American Buddhist Rebel

American Buddhist Rebel

American Buddhist Rebel

Liz Lewinson

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Torchflame Books
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Biografía: religiosa y espiritual
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Winner of the 2016 Eric Hoffer Award, this acclaimed biography of the brilliant, controversial Buddhist teacher Rama - Dr. Frederick Lenz (1950 - 1998) tells the story of a free-spirited teenager who transforms into an iconoclastic, innovative spiritual leader. Adventure, mystical journeys, practical wisdom, and breaking boundaries are the norm as reported by the 100+ students and colleagues interviewed by author Liz Lewinson.Meditation, the empowerment of women and career as practice are but three of the core teachings covered in this book. Dr. Lenz ran into opposition, of course, but he kept his priorities straight.When he visited Nepal at age 19, he encountered an aged monk who informed him that he was a lineage bearer. He was to revive an ancient school of enlightenment. He was to find his many past life students and help them achieve joyous enlightenment in this life or at least set them securely on the path. He was to do this in the West, using Western means. In the East, centuries-old traditions maintain meditative pathways to enlightenment. In the West, facing a blank canvas, Dr. Lenz found new ways to build mental/meditative prowess through careers such as computer science, visits to American "places of power," knowledge about real gender equilibrium, movies, music, and dance. He taught these skills to American students and observed their success. When you read this fast-paced biography, you enter the inner teaching circle of baseline American Buddhism. "This fascinating biography captures the wisdom of a genuine, compelling teacher who combined absolute miracles with humor, fun, and adventure. When you read this fast-paced book, you feel you are there, learning and transforming. This is an original and exciting read." -- Lynn Andrews, author of The Medicine Woman Series.

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