Airborne Exploration

Airborne Exploration

Fouad A. S. Soliman / Fouad ASSoliman

96,11 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Geología y la litosfera
96,11 €
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Geophysical survey is the systematic collection of geophysical data for spatial studies. Detection and analysis of the geophysical signals forms the core of Geophysical signal proce- ssing. The magnetic and gravitational fields emanating from the Earth’s interior hold essential information concerning seismic activities and the internal structure. As the Electromagnetic and gravi- tational waves are multi-dimensional signals, all the 1-D transformation techniques can be extended for the analysis of these signals as well. Hence this article also discusses multi- dimensional signal processing techniques. In this concern, geophysical survey may use a great variety of sensing instruments, and data may be collected from above or below the Earth’s surface or from aerial, orbital, or marine platforms. Geophysical surveys have many applications in geology, archaeology, mineral and energy exploration, oceanography, and engineering. Geophysical surveys are used in industry as well as for academic research. Finally, the sensing instruments such as gravimeter, gravitational wave sensor and magnetometers detect fluctuations in the gravitational and magnetic field.

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