A New Utopia to transform this decadent society. Volume IV

A New Utopia to transform this decadent society. Volume IV

José Bonilla

79,00 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
79,00 €
IVA incluido
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We are here for the purpose of learning certain lessons, through the experience of Life. The more quickly we learn them, the less suffering we will have and the more quickly we will tread the paths that lead us to the Inner Kingdom, the Kingdom of Happiness. When our hearts are happy, exultant, fulfilled, we are transformed into a spotlight that radiates to others, shining rays of light and hope. In doing so, we are fulfilling our mission, which is - fittingly - to be the Creator’s assistants, helping Him to transform the very high frequency vibrations emanating from His Infinite Source for those who need it. No true Happiness, and at most a false and short-lived satisfaction, is found when our objectives are purely selfish. But when altruism takes flesh in the heart and we become channels of cosmic manifestation, everything shines around us, for we become true Human Beings, capable of transforming Cosmic Energy to make this planet a better world. That is the Great Utopia transforming into Reality.

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