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An Insight into Orthodontic Treatment for Adults

An Insight into Orthodontic Treatment for Adults

Kanu Priya / Prerna Hoogan Teja / Shruti Mittal

85,79 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
85,79 €
IVA incluido
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Adult orthodontics refers to the use of orthodontic treatments, such as braces or clear aligners, to correct misaligned teeth and jaws in adults. Orthodontic treatment in adulthood has become increasingly common in recent years as more adults seek to improve their smile, dental health, and overall well-being.Adult orthodontic treatment typically involves a comprehensive evaluation by an orthodontist, who will determine the best course of treatment based on the individual’s specific needs and goals. Treatment options may include traditional braces, clear aligners, lingual braces (braces attached to the back of the teeth), or other specialized orthodontic appliances.One of the main benefits of adult orthodontic treatment is improved dental health, as straighter teeth are easier to clean and less prone to decay and gum disease. In addition, adult orthodontics can improve the appearance of the smile, boost self-confidence, and even alleviate jaw pain or other orthodontic-related discomfort.While adult orthodontic treatment may take longer than treatment in children or teens, advances in orthodontic technology and techniques have made treatment more comfortable, discreet, and effective.

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