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Aspects of imperialism in post-colonial literature

Aspects of imperialism in post-colonial literature

Mohammed El-Amin Bensifi

55,04 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
55,04 €
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The emergence of the nineteenth-century novel was a reaction against the imperialism throne which had gradually come to its collapse. Old struggles were terminated, old characters were thrown away and a new world of fiction landed instead . Conrad realized the existence of the worldwide expansion of capitalism, and saw the enmity between the imperial and colonial lands, the exploitation of the black natives, the extraction of wealth and its expropriation by European and colonial rulers. Hence, a revolution in the novel took place. Joseph Conrad was the alien who battered down the old walls that hid the truth of imperialism and dragged the colonial world onto stage center of English fiction then setting the clock on the time bomb of the twentieth-century revolution in the novel.

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