An Epicure in the Terrible

An Epicure in the Terrible

An Epicure in the Terrible


27,06 €
IVA incluido
Hippocampus Press
Año de edición:
Estudios literarios: ficción, novelistas y prosistas
27,06 €
IVA incluido
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When An Epicure in the Terrible first appeared in 1991, commemorating the centennial of H. P. Lovecraft’s birth, it was hailed as a significant contribution to Lovecraft studies. Its thirteen original essays, along with a lengthy biocritical introduction by S. T. Joshi, contained penetrating work by leading authorities in the field. Among them were Kenneth W. Faig, Jr.’s pioneering study of Lovecraft’s parents; Jason C. Eckhardt’s analysis of Lovecraft’s heritage as a New England Yankee; and Donald R. Burleson’s treatment of the key theme of 'touching the glass,' epitomized by 'The Outsider.'Other essays in the book deal with such topics as the theme of isolation in Lovecraft’s fiction (Stefan Dziemianowicz); Lovecraft’s cosmic imagery (Steven J. Mariconda); Lovecraft’s progression from a macabre writer to a cosmic writer (David E. Schultz); and Lovecraft’s 'artificial mythology' and its development (Robert M. Price). Essays by Peter Cannon, Robert H. Waugh, R. Boerem, Norman R. Gayford, and Barton L. St. Armand round out the volume.This paperback edition presents these perspicacious essays to a new readership, and shows the richness and complexity of H. P. Lovecraft’s writing-writing that is destined to endure for centuries. Citations to Lovecraft’s work have been updated to reflect newer and more accurate editions that have appeared since 1991, and some of the essays have been slightly revised in other particulars. 3

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