Archival Policies and Legislation

Archival Policies and Legislation

Jefferson Alex Maciel Cavalcante

60,20 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Empresa y gestión
60,20 €
IVA incluido
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The archives are the sets of documents produced and received in the course of activities of any natural or legal person regardless of the support in which they are found. The Law No. 8159 of January 08, 1991, provides for the national policy of public and private archives and other provisions. The archival legislation is the set of legal norms related to archives and to professionals in the area. The stimulus to the management of public archival documents aims at: the organization of current, intermediate and permanent archives; the evaluation and selection of documents, according to the values they present; the preservation of documents that constitute the public archival patrimony; the guarantee of access to the information contained in the documents; the adequate training of human resources that carry out archival activities.

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