Addiction and Its Effect on the Family Unit

Addiction and Its Effect on the Family Unit

Addiction and Its Effect on the Family Unit

Andre Gilchrist

13,30 €
IVA incluido
Año de edición:
Guiones cinematográficos
13,30 €
IVA incluido
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The play Addiction and its Effect on the Family Unit is written by the author who has had actual life experience in the world of addiction and has firsthand knowledge and experience on how it can turn a family inside out. The author has also experienced how when one gets to the end of one’s rope, how they can make that decision in their lives to change their lives around, and how it benefits not only the individual but their family as well, as well as anyone finding themselves coming into daily contact with the individual. Not only does the author lead his audience into the world of addiction but equally into the atmosphere of recovery. The author wants his audience to experience the devastation that addiction can bring into an individual and their family and how, through trials and tribulations of recovery, one is able to turn their lives around and change a negative lifestyle into a positive lifestyle. The author’s intent is to bring those unknowledgeable about addiction to some semblance of understanding, empathy, compassion, and forgiveness, ever reminding us that none of us are perfect and that, sometime in our lives, we will do things that we might feel are unforgiveable but yet have the hope that others will have the compassion to forgive us. The author finally wants his audience to understand and comprehend the philosophy that none of us are perfect, and like John Donne said, 'No man is an island entire of itself, every man is a piece of the continent a part of the man, so never wonder for whom the bell tolls it tolls for thee.' It doesn’t matter whether we come from an affluent or not-so-affluent society as we all are striving to survive day-by-day and that we need one another and no one makes it in this world by themselves. 3

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