Awaken Your Inner Lion

Awaken Your Inner Lion

Tolu’ A. Akinyemi

13,37 €
IVA incluido
The Roaring Lion Newcastle LTD
Año de edición:
Consejos sobre carreras profesionales y cómo alcanzar el éxito
13,37 €
IVA incluido
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An object will remain in a state of inertia until acted upon by an external force. This is what ’Awaken Your Inner Lion’ is: it’s a call for us to rouse the lion within us; to stir from our state of passiveness and take the reins of our lives.In this poignant and reflective book, Tolu Akinyemi writes about vital touchpoints in life. It’s a book that gives clarity to those in search of it, and courage to those who’re scared of launching into the unknown.Drawing from his own life, he not only motivates, but imparts principles that can help one make the most of life.In it, he critiques society, dissecting issues of racism and immorality in society.What makes this book interesting is how the writer made his point from an informed position on all the subjects he tackled. When this book is not motivating and inspiring you to take brave steps, it is educating you on crucial issues of life or making commentary on the moral state of the world.The author’s writing style makes this book enjoyable. Each essay begins with a quote that the chapter is anchored on-words that one can reflect upon long after reading the book.In ’Awaken Your Inner Lion’, Tolu Akinyemi has given the world an offering that comes from his soul; and so it has the power to impact and stir one to action.

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