Attitudes to Translation

Attitudes to Translation

Rev. Dr. Peter PRYCE / RevDrPeter PRYCE

59,51 €
IVA incluido
Rev. Dr. Peter Pryce
Año de edición:
Métodos de investigación: general
59,51 €
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Attitudes to Translation describes translated texts as possessing ideological and institutional dimensions to the concept of 'the other'. Peter Pryce’s contribution is an expository study on four attitudes that affect the art of translation. He describes translated texts as possessing ideological and institutional dimensions to the concept of the 'other'. Attitudes fashioned by ideologies are said to be the hidden components of the translation process. He submits that there is no clear-cut dichotomy between the different attitudes at any one time and that those labels are only coordinates to ease research into the complex jungle of human attitudes and ideologies to other languages and cultures.

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