A year drenched in blood

A year drenched in blood

Perry Pierik

21,77 €
IVA incluido
Año de edición:
Historia general y mundial
21,77 €
IVA incluido
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Hitler talked about his ’Fortress Europa’, but it was a rampart ’without a roof.’ Above all the western allied air eet relentless bombed Nazi-Germany. After the failed battle at Kurks in 1943, the allied landings in Normandy and the collapse of army group ’Mitte’ in 1944, it was clear that Hitler lost the war on military and production technical district. Nevertheless the German people fought on. This book describes the different aspects of ’1945, a year drowning in blood’. Hitler focused in this final phase on the eastern front, cause the battle against what he called Jewish-Bolshevism was his priority until the bitter end.

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