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Agriculture and Sustainable Development in Africa

Agriculture and Sustainable Development in Africa

Cheikh Tidiane Cisse

54,90 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
54,90 €
IVA incluido
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In Agriculture et Développement Durable dans la zone des Niayes, Cheikh CISSE shows how the drought of the 1970s prompted most Sahelian countries, like Senegal, to turn to urban agriculture. Urban agriculture plays a key role, accounting for 30% of national production in Senegal in 2005. The author also shows the importance of market gardening, which responds to the problem of improving the food security of city dwellers in the production of Niayes (Mboro). It is this situation that has motivated national institutions such as ISRA (Institut Sénégalaise de Recherche Agricole) to support local populations in developing market gardening as a means of reducing poverty. In this book, Cheikh CISSE describes the problems faced by market gardening in the Niayes area, and proposes solutions to remedy the deterioration of these crops with a view to sustainable development in the Mboro area.

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