Catálogo de libros:

2084694 Catálogo de libros:

  • Growth and Income Distribution
    Luigi L. Pasinetti / Luigi LPasinetti

    39,95 €

  • Khalid Bin Al-Waleed
    Akram / Ishaq / Kathir
    This book was published in tribute to Khalid Bin Al-Waleed, whom is believed to be "the greatest military general in history", and who campaigned in the Middle East about 630-650 C.E. The biography of Khalid came from Hafiz Ibn Kathir and Mohammad bin Ishaq. It was later revised by A.I. Akram. Lt. General A. I. Akram was a Pakistani army officer who taught at the Pakistani Staf...

    60,14 €

  • Khalid Bin Al-Waleed
    Akram / Ishaq / Kathir
    This book was published in tribute to Khalid Bin Al-Waleed, whom is believed to be "the greatest military general in history", and who campaigned in the Middle East about 630-650 C.E. The biography of Khalid came from Hafiz Ibn Kathir and Mohammad bin Ishaq. It was later revised by A.I. Akram. Lt. General A. I. Akram was a Pakistani army officer who taught at the Pakistani Staf...

    62,89 €

  • Khalid Bin Al-Waleed
    Khalid ibn Walid was also known as Sayf Allah al-Maslūl (Drawn Sword of God), a companion of the Prophet and noted for his military tactics and prowess. It was under his military leadership that Arabia, for the first time in history, was united under a single political entity, the Caliphate. His strategic achievements include the conquest of Arabia, Persian Mesopotamia and Roma...

    36,55 €

  • Surviving a Virus Plague
    The World War Museum
    Would you know how to prepare for an unforeseen emergency, or handle an unexpected disaster? What constitutes a disaster is relative to the event and the effect it has on the people.  Major disasters are recurring fact of life for every generation, and the fact that we have not been visited by major disasters for two centuries only means that we are long overdue. The fact is th...

    47,64 €

  • Maritime Archaeology
    K. Muckelroy / Keith Muckelroy / KMuckelroy

    74,51 €

  • Mathematical Models for the Growth of Human Populations
    Carys Mary Pollard / J. H. Pollard / JHPollard

    57,01 €

  • The Cambridge History of Africa

    80,56 €

  • The Southern Experience in the American Revolution
    Jeffrey J. Crow / Jeffrey JCrow / Larry E. Tise / Larry ETise
    These essays pose new questions concerning the social and political origins of the Revolution in the South, the social disorder indiced by the war, and the impact of the conflict and its ideologies on blacks and women. Contributors are: Pauline Maier, Robert M. Weir, Jack P. Greene, Marvin L. Michale Kay, Lorin Lee Cary, John Shy, Clyde R. Ferguson, Mary Beth Norton, Michael Mu...

    64,02 €

  • The German Influence in France after 1870
    Allan Mitchell
    Mitchell believes that the history of the French Third Republic remains incomplete until one understands the German impact on France after the Franco-Prossian War. As the French groped unsteadily toward a redefinition of their national identity, they were constantly under the influence of the victorious German reich, indicating that the creation of a republican mentality cannot...

    64,14 €

  • Six Essays on Erasmus
    John C Olin
    This volume comprises four previously published Erasmian studies and two new works. All are attempts at understanding Erasmus’ aims, his influence, and his historical image. Professor Olin’s earlier essays have generated enthusiastic responses form the community of Erasmian scholars, and this convenient gathering is bound to be a welcome collection. It also provides the first t...

    35,97 €

  • Modern Hausa-English Dictionary
    Originally published to meet the need for a practical dictionary both for native Hausa speakers and for those wishing to learn or improve their knowledge of the language, the dictionary has remained in demand since publication. Compiled by the Centre for the Study of Nigerian Languages in Kano as a concise, compact and readily usable tool, the selection of words has been limite...

    43,76 €

  • Selected Speeches of Kwame Nkrumah. Volume 1
    Kwame Nkrumah / Samuel Obeng
    The death of Kwame Nkrumah, first President of Ghana, demonstrated a great irony: a man so much maligned and rejected in life, should be so praised and loved in death. The force of his personality, his convictions in the face of powerful opposition, and his vision for Ghana and a pan-Africa, are evident in his speeches. The forty-seven speeches in this first of five volumes are...

    54,71 €

  • Le vain siecle Guerpir
    Brigitte Cazelles / Phyllis Johnson
    Through an analysis of French hagiography and the vernacular translations of nineteen saints’ lives, Johnson and Cazelles explore the impact of saints on ordinary men and the relationship between holiness and heroism in the twelfth century. Divided into two parts, the first is devoted to aspects of the hero-saint and savior-saint, and the second, organized alphabetically by sai...

    44,45 €

  • The Poetry of Change
    Julia Field Costich
    Volume 206 in the North Carolina Studies in the Romance Languages and Literatures series. ...

    44,88 €

  • Narrative Perspective in the Post-Civil War Novels of Francisco Ayala
    Maryellen Bieder
    This volume takes as its point of departure the communicative process between author and reader in Muertes de perro and its sequel, El fondo del vaso, by Francisco Ayala, thereby allowing for a deeper understanding of the rhetorical processes involved in the author’s well-studied use of multiple perspective and irony. Maryellen Bieder’s study, beautifully crafted and concise in...

    38,70 €

  • Rabelais
    Alice Fiola Berry
    Alice Fiola Berry’s study on the fundamental importance of language itself in the four books of Rabelais leads the reader down the path trod by Panurge and Pantagruel. Berry demonstrates how language and logos are the source of comedy, the focus of attention, and indeed the closest elements to the main character of the texts. Nowhere is this import more clear than in the domina...

    38,71 €

  • 'Dueñas' and 'Doncellas'
    Conchita Hardman Marianella
    Conchita Herdman Marianella’s book develops the words 'Duena' and' Doncella' in their Cervantine context. The book offers the two sides of this character type in pre-Cervantine usage, from the tendency of the duena or doncella to appear as a lady-in-waiting, damsel in distress, or other high-level intermediary and to behave in patterns commensurate with that socio-cultural stat...

    38,66 €

  • Pierre Boaistuau’s Histoires tragiques
    Richard A. Carr / Richard ACarr
    In this book, Richard A. Carr elucidates Boaistuau’s quest for a ’nouvelle form’ in his loose adaptation of Bandello’s Novelle. Emphasizing psychological details absent in the Italian original, Carr repeatedly questions the human motives for the gruesome acts that Boaistuau selected as exempla for his readers. This book demonstrates the Boaistuau’s use of two elements generally...

    44,71 €

  • Reality and Expression in the Poetry of Carlos Pellicer
    George Melnykovich
    This study explores the aesthetics of Pellicer’s poetic vision of reality by treating the relationship between form and content in his poetry. The author creates a five-chapter volume that covers topics including Pellicer’s poetic influencers, his understanding and expression of reality, and the way he portrays said reality. ...

    38,63 €

  • Malesherbes
    Graham ERodmell
    This work is a valuable addition to understanding issues of the press and censorship in France. Rodmell’s introduction emphasizes publication problems faced by writers in eighteenth- century France. This edition includes Malesherbes’s first and second Memoire, to which Rodmell adds seventeen pages of notes. In his Memoire, Malesherbes suggests changes to the book trade and cond...

    44,17 €

  • The Fictions of the Self
    Gordon Shenton
    Through a critical study of the early works of Maurice Barres, Gordon Shenton examines the author’s public appeal and the complex linkage between Self –as unique reality– and World in Barres’s work. Taking a traditional approach, Shenton proceeds in his analysis via an exposition of the themes and literary forms employed by Barres. ...

    38,58 €

  • Cecco Angiolieri
    Gifford P. Orwen / Gifford POrwen
    Volume 215 in the North Carolina Studies in the Romance Languages and Literatures series. ...

    38,79 €

  • The Instructions of Saint Louis
    David O'Connell / David O’Connell
    The Instructions are Saint Louis’s second set of recommendations, which he addressed to his daughter Isabelle, who later became Queen of Navarre. O’Connell’s critical text is, for the most part, based on the non-Latinized manuscript ms. G (ca. 1300) and incorporates variants from E (the printed version of the Latinized manuscripts) and KMN (non-Latinized manuscripts). ...

    38,79 €

  • The Textual History of the Letter to the Romans
    Harry Gamble
    'This volume is a thorough and detailed study of the transmission of this letter in the early church, with a consideration of the shorter forms that circulated at various times and areas during the first centuries of the Church.'- Bruce Metzger'Gamble examines the structure and composition of the New Testament letter in a way that not only contributes to the understanding of Ro...

    20,81 €

  • Children of Promise
    Geoffrey W. Bromiley
    Infant baptism is an issue that divides the largest Protestant denomination from its sister denominations; and it remains, in many churches, the subject of frequent and sometimes heated debate. This is particularly the case in Reformation churches where the influence of Baptist doctrine has caused members to question their practice of baptizing infants.Children of Promise is Ge...

    16,99 €

  • Common Texas Grasses
    Frank W. Gould / Stephan L. Hatch
    This new printing of Gould's classic includes a key to updated names of grasses, prepared by Stephan L. Hatch. This convenient reference guide to the 150 most familiar and important grass species in Texas includes a line drawing and botanical description for each. 'A careful morphological description is provided for each species, together with a brief account of its distributi...

    19,87 €

  • Liberty and the Rule of Law

    34,93 €

  • Candid Questions Concerning Gospel Form Criticism
    Erhardt Güttgemanns / William G. Doty / William GDoty

    45,26 €

  • The Legacy of Aging
    Jeffrey P. Rosenfeld / Jeffrey PRosenfeld / UNKNOWN

    122,02 €