Aquaculture panorama of the state of Rondônia

Aquaculture panorama of the state of Rondônia

Bruno O. de Mattos / Maria Helena Ferrari / Thiago Duarte Mielke

37,92 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Botánica y ciencias de las plantas
37,92 €
IVA incluido
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Fish farming, like other aquaculture activities, plays a relevant social role in the country directly and indirectly. It involves thousands of people in its production chain, from the production of inputs, through production and distribution, to the arrival of the final consumer. Thinking about contributing to science and socialising the results of research developed in the Western Amazon focused on fish production, as well as strengthening this growing production chain, we organised a work that contemplated aspects of management, health, genetics and nutrition in which the interlocutors can generally implement production on their properties. This first edition has four chapters. The first chapter deals with the boom in fish production in Brazil, especially in Rondônia, and the government actions that have boosted this production. The second chapter addresses the panorama of the breeding of the Tamabaqui fish species (Colossoma macropomum). The third chapter deals with the rearing of tambaquis in intensive systems in net tanks and the fourth, weaves a network of discussions about fishing in the state of Rondônia.

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