Andrej Margarin
This unique full-colored book presents all cathedrals, one by one, from different Christian denomi-nations, located on continent of Australia and Oceania-Catholic, Anglican, Eastern Orthodox, Ori-ental Orthodox and Assyrian churches. Beside more than 200 illustrations and photos of almost all cathedrals on the continent, facts and descriptions about them, readers will find facts about hierarchy and territorial organization of churches on the continent, as well as their dioceses. Readers will also find the facts about 111 plac-es in which cathedrals are located, from megacities like Sydney and Melbourne, to some small Oce-anian villages. This book follows the geographical rather than political borders of the Continent, so it covers the territories of the 14 independent states of the continent, the territories of dependent territories, but also parts of the USA (Hawaii) and Indonesia that geographically belong to Oceania.The book is intended for anyone interested in church architecture, church organization, as well as the area and cities of the continent of Australia and Oceania. It can also be used as a guide for reli-gious tourism.Cathedrals of Australia and Oceania is the first book of the book series 'Cathedrals of the World'.