fast as it shrinks. This book celebrates ordinary wonders too often taken for granted. ~Nino E. Green, Lawyer/Author Ms.Rust maintains a unique voice while bringing authors such as Guterson, Maclean, and Flagg to mind. ~Amy K. GainesCELEBRATION by Jo Jo Rust is a pleasant journey through a literary shoebox of family memories. Spanning over 50 years, these skillfully written life narratives will warm your heart. ~John Hager - Author of the Matt Hunter Adventures. 3

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