

Parth M. Kapatel / Parth MKapatel

77,75 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
77,75 €
IVA incluido
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This book is suitable for both undergraduate and postgraduate students in chemical engineering, biotechnology, biochemical engineering and many more. It provides the entire description of bioconversion of the biomass wastes to energy carriers. The content in this book includes the production of energy from different types of wastes through thermal, biological and chemical routes. For the energy production from organic wastes through anaerobic digestion, Introduction to Microbial fuel cells, energy production from organic wastes through fermentation, energy production from wastes through transesterification, energy production from algal biomass will be available in Part-2 of this book. It is intended to help the young scientist, professionals to keep their knowledge upgraded with the current thoughts and newer technology options along with their advances in the field of the utilization of different types of wastes for energy production. It will also help to learn sustainable development, renewable energy, protecting the environment, economy, etc. This book is useful for students in understanding how to make sustainable development in the future.

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