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José Endoença Martins

119,19 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
119,19 €
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Entitled 'Blumenalva, Nauemblu, Negritice: Three Conceptual Views on Literatures', the book resumes the literary approximations between the local, the national and the international, in the bulge of the concepts Blumenalva, Nauemblu and Negritice, under the support of Signifyin(g). For years, my interest in literary analysis has been traversing two distinct levels of the production of writers who appeal to me. From a socio-cultural perspective, I seek to integrate the local, the national, and the global. From the conceptual perspective, I go through the notions of Blumenalva and Nauemblu to account for the local literary tradition; and the idea of Negritice to evaluate the productions of national and global black authors. The initial terms turn to the white literary tradition, which establishes in Blumenau a hegemonic Germanness (Deutschtum, Germanness, Blumenalva) and sediments literary forms (Brasilianertum, whiteness, Nauemblu). From a set of personal novels and drama, I seek to address the Afro-descendant literary tradition (Negritice), developed in the local, national and global black diaspora.

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