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Advanced Osteopathic Technique - Ppt Manipulation and Synergetic Bio-Mechanics

Advanced Osteopathic Technique - Ppt Manipulation and Synergetic Bio-Mechanics

Advanced Osteopathic Technique - Ppt Manipulation and Synergetic Bio-Mechanics

John Richard Bayliss

78,03 €
IVA incluido
John Bayliss
Año de edición:
Quiropraxia y osteopatía
78,03 €
IVA incluido
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Advanced Osteopathic Technique is the third and most complete revision of the PPT system of manipulation originated and developed by John Bayliss. His work and theories are recognized around the world by Doctors, Osteopaths, Chiropractors and Physiotherapists at all levels. At the core of Osteopathy is the Osteopathic Lesion. John Bayliss has been able to establish exactly what an osteopathic lesion is and the forces that create them. This information is explained and illustrated in detail in this book. With this knowledge this book also shows how PPT's unwind a lesion rather than wrenching it apart (gapping). PPT's are: • Painless and silent • Genuinely easy to apply manipulations • Leave little to no trauma behind • No awkward uncomfortable positions • Results are quick and long lasting • PPT's are entirely new John Bayliss is an Osteopath with over 25 years of experience. In 2004, frustrated by the short comings in osteopathic theory and manipulation at that time, with his background in engineering, he sought new solutions. To do this he started looking at all aspects of how the pelvic and spinal joints articulate individually and then synchronously. He looked beyond traditional thinking and focused research, with function and logic as his guide. Synergetic bio-mechanics and PPT manipulation are the result of his research. This book is a professionally colour illustrated proven technical manual for the forward thinking practitioner who is looking to update their knowledge and learn genuine cutting edge techniques.

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