Bioecology of bell pepper aphids and their natural enemies

Bioecology of bell pepper aphids and their natural enemies

Ferroudja MEDJDOUB-BENSAAD / Karima Benoufella-Kitous / Samia AIT AMAR-BERRAS

61,69 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Ecología, la biosfera
61,69 €
IVA incluido
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Aphids are considered among the most formidable pests to plants because of the severe damage they can cause in agriculture. The overall objective of this work is to determine the diversity of aphid species that can be infested to bell pepper crop in the region of Tizi-Ouzou. A total of 35 aphid species were identified in this study using yellow traps. The species Macrosiphum euphorbiae and Brachycaudus helichrysi are the most represented with a frequency of 19.71% and 19.44% respectively. The monitoring of the evolution of the global populations of winged aphids captured by trapping, allowed us to show that the most intense activity of winged aphids is recorded on June 16, 2021 for the two varieties Grinil Giro and Lipari. The inventory carried out during the year of study on natural enemies reveals the existence of 8 predatory species, divided into 5 genera, subdivided into 2 families. Hyperaspis duvergeri and Adonia variegata are the predatory species most captured in the two varieties Lipari and Grinil Giro with a relative abundance of 30,30% and 40% respectively.

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