

Captivating History

18,13 €
IVA incluido
Captivating History
Año de edición:
Historia antigua: hasta c. 500 e. c.
18,13 €
IVA incluido
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Step into the lost world of ancient Britain, where fierce warriors painted themselves blue and wise Druids practiced mysterious magic. This book uncovers the untold story of the Britons-an ancient people often overshadowed by Roman invaders and Anglo-Saxon conquerors. Yet, their legacy, filled with culture, strength, and resilience, is the true foundation of modern Britain.Explore the hidden secrets of their hill forts, learn about their battles against the powerful Roman Empire, and see how they survived in a harsh and ever-changing world. From the daily lives of the tribes to the mystical rituals of the Druids, this book brings the Britons’ world to life in a way that’s easy to understand and hard to forget.What you’ll find inside:The Britons’ unique way of living and how their tribes sometimes clashed and sometimes came togetherThe spiritual world of the Druids and the myths that shaped their beliefsClever battle strategies, including their famous chariot warfareDaily life, from the colorful crafts they made to the traditions they cherishedThe lasting impact of the Roman conquest and how it changed their worldSurprising archaeological findings that show the Britons’ skills in art and building.The lasting influence of the Britons on modern British culture and languageInspiring stories of leaders who fought against all odds to protect their peopleAnd much moreDon’t let this important chapter of history stay hidden. Discover the remarkable world of the Britons and see how their legacy still touches our lives today.

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