Catálogo de libros:

2092904 Catálogo de libros:

  • Russian Chess
    Bruce Pandolfini

    14,76 €

  • Health Care and Its Costs
    Carl J Schramm
    It seems clear though that this massive spending has not improved the health of Americans. It is clear too that as the population ages, there must be major changes in America's health care delivery system. Is it feasible for the American government to guarantee health care delivery for the nation's poor and elderly? What financial measures will be needed to realize an e...

    23,42 €

  • Gardening Southern Style
    Felder Rushing
    In Gardening Southern Style, Rushing’s down-home manner and his practical philosophy that urges a harmony with nature and the value of local resources for solutions have made him a household name in his region. Whether it’s trouble with “southern blight,” noxious weeds, nematodes, or aphids, or sage advice about what, how, and when to plant—when question arise about problems or...

    54,03 €

  • Annotated Key to Lambdin’s Introduction to Biblical Hebrew
    H. G. M. Williamson

    68,04 €

  • Ezra and Nehemiah
    H. G. M. Williamson
    As the only historical source available for the period of the Jewish return from the Babylonian exile and its aftermath, the books of Ezra and Nehemiah are crucial for those who would study not only the political, but also the religious and social history of the Old Testament. In this valuable addition to the Guides series, Williamson seeks to steer a clear path for the student...

    53,02 €

  • Small Stage Sets on Tour
    James Hull Miller
    Written by the leading authority on portable stage sets, James Hull Miller. This book contains Miller’s fifty years of experience in design, construction, and application of portable stage sets. Dozens of actual sets and instructions for how to build them are included. This stagecraft text also examines various types of theatres and other playing spaces encountered in traveling...

    19,48 €

  • Making of the Pentateuch
    Norman R. Whybray / R. N. Whybray
    ’Whybray’s recent book is a masterful review of all the options set out by critical scholarship since Wellhausen, i.e., over the last century. It is an exhaustive and up to date treatment, concise and highly readable.’ E. Dyck, Crux ’Sensitive to standards of ancient historiography and parallels from the Greek sphere, Whybray proposes that the Pentateuch is the work of an ancie...

    142,48 €

  • The Land Question in Palestine, 1917-1939
    Kenneth W. Stein / Kenneth WStein
    The control of land remains the crucial issue in the Arab-Israel conflict. Kenneth Stein investigates in detail and without polemics how and why Jews acquired land from Arabs in Palestine during the British Mandate, and he reaches conclusions that are challenging and suprising.Stein contends that Zionists were able to purchase the core of a national territory in Palestine duri...

    70,53 €

  • Paradigms and Principal Parts for the Greek New Testament
    Dale Russell Bowne
    This book serves a basic need for students of the Greek New Testament as it provides ready reference to the forms most needed for translation and exegesis. ... no other similar text can compare. ...

    69,42 €

  • Samuel Richardson
    Jocelyn Harris

    43,51 €

  • Space, Time, and Gravitation
    Arthur Stanley Eddington
    This classic book is essential reading for all those interested in the development of modern physics.Sir Arthur Eddington’s account of the general theory of relativity, ’without, ’ as he says in his preface, ’introducing anything very technical in the way of mathematics, physics or philosophy’, was first published in the exciting days of 1920 soon after the first objective test...

    70,40 €

  • Relativism and the Social Sciences
    Ernest Gellner
    This volume of essays deals with the problem of relativism, in particular cultural relativism. These essays reach towards a new style and mode of enquiry--a mixture of philosophy, history and anthropology--that promises to prove more revealing and fruitful. ...

    56,96 €

  • Biological Surveys of Estuaries and Coasts
    J. M. Baker / JMBaker / W. J. Wolff / WJWolff

    106,32 €

  • The Judiciary--Selection, Compensation, Ethics, and Discipline.
    Marvin Comisky / Philip C. Patterson / Philip CPatterson / UNKNOWN

    121,52 €

  • Hitler and the Collapse of Weimar Germany
    Joan Bestard-Camps / Martin Broszat / Volker R. Berghahn
    The only comprehensive and up-to-date analysis of the most fateful period in modern German history between 1929-1933. ...

    207,05 €

  • The Power of Prayer
    R. A. Torrey / RATorrey

    16,54 €

  • Before Recollection
    Ann Lauterbach
    From Before Recollection:TRANSCENDENTAL POSTCARD Ann Lauterbach ? The outlook such that time is told on waking,Without aid of cock or clock’s crow.In fact all the birds are elsewhere,Poised on glossy page or in some fallMigration. Sun up over mountain is precision,Then mist travels, exhaling day.All else, all change, is air,Dew relenting on the bladesAnd mirror rhymesWhere wate...

    37,98 €

  • C.G. Jung Speaking
    C. G. Jung / CGJung
    A collection of journalistic interviews which span Jung’s lifetime. This book captures his personality and spirit in more than 50 accounts of talks and meetings with him. They range from transcripts of interviews for radio, television, and film to memoirs written by notable personalities. ...

    64,33 €

  • Earth Shelter Technology
    Lester L. Boyer / Walter T. Grondzik

    27,01 €

  • A New Hearing
    Richard L. Eslinger / Richard LEslinger

    19,40 €

  • Leaf Protein
    N. W. Pirie / NWPirie

    174,71 €

  • Storytelling Rights
    Amy Shuman / Shuman Amy

    182,16 €

  • Astronomical Observations
    Gordon Walker

    142,99 €

  • Growth, Accumulation, and Unproductive Activity
    Edward N. Wolff / Edward NWolff / Wolff Edward N.

    86,34 €

  • Lectures on Stochastic Analysis
    Daniel W. Stroock / Daniel WStroock

    49,88 €

  • English Elegy
    Peter M. Sacks
    In an award winning book of literary scholarship, Sacks explores the functions as well as forms of convention and provides an interpretive study of the elegy as a genre. 'The English Elegy' is an ambitious and humane book, an eloquent work on the poetry of mourning. (Poetry) ...

    46,77 €

  • The Business Systems Development Process
    Roger E. Walters / Roger EWalters / UNKNOWN

    95,84 €

  • Federal Lands Policy
    Policy Studies Organization / UNKNOWN

    121,72 €

  • The Business of Public Relations
    E Brody

    57,20 €

  • Mothers of Sons
    Linda Rennie Forcey

    44,94 €