Arbour Aurora

Arbour Aurora

John Haughton

34,83 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
34,83 €
IVA incluido
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This publication is in two parts. Part One, the author’s second poetry anthology, ’Arbour Aurora’. Part Two - a short story ’The Dreams of Alexei Melnic’. The poetry anthology follows the author’s first anthology ’Weaving Wonder Webs’.The research for his long poem ’Beslan - Not Forgotten’ resulted in him taking a great interest in Northern Ossetia and the Caucasus mountains.’The Dreams of Alexei Melnic’ is about Alexei Melnic, who lives at the foothills of the Caucasus near the city of Vladikavkaz, which like Beslan is located in North Ossetia. Alexei has a deep love for the heritage of Northern Ossetia and the Caucasus, of Mother Earth and all her creatures. Alexei is determined to play an important role in helping to eliminate animal cruelty endemic in the region. The story brings Alexei to the point where he begins his university career at Vladikavkaz University.John Haughton’s other published work was ’The Silver Lining’ - a history of the birth of Aviation in Ireland in the 1930s.

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