Catálogo de libros:

2084694 Catálogo de libros:

  • Treasure Island
    Robert Louis Stevenson
    'If you keep on drinking rum, the world will soon be quit of a very dirty scoundrel!'-Robert Louis Stevenson, Treasure Island (1883) Treasure Island (1883) by Robert Louis Stevenson is considered by many the best book about pirates.  This classic adventure story has it all: pirates, a treasure hunt, the one-legged villain Long John Silver, the little boy and narrator Jim Hawk...

    31,15 €

  • Rhyme? And Reason?
    Lewis Carroll
    Rhyme and Reason’s humorous poetry containing a reprinting of Carroll’s longest poem ’Phantasmagoria’ and ’The Hunting of the Snark’. It includes the first printings of the poems, ’Echoes’, ’A Game of Fives’ and the last of the three of the ’Four Riddles’ and ’Fame’s Penny-Trumpet’.   ...

    27,12 €

  • The Republic of Uruguay, South America
    Uruguay Consulado London
    The Uruguayan Consulate in London published this guide to Uruguay in 1883 - today, it offers a unique and detailed history of the early years of the Republic as told by well-informed government officials.In an attempt to inform interested persons about its qualities, the Uruguayan Embassy produced this book. The United Kingdom was then the largest trading partner of the country...

    12,27 €

  • La Sorcière
    Jules Michelet / Lionel J. Trotter / Lionel JTrotter
    La Sorcière, Jules Michelet’s celebrated history of witches and witchcraft from the Middle Ages to the 18th century, is presented here in English.Originally published by Jules Michelet under the title ‘Satanism and Witchcraft’, this text seeks to explain the origins and practices of witchcraft, and how the intermittent crises regarding witches would emerge in Europe over the ce...

    12,31 €

  • The Silverado Squatters
    Robert Louis Stevenson
    'The scene of this little book is on a high mountain. . . . As I recall the place-the green dell below; the spires of pine; the sun-warm, scented air . . . I slowly awake to a sense of admiration, gratitude, and almost love.' -Robert Louis Stevenson, The Silverado SquattersThe Silverado Squatters (1888), by Robert Louis Stevenson, describes experiences the author shared with hi...

    14,96 €

  • Catriona
    Robert Louis Stevenson
    'A good conscience is eight parts of courage.' -Robert Louis Stevenson, CatrionaCatriona: A Sequel to 'Kidnapped-Being Memoirs of the Further Adventures of David Balfour at Home and Abroad' (1892) by Robert Louis Stevenson is a companion volume to the author’s classic Kidnapped. But it falls more into the category of 'historical romance' than its predecessor. Unlike the daring ...

    23,30 €

  • A Confession
    Leo Tolstoy
    A Confession or My Confession, is a short work on the subject of melancholia, philosophy and religion by the acclaimed Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy. It was written in 1879 to 1880, when Tolstoy was in his early fifties.The book is a brief autobiographical story of the author's struggle with a mid-life existential crisis. It describes his search for the answer to the ultimat...

    21,40 €

  • The Mountains of California
    John Muir
    The Mountains of California is a classic nature essay by John Muir that vividly describes those California mountains and the wildlife found within them and is among the finest examples of John Muir nature writings.Go where you may within the bounds of California, mountains are ever in sight, charming and glorifying every landscape.John Muir (April 21, 1838 – December 24, 1914) ...

    25,28 €

  • Bible Myths and Their Parallels in Other Religions
    Thomas William Doane
    Thomas Doane’s thorough examination of Old and New Testament Biblical myths and legends, drawing parallels to stories belonging to older traditions, such as those of ancient Egypt.The central purpose of the text is to unite, in a single compendium, analysis of all the Bible myths which bear resemblance to earlier tales. Doane’s system is practical; the myths are recounted, exam...

    24,03 €

  • The Ministry of Healing
    A. J. Gordon / AJGordon
    “Have any healing miracles taken place since the Biblical era?” is the central question of this thesis by theologian and preacher A. J. Gordon.The author expresses curiosity about whether the miracles of the Middle Ages and later can be relied and verified as a continuation of Christ’s spirit in the Christian church. Through deep study and inquiry of the established history, he...

    8,67 €

  • Hunting and Trapping on the Upper Magalloway River and Parmachenee Lake
    Capt. Fred C. Barker / CaptFred CBarker / J. S. Danforth / JSDanforth
    This plain-spoken account of two hunters who spent a winter roaming the wilds of Maine in 1877 is a deeply insightful account of the hunting and trapping life.Quality furs were constantly in demand throughout the 19th century, with pelts from larger animals such as bears highly sought after. Groups of men experienced in the outdoors would venture on expeditions lasting months, ...

    11,13 €

  • The Tragedy of Pudd’nhead Wilson and the Comedy Those Extraordinary Twins
    Mark Twain
    'There is no character, howsoever good and fine, but it can be destroyed by ridicule, howsoever poor and witless.'-Mark Twain, The Tragedy of Pudd’nhead Wilson (1894)The Tragedy of Pudd’nhead Wilson: And the Comedy Those Extraordinary Twins (1894), one of Mark Twain’s most entertaining, funny, but also bitter works, takes place during the antebellum in the fictional town of Daw...

    30,97 €

  • The Guyot Geographical Reader and Primer
    Arnold Guyot / Mary Howe Smith Pratt
    Arnold Guyot was a renowned geologist and geographer, whose educational writings revolutionized the teaching of geography to young people during the 19th century.Today, this geographical textbook by Professor Guyot act as prime examples both of where geography as a discipline stood in the mid-19th century, and of how educational material at the time was arranged and presented t...

    18,89 €

  • Bible Myths and Their Parallels in Other Religions
    Thomas William Doane
    Thomas Doane’s thorough examination of Old and New Testament Biblical myths and legends, drawing parallels to stories belonging to older traditions, such as those of ancient Egypt.The central purpose of the text is to unite, in a single compendium, analysis of all the Bible myths which bear resemblance to earlier tales. Doane’s system is practical; the myths are recounted, exam...

    40,98 €

  • Observations on Cup-Shaped and Other Lapidarian Sculptures in the Old World and in America-On Prehistoric Trephining and Cranial Amulets-A Study of the Manuscript Troano
    Charles Rau / Cyrus Thomas / Robert Fletcher
    'Their (cupstones) occurrence in different countries make distribution a basis for drawing inferences bearing on the important question of the migration of man in long-past ages.'-Charles Rau, Preface, Observations on Cup-shaped Lapidarian Sculptures in the Old World and in America (1881)Observations on Cup-Shaped and Other Lapidarian Sculptures in the Old World and in America:...

    30,52 €

  • Houses and House-Life of the American Aborigines
    George Gibbs / Lewis H. Morgan
    'Studied as one system, springing from a common experience, and similar wants, and under institutions of the same general character, [forms of aboriginal architecture] are seen to indicate a plan of life at once novel, original, and distinctive.'-Lewis H. Morgan, Houses and House-life of the American Aborigines (1881)Houses and House-life of the American Aborigines (1881) by Le...

    20,79 €

  • Uncle Remus
    Joel Chandler Harris
    Uncle Remus is a collection of animal stories, songs, and oral folklore, collected from southern African Americans. Many of the stories are didactic, much like those of Aesop's Fables and Jean de La Fontaine's stories. Uncle Remus is a kindly old freedman who serves as a storytelling device, passing on the folktales to children gathered around him.Uncle Remus is the fic...

    6,02 €

  • Early Spring in Massachusetts
    'We perceive and are affected by changes too subtle to be described.'- Henry David Thoreau, Early Spring in Massachusetts (1881) Early Spring in Massachusetts: From the Journal of Henry D. Thoreau (1881) is the compilation of the insightful observations of nature Thoreau made during the months of February through April from 1841-1859. Rather than following a yearly chronologic...

    27,28 €

  • Notes of a Pianist
    Louis Moreau Gottschalk / R. E. Peterson
    The recollections of the great American composer and pianist Louis Gottschalk shine with majesty and insight into the life of a touring virtuoso in the nineteenth century.Well-travelled and appreciated by audiences across Europe and the Americas, Gottschalk was a pianist of supreme talent, imbuing his performances with emotional and sensual depth seldom heard in the concert hal...

    19,58 €

  • Battle Studies
    Ardant du Picq
     Napoleon has said that in war the moral element is to all others as three is to one. Moreover, as du Picq impressively demonstrates, while all other circumstances change with time, the human element remains the same, capable of just so much endurance, sacrifice, effort, and no more. Thus, from Caesar to Foch, the essential factor in war endures unmodified. And it is not the va...

    27,44 €

  • 1601
    Mark Twain
    [Date: 1601.] Conversation, as it was by the Social Fireside, in the Time of the Tudors. or simply 1601 is the title of a short risqué squib by Mark Twain, first published anonymously in 1880, and finally acknowledged by the author in 1906.Written as an extract from the diary of one of Queen Elizabeth I's ladies-in-waiting, the pamphlet purports to record a conversation bet...

    9,97 €

  • The Art of Money Getting
    P.T. Barnum / P.TBarnum
    In the United States, where we have more land than people, it is not at all difficult for persons in good health to make money. In this comparatively new field there are so many avenues of success open, so many vocations which are not crowded, that any person of either sex who is willing, at least for the time being, to engage in any respectable occupation that offers, may find...

    10,62 €

  • Socialism
    Friedrich Engels / TBD
    Socialism: Utopian and Scientific is a short book first published in 1880 by German-born socialist Friedrich Engels. The work was primarily extracted from a longer polemic work published in 1876, Anti-Dühring. It first appeared in the French language.The title Socialism: Utopian and Scientific was adopted for the first English edition — the tenth language in which the book appe...

    20,44 €

  • Socialism
    Friedrich Engels
    Socialism: Utopian and Scientific is a short book first published in 1880 by German-born socialist Friedrich Engels. The work was primarily extracted from a longer polemic work published in 1876, Anti-Dühring. It first appeared in the French language.The title Socialism: Utopian and Scientific was adopted for the first English edition — the tenth language in which the book appe...

    13,01 €

  • A Tramp Abroad
    Mark Twain
    'That’s the difference between governments and individuals. Governments don’t care, individuals do.'-Mark Twain, A Tramp Abroad (1880)A Tramp Abroad (1880), by Mark Twain, is about his travels with his friend Joseph Twichell through the German Black Forest, the Swiss Alps, and Italy. The storyteller, Twain, acts as a typical American tourist of the time touring Europe, believin...

    26,14 €

  • The Power of Movement in Plants
    Charles Darwin / Francis Darwin
    '...I think that I have succeeded in showing. . . kind of movement common to all parts of all plants from their earliest youth.' - Charles Darwin, The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, Volume II (1880) The Power of Movement in Plants (1880) includes illustrations and documents the extensive research and study of phototropism among other plant movements by Charles Darwin and h...

    30,23 €

  • The Power of Movement in Plants
    Charles Darwin / Francis Darwin
    '...I think that I have succeeded in showing. . . kind of movement common to all parts of all plants from their earliest youth.' - Charles Darwin, The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, Volume II (1880) The Power of Movement in Plants (1880) includes illustrations and documents the extensive research and study of phototropism among other plant movements by Charles Darwin and h...

    37,71 €

  • Model Yachts and Model Yacht Sailing
    James E. Walton
    This illustrated guidebook shows in superb detail how to construct a model toy yacht, and successfully sail it in shallow waters.With ample detail inclusive of materials guidance, measurements, and planning from conception to sailing, this guide excels as an introduction to building model boats. The yacht depicted is a small sailboat, with a classic elegance and simplicity that...

    10,45 €

  • Voices from Babylon
    Joseph Augustus Seiss
    Using the Book of Daniel, Bible scholar Joseph Seiss reveals the culture of ancient Babylon, shedding light on the language, symbols and royalty of this civilization.The tribulations of the prophet Daniel provide some of the most vivid images in the Old Testament. As a youth, Daniel was taken into servitude under the custody of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, who appreciated th...

    14,93 €

  • The Art of Questioning
    Joshua G. Fitch / Joshua GFitch
    How can teachers effectively give religious lessons? This is the question pondered, and answered, in this Sunday School classic.A great primer on how to teach lessons on Christianity, the author seeks to show how religious virtues and principles can be taught with the use of the Socratic method. Socrates, an ancient Greek philosopher, would use long series of questions to learn...

    8,79 €