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A Critical Discourse Analysis of George Washington’s Farewell Address

A Critical Discourse Analysis of George Washington’s Farewell Address

Abdelkader Marrah

124,40 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
124,40 €
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Critical Discourse analysis is a multi-dimenssional and multi-disciplinary field of research. It has as a mission to explain and reveal the unequal social relationships that govern and determine the linguistic interactions among the users of language in all domains of life. In this respect, notions such as hegemony, ideology, power, and manipulation together with others are given prominence in the analysis of all kinds of Discourses. The best example where these dimensions are best exploited is the political discourse. Hence, the focus of this book on one of the most memorable political speeches in the history of the United states which is taken as reference for all Americans. We hope this may invite more research in this field, concentrating on specific characteristics of American political speech in general, distinguishing it as a particular type of discourse.

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