Catálogo de libros:

2087661 Catálogo de libros:

  • The Crazy Ape
    Albert Szent-Gyorgyi
    A Nobel Prize winner, Dr. Szent-Györgyi concerns himself with the underlying forces and conditions that have prevented the realization of the higher possibilities of the American Dream, and, by extension, of all mankind. He addresses himself especially to the youth of the world in his attempt to show how man, the more he progresses technologically, seems the more to regress psy...

    18,46 €

  • The Crazy Ape
    Albert Szent-Gyorgyi
    A Nobel Prize winner, Dr. Szent-Györgyi concerns himself with the underlying forces and conditions that have prevented the realization of the higher possibilities of the American Dream, and, by extension, of all mankind. He addresses himself especially to the youth of the world in his attempt to show how man, the more he progresses technologically, seems the more to regress psy...

    9,94 €

  • Politics of the Chaco Peace Conference, 1935-1939
    Leslie B. Rout / Leslie BRout
    After three years of indecisive but bloody war, guns lay silent in the Chaco Boreal in June 1935. Fifty years of bickering between Bolivia, a landlocked country seeking a river exit to the sea, and Paraguay, a land-hungry country seeking territorial aggrandizement and supposed mineral wealth, had culminated in open warfare in June 1932. By 1935 the antagonists, near exhaustion,...

    38,90 €

  • The Structure of Leaves of Grass
    Thomas Edward Crawley
    Modern critics and contemporary readers familiar with the field of Whitman criticism may find surprising an analysis of the structure of Leaves of Grass that concerns itself with Whitman as the poet-prophet and the identification of Whitman (or of his persona in the poem) with Christ. Early twentieth-century criticism has tended to exalt the early Whitman at the expense of the ...

    33,53 €

  • The Politics of Puerto Rican University Students
    Arthur Liebman
    In the 1960s, when students everywhere were coming alive politically, and when the Latin American student activist in particular became as archetypal of radicalism as the Latin American dictator was of repression, Puerto Rican students remained strangely silent. With the exception of FUPI, a radical student group with only a small following, student political behavior conformed...

    33,74 €

  • The Golden Thread and other Plays
    Emilio Carballido
    Emilio Carballido was one of the most innovative and accomplished of Mexico’s playwrights and one of the outstanding creators in the new Latin American theater. By his mid-forties he had already produced an impressive body of works in two very different veins. On the one hand, he mastered the techniques of the 'well-made play.' On the other, he developed a richly rewarding vein...

    33,58 €

  • A Manual for Neanderthals
    H. Mewhinney / HMewhinney
    The story of humanity’s earliest days on earth has come down to us chiefly in the tools and weapons early hominids shaped from flint. With these tools, they gained ascendancy over less dexterous beasts and began the slow conquest of their environment. Other records, including their very bones, have largely rotted away, but their tools of flint endure.H. Mewhinney presents A Man...

    20,17 €

  • Western Window in the Arab World
    Leon Borden Blair
    Since November 8, 1942, when American troops in Operation Torch first landed on the beaches of North Africa, almost a million Americans-military personnel and their dependents-have lived in Morocco. Their impact on the political and social evolution of Morocco has been significant, but historians and political scientists before this book had made little effort to chart its cour...

    44,19 €

  • The Texas Land and Development Company
    B.R. Brunson / B.RBrunson
    Agricultural and urban development came late to the Texas South Plains, and frontier life lingered well into the twentieth century. In the decade preceding World War I numerous land companies flourished in the area and acted as catalysts for settlement and economic expansion. Prominent among these companies was the Plainview-based Texas Land and Development Company, founded in ...

    33,52 €

  • Showboats
    Philip Graham
    This book is a delightful and authoritative record of America’s showboats from the first one, launched in 1831, to the last, ultimately tied up at a St. Louis dock.It is also a record of the men and women who built and loved these floating theaters, of those who performed on their stages, and of the thousands who sat in their auditoriums.And, lastly, it is a record of a genuine...

    33,55 €

  • William Hickling Prescott
    C. Harvey Gardiner / CHarvey Gardiner
    This biography of a distinguished historian and man of letters is the first study of William Hickling Prescott (1796-1859) to be written by a historian who has worked with the very themes explored by Prescott. And it is the first to treat him not only as creative historian but also as family man, as traveler and clubman, as investor and humanitarian, and as private citizen with...

    46,87 €

  • The Author of the Prometheus Bound
    C. J. Herington / CJHerington
    The Prometheus Bound has proved to be both the most problematic and the most influential of extant Greek tragedies. Especially during the past two hundred years the character here created has transcended the boundaries of nationality, ideology, and race: Goethe, Shelley, Marx, and-to judge by other published translations-modern Russia and China have in turn been fascinated by t...

    27,10 €

  • Political Groups in Chile
    Ben G. Burnett / Ben GBurnett
    Before the Pinochet coup in 1973, Chile had a lengthy history of constitutionalism. Early in the republican era the aristocracy established order in the political system; a century later the emergent middle sectors infused politics with wider democratic practices and, relative to most of Latin America, a level of pluralism came to characterize group politics.Despite the distinc...

    44,27 €

  • Handbook of Middle American Indians, Volume 9
    Robert Wauchope
    Physical Anthropology is the ninth volume in the Handbook of Middle American Indians, published in cooperation with the Middle American Research Institute of Tulane University under the general editorship of Robert Wauchope (1909-1979). The volume editor is T. Dale Stewart (1901-1997), senior physical anthropologist of the United States National Museum, Smithsonian Institution,...

    62,85 €

  • Unrest in Brazil
    John W. F. Dulles / John WFDulles
    ... I offer my life in a holocaust ... This people whose slave I was will no longer be slave to anyone. My sacrifice will remain forever in their souls and my blood will be the price of their ransom.President Getulio Vargas’ testament-written shortly before his suicide on August 24, 1954-was prophetic, for the Vargas legacy was to cast a shadow on political-military events of t...

    60,22 €

  • Bolívar and the War of Independence
    Daniel Florencio O’Leary
    The overthrow of Spanish rule and the birth of new republican governments in northern South America at the beginning of the nineteenth century were in large part the work of one man-Simón Bolívar. Bolívar was not only the soldier who built a patriot army from a small band of exiles and led them victoriously across Venezuela and down the spine of the Andes as far as Potosí; he w...

    53,62 €

  • Ruben Dario Centennial Studies
    Miguel Gonzalez-Gerth
    Rubén Darío (1867-1916), the undisputed standard-bearer of the Modernist movement in Hispanic letters, was born in Nicaragua. In 1886 he went to Chile, where he published Azul (1888), his first important book of poems and stories. Later he lived for extended periods in Argentina, Spain, and France, and in these countries produced his best work: compelling poems of beauty, style...

    27,15 €

  • The People’s Party in Texas
    Roscoe Martin
    Roscoe Martin’s study of the People’s Party in Texas was a pioneering analysis of the state populist movements and long considered one of the best. The People’s Party was an influential force in United States politics in the last decade of the nineteenth century, especially in the western and southern states. Martin’s study of third-party politics in Texas, as well as being an ...

    37,55 €

  • The Political Economy of Prosperity
    Arthur M. Okun / Arthur MOkun

    17,78 €

  • Hey, White Girl!
    Susan Gregory

    16,62 €

  • Search for Security
    M. J. Field / MJField

    23,87 €

  • Cuba
    Ramon Eduardo Ruiz

    16,68 €

  • The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner
    James Hogg

    17,39 €

  • Commissioner Lin and the Opium War
    Hsin-Pao Chang

    19,82 €

  • Ezekiel
    Walther Eichrodt

    67,63 €

  • Strategic Interaction
    Erving Goffman
    'The broad topic is communication directed specifically to situations like espionage and to situations like international politics. . . . Goffman deals with the topic descriptively, draws on a wide variety of sources, and uses analogy to demonstrate, clarify, and explain.'--ChoiceThis book deals with the calculative, gamelike aspects of human interaction. Erving Goffman examine...

    18,95 €

  • Commentary on 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon
    H Armin Moellering / Victor A Bartling
    A commentary on 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon by Victor A. Bartling. ...

    45,69 €

  • The Arapahoes, Our People
    Virginia Cole Trenholm
    The Arapahoes are an important Plains Indian tribe. Previously neglected in favor of their more hostile allies, the Sioux and the Cheyennes, they have benefited from increasing attention in recent years. In this tribal history Virginia Cole Trenholm traces Arapaho life-ways from prehistoric times in Minnesota and Canada to twentieth-century Wyoming, Montana, and Oklahoma. In a ...

    41,78 €

  • Constitution of Athens and Related Texts
    ARISTOTLE / Ernst Kapp / Kurt von Fritz

    18,58 €

  • Essays in Pragmatism
    William James

    18,78 €