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A natural pharmacy

A natural pharmacy


111,82 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
111,82 €
IVA incluido
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Flax is a herbaceous plant whose seeds are rich in polysaccharides, polyphenolics and essential fatty acids that are beneficial to health and could help prevent certain diseases.First, the effectiveness of this plant in healing experimental burns in rabbits was evaluated. Flaxseed oil significantly and rapidly reduced the surface area of the wounds compared to other treatments. The histological study showed that wounds treated with linseed oil showed thinning of the epidermis and more marked neo-vascularization of the granulation tissue, which is favorable for good tissue regeneration. Given these results, flaxseed oil could be suggested as a promising phyto-healing agent.The aim of the second experiment is to estimate the hair regrowth in adult rabbits. The trichogenic effect is quite marked. Indeed, the results show that the ingestion of flax seeds results in an increase in the length of the strands collected with a slight growth in the diameter of the hair. The use of this plant could thus be proposed as a promising treatment for alopecia.

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