Beyond Coping Skills

Beyond Coping Skills

Richard Bass

21,10 €
IVA incluido
RBG Publishing
Año de edición:
Psicología infantil y evolutiva/del desarrollo
21,10 €
IVA incluido
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There are over 55,000 posts about #MentalHealth on TikTok, viewed by more than 188 million users. This shows that mental health awareness is becoming a hot topic for many young people.With all of this content flooding the internet, it is becoming easier for teens to find peers who are faced with similar psychological issues. But more often than not, they are still left confused about how to respond to these challenges in positive ways.What seems to be lacking isn’t education about stress or anxiety, but rather effective cognitive, emotional, and behavioral skills to confront obstacles head on. Above and beyond the guidance offered by friends, parents, and schoolteachers, teens can also benefit from learning how to improve their reactions to stressful situations.Beyond Coping Skills: The Ultimate Teens’ Workbook is an easy-to-use self-directed therapy workbook that can help teenagers aged 13-19 practice core CBT and DBT skills from the comfort of their own bedrooms.Yes, that’s right! In this digital age, where there is an app for virtually everything, and information is available at the touch of a button, therapy has become more affordable and accessible online!Several studies have proven the success of both CBT and DBT in managing stress, regulating strong emotions, and modifying behaviors-and the best part is that the same skills taught in a counseling room can be practiced at home too!Over the course of 5 chapters, 28 journal prompts, and 50 exercises, teens can look forward to learning:The power of the pause when sensing triggers and managing impulsive urges.How to identify and detach from unwanted thoughts and emotions.Strategies on how to define, brainstorm, and implement solutions for everyday life problems.How to develop self-respect through boundary setting and positive conflict resolution.The purpose of this workbook is to mentally prepare teens for unexpected and ongoing stressful situations they may face at home or at school. Through a powerful combination of CBT and DBT skills, they will be able to walk away with knowledge on how to reflect, reframe, and readjust their thoughts and emotions to achieve desired goals.

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