Catálogo de libros: Cuestiones personales y sociales

2176 Catálogo de libros: Cuestiones personales y sociales

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  • Dinner Plate Lane
    Lisa Huntley
    This book is a delightfully educational tool to help teach children how to set a table.The journey down Dinner Plate Lane will spark the imagination of a child and bring interest and entertainment to the learning experience. ...

    21,39 €

  • Just Beyond the Moon
    Jody R. Robinson / Jody RRobinson
    Death is such a difficult time to go through especially for a child. It is hard for them to express how they feel. After the sudden loss of her brother and losing her father within such a short time author Jody Robinson decided to write a story showing that sad tears of sorrow can turn into happy ones. A little boy named Ryan has to deal with death and the emotions that come wi...

    22,84 €

  • My Sister Katie
    Mary Cassette
    How do you explain autism to a child? What do you say to a little girl or little boy when they don’t understand why their sister acts different, or why their cousin doesn’t talk? With so many children being diagnosed with autism, soon every child will know someone who is affected by this condition. This book speaks to children on their level, with friendly words to explain h...

    22,84 €

  • Walk the Rainforest with Niwupah
    Aparajita Datta / Nima Manjrekar
    Join Niwupah, the Hornbill, on a tour of his rainforest home, where the sights we see and the sounds we hear, the scents we smell and the creatures we meet, are like nothing we’ve ever imagined! A tour guide, introducing children to the sights and sounds of the rainforests. ...

    17,86 €

  • 100 Ways to Become a Successful Teenager
    Yvonne Brooks
    With an easy-to-understand format and quick, highly practical tips, 100 Ways to Become a Successful Teenager is the perfect guide for today’s teens.As an educator and leadership mentor, Yvonne Brooks offers powerful and inspirational guidelines to help teens achieve success in every aspect of their lives. 100 Ways to Become a Successful Teenager includes tips such as: Becoming ...

    16,43 €

  • Wendell Meets His Foster Sister
    Christine Cummings-Randall
    Wendell helps his parents prepare for the arrival of his new foster sister. Join Wendell and his parents as they welcome Gabby to the family. ...

    21,39 €

  • Adolescent Depression
    Kathleen Keena
    Adolescent Depression: Outside/In is an innovative book foradolescents, parents, and clinical professionals. Keena, a licensedaddictions and mental health counselor, takes her readers insidethe depressed adolescent’s imagination, and insecurities.Using a combination of narrative, poetry, and prose, Ms. Keenahas taken her personal experiences with depression and haswoven a maste...

    16,43 €

  • If I Were...
    Bonnie Vest
    In her 2nd book, If I Were.. Bonnie Joanne Vest writes on the many facets of life that she wants to share with her readers. Her imagination brings intrigue and amusement to colors, clothing and holidays. If I were. a Color. what would I be on.if I were red, blue or green; would it be a couch, a rug a rainbow, a hat?What would it be like to be clothing? A blouse, a glove, a pai...

    10,81 €

  • From Piglets To Prep School
    Wendell A Duffield
    On the universal quest for personal independence and for fulfillment of growing-up dreams, a small-town Minnesota boy turns to raising runt piglets as a way to earn spending money of his own. Then a series of mysterious and unexpected postcards from a school called Phillips Exeter Academy begins to arrive, flooding his plans with uncertainty and confusing his inexperienced pare...

    12,77 €

  • Megan’s Magic Glasses
    Judi LSterne / Judi L. Sterne
    Megan’s’ Magic Glasses came to be because of an actual experience. A little girl had just come into the Optical shop after seeing the Eye doctor. The little girl was very scared. She was crying and would not lift her head off her mother’s chest. With a little time and conversation, I was able to fit the child with eyeglasses. Her upsetting experience led me to believe that...

    22,84 €

  • Be Wary of Strangers
    David A. Marcotte / David AMarcotte
    Henry finds himself in a scary predicament that other little kids his age might experience--being lost from his mother at the store. Looking around, there is no sign of her nearby, no familiar faces. There are only strangers. Some of these strangers appear to be friendly and, perhaps, may offer to take Henry to his mother.However, Henry knows better. Thankfully, his mother has ...

    15,42 €

  • A Very Special Preemie Book
    Clorinda Walters
    When babies are born prematurely it can be a scary experience for younger siblings. Experience the 'preemie' world as your baby host helps your child to better understand why their brother or sister is in the hospital after a premature birth. ...

    24,60 €

  • Carson’s Book
    Richard Busby
    The story was originally put together as a Christmas gift for Mr. Busby’s wife. Mr. Busby says 'It was a way to gently tell the truth to our daughter about how we came together as a family.' In sharing this personal story, the authors hope to provide a starting point for discussions between other adoptive parents and their daughters from China. To this end, the often complex...

    20,24 €

  • Image and Identity
    L. Kris Gowen / LKris Gowen / Molly McKenna / Molly Ph.D. McKenna / Molly Ph.DMcKenna
    Psychologists and educators believe that the primary task of adolescence is forming one’s identity. Even if teens don’t know the whole answer to the question of who they are, perhaps they will have a better understanding of all the things that might make up that answer and feel more comfortable becoming who they will be with the information and guidance this book offers. ...

    81,09 €

  • Tell Me Now
    Donna M Wanner
    'Tell Me Now should be given to all school-aged girls as required reading. It not only helps young teens and girls cope with the pressures surrounding them, but it gives them the necessary tools to adopt and overcome...It is a must have book.'--Lisa Nees, Pageantry Magazine'It was a delight to meet Donna when she gave her seminar on self-esteem for our National Pre-Teens. Our y...

    27,96 €

  • A.D.D. & Me
    Debra L. Hall / Debra LHall
    Whether you have A.D.D., A.D.H.D., know someone with A.D.D., or have heard all the opinions regarding its authenticity, the only way to truly understand the disorder-to see beyond the person’s supposed inabilities-is to see the conditions through the eyes of someone who constantly struggles to make it through each day with his or her self-esteem in tact. An open-minded person w...

    18,98 €

  • Boys Will Put You on a Pedestal (So They Can Look Up Your Skirt)
    Philip Van Munching

    12,16 €

  • Frances Becomes a Person
    Ruth C. Webb
    Frances Becomes a Person recounts the eventful life of author Ruth C. Webb’s beloved housekeeper, Frances Elizabeth Lohr. Virtually an outcast, Frances’ journey begins at the age of thirteen. The journey on which she continues throughout most of her life will lead her toward the goal of finding a home--and a purpose.Many events make mildly retarded Frances feel alone, unwanted,...

    10,64 €

  • Organ Transplants
    Tina P Schwartz / Tina P. Schwartz / Tina PSchwartz
    Talks to teens and offers practical advice and suggestions for coping with and surviving the situation of when a family member has an organ transplant, or when they are personally facing an organ transplant. It covers how to deal with events that happen before, during, and after the surgery. ...

    81,07 €

  • Giving Kids The Power
    Jeffery L Leppard
    Can you give a kid a gift that will completely change their lives, both now and in the future? Something that will enable them to understand who they are and give them a sense of purpose and a sense of control, during this very difficult process of growing up.There is such a gift. A spiritual seed we can plant. A seed of knowledge that will empower them with the tools to creat...

    14,64 €

  • Stepducks - The Ultimate Stepfamily
    Marvin Dale
    Stepfamilies are those families with children that are often created by the marriage or union of an immediate parent to another non-biological parent or person. Stepfamilies are rarely portrayed in the media. Stepchildren seldom see media representations of stepchildren coping with family issues: therefore these child viewers have few role models similar to themselves in which ...

    31,32 €

  • Viva, Japan!
    Trevino Elena Lopez

    22,97 €

  • Why Does a Dog Chase a Cat?
    P. Richard Brackett / PRichard Brackett
    'The essence of what I want to say in this little book is this: ’You are in charge of your own life, and you should be the only one who decides how you live it. Letting someone else (or some outside force) shove you around is to place your life into the hands of others, who will not love it and take care of it the way you can.' This book is dedicated to the proposition that eve...

    22,46 €

  • It’s Ok to Be a Pre-Mie
    Josie B. Rippey / Josie BRippey
    When babies are born early, they are so tiny. They need lots of extra love and care, and often they have to stay with the doctors for a while, so they can grow strong and healthy. Then, before you know it, the time has come to go home with Mommy and Daddy, and then the fun begins!Through her own experience as the mother of a pre-mie, Josie Ripey shows that It’s OK To Be a Pre-M...

    9,67 €

  • Puberty Survival Guide for Girls
    Eve Anne Ashby
    Sensitive and encouraging, Puberty Survival Guide for Girls is an easy-to-read resource for young girls who are anticipating the many physical and emotional changes that accompany puberty. Author and practicing gynecologist Dr. Eve Ashby, offers practical and reassuring answers to the many questions that a girl will have as she enters this often confusing and tumultuous time o...

    10,03 €

  • Gracian de Paul
    Jeanne Sheffield
    There is a great need for transformation in the youth of America today. It can be done by conscientiously educating our young people with a program like Gracian de Paul, Transforming America’s Youth. This program was created to entice Gracian de Paul students to take a closer look at themselves, their behaviors and the world around them. Throughout this conceptual study they wi...

    18,73 €

  • Medications
    Cheryl Gerson Tuttle
    An information guide to the most common medical conditions that adolescents face today and the medications commonly prescribed to treat those conditions. Seeks to enable young people to be more involved in the medication decisions related to their care, making them aware of the choices open to them as well as the associated benefits and risks that accompany the use of the drugs...

    81,05 €

  • From the Inside Out
    Dejuanna Wallace
    From the Inside Out is a fun interactive do it yourself poetry book for all teenagers who seek answers and wish to express themselves creatively. 3 ...

    12,47 €

  • Christopher Reeve
    Libby Hughes
    Christopher Reeve soared to fame in the role of Superman in the 1970s and 1980s. In 1995 his career was cut short by a freak horseback-riding accident that left him paralyzed. Displaying remarkable courage, Reeve pursued his goal of walking again someday. Meanwhile, he used his fame to help disabled people. By 2004 Reeve was still unable to walk. However, he regained feeling in...

    12,47 €

  • Hey Daddy, Read This
    Don Roberts
    'Don, writing the letter to my dad was very cleansing. I actually cried as I was finishing it. I have never cried emotionally over my father before. I actually felt closer to him than I have ever felt. Thanks for giving me that gift.' Wally 'Famous' Amos.'Dear Dad, I wanted to always tell you that I hate you because you left me when I was only three.' Shameka-age 12.You will li...

    26,50 €