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Bridge of Passage

Bridge of Passage

Elba Nusa Calmon

97,54 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
97,54 €
IVA incluido
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This work, of sociolinguistic orientation, deals with the study of the pronouns você and cê spoken in the city of Vitória (ES). The data sample for this research consists of two corpora: PORTVIX (The Portuguese spoken in the city of Vitória) and FALA CASUAL. To collect PORTVIX, we selected the variables gender, age range and level of education of informants whose common characteristics were being born in Vitória, having parents from Vitória and having always lived in this city. The CASUAL TALK, also collected with residents of Vitória (ES), consisted of two recordings.

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