Bioecology of Acestrorhynchus britskii (Pisces

Bioecology of Acestrorhynchus britskii (Pisces

Mayke da Silva Santos

48,43 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Zoología y ciencias animales
48,43 €
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Efforts to study the bioecology of Neotropical fishes are necessary in view of the advances in human activity on habitats and the rapid loss of fauna observed mainly in aquatic ecosystems in the river basins of this region, which are mostly fragmented by the construction of dams. In Brazil, the São Francisco basin is the largest basin entirely located in the country, but studies on the bioecology and fisheries biology of its ichthyofauna are still scarce. This work aims to encourage ecological studies of species that may be affected by the damming of the São Francisco.

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