Appointment of officials in positions of trust

Appointment of officials in positions of trust

Edgar Augusto Salinas Loarte / Edgardo Félix Palomino Torres / Yuri Sánchez Solis

72,08 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Administración pública
72,08 €
IVA incluido
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The central theme of this document was to determine compliance with the professional profile in the appointment of trusted officials in the Regional Government of Huancavelica, 2019. The study was of an applicative type, with a non-experimental design, of a transversal type, descriptive and comparative between the current situation of the officials and the requirements established by the current applicable regulations. The population was made up of the officials with confidence in the EC classification according to the Huancavelica Regional Government’s C.A.P.P. Provisional Personnel Assignment Table. The sample was induced, made up of 17 officials, for which an observation sheet was used, which was admitted through expert judgment. Finally, it was determined that there is no compliance with the professional profile in the appointment of officials trusted by the Huancavelica Regional Government.

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