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Bond Strength Influenced By The Direction Of Application Of Adhesives

Bond Strength Influenced By The Direction Of Application Of Adhesives

Hala Fares

61,44 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
61,44 €
IVA incluido
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Dental adhesive systems produce appropriate retention ( while conserving the sound tooth structure ) ; appropriate marginal sealing and favorable distribution of forces across the restoration - tooth interface. Bond strength measurement is one of the most reliable methods for evaluating the adhesives clinical performance. The strength and durability of adhesive bonds depend on multiple intersecting factors among which are : the quality of the hybrid layer in terms of : the qualitative distribution of adhesive monomers [ tubule - wall hybridization , lateral tubule hybridization, direction of tubules and radial, and depth of demineralization and monomer diffusion ] ; the mechanical properties of the hybrid layer [ ultimate tensile strength, modulus of elasticity and bond strength ] ; as well as microleakage, nanoleakage and deterioration of bond strength over time(2 - 7, 9 , 10 - 12 ).In this book, the direction of application of adhesives has been proven to , significantly, influence the bond strength of resin composite restorative materials to dentin. And , to the knowledge of the author no one has tackled this point before.

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