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我的泰國養老生活 2(繁體字版)

我的泰國養老生活 2(繁體字版)


20,91 €
IVA incluido
Luyi Publishing
Año de edición:
Familia y relaciones
20,91 €
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這是作者B杜的第二部散文,記錄她在泰國的養老生活,內容風趣幽默,不僅介紹泰國的風土人情和描寫日常生活中與英籍丈夫的文化碰撞,同時也讓讀者從'長住居民'的角度一窺真正的泰國,是一部能讓人徹底放鬆,並且開懷大笑的休閒書,值得您擁有。Humorous true and unpredictable events arising from the culture shock of retirement in Thailand. With her British husband, the author takes readers on a journey to see the real Thailand from the perspective of long term expats. This is B Du’s second journal diarising her retirement life in this tropical paradise. 

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