Catálogo de libros: Ciencia y tecnología (infantil/juvenil)

1039 Catálogo de libros: Ciencia y tecnología (infantil/juvenil)

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  • Looking For A Lion
    Pennie Eagen
    Looking for a Lion is an interactive photo story based on a quest to find a lion while on an African Safari. It will delight young children (and their reading partners) who enjoy small adventures and the fun of storytelling. Looking For a Lion will spark questions, conversations, curiosity and enthusiasm for a shared love of reading. ...

    33,84 €

  • Looking For A Lion
    Pennie Eagen
    Looking for a Lion is an interactive photo story based on a quest to find a lion while on an African Safari. It will delight young children (and their reading partners) who enjoy small adventures and the fun of storytelling. Looking For a Lion will spark questions, conversations, curiosity and enthusiasm for a shared love of reading. ...

    22,87 €

  • Wonderful Earth
    Elle Harris
    Eight-year-old Elle Harris wants to share the wonders of Earth with other children. From honeybees to rainclouds to our friends and families, join Elle on a tour of some of the unique things that make our world a beautiful, exciting, and fun place! Wonderful Earth is suitable for young readers and pre-readers, and with beautiful illustrations by Scott Lewis Broom, Elle is able ...

    17,70 €

  • If You Ask a Scientist a Question
    Adrienne H Small
    Today’s interest in Science Literacy and the move toward STEM Education inspired Adrienne Small to write a book for children that would demonstrate the expansive nature of science and how the knowledge of basic science concepts and terms can be used to explain commonplace occurrences.In If You Ask a Scientist a Question, observation, curiosity, the search for knowledge and the ...

    10,93 €

  • Graph Paper Notebook
    Young Dreamers Press
    Graph Paper Composition Notebook, Grid Paper, Engineering Paper • One Subject • 100 Pages Makes a wonderful daily graph/grid notebook to draw, write, journal, take notes, make lists, and more!This is a simple and durable all-purpose daily graph/grid notebook. There is plenty of room inside for drawing, writing notes, journaling, doodling, list making, creative writing, school ...

    8,16 €

  • Graph Paper Notebook
    Young Dreamers Press
    Graph Paper Composition Notebook, Grid Paper, Engineering Paper • One Subject • 100 Pages Makes a wonderful daily graph/grid notebook to draw, write, journal, take notes, make lists, and more!This is a simple and durable all-purpose daily graph/grid notebook. There is plenty of room inside for drawing, writing notes, journaling, doodling, list making, creative writing, school ...

    8,16 €

  • Graph Paper Notebook
    Young Dreamers Press
    Graph Paper Composition Notebook, Grid Paper, Engineering Paper • One Subject • 100 Pages Makes a wonderful daily graph/grid notebook to draw, write, journal, take notes, make lists, and more!This is a simple and durable all-purpose daily graph/grid notebook. There is plenty of room inside for drawing, writing notes, journaling, doodling, list making, creative writing, school ...

    8,16 €

  • The Moon Has Phases
    Belinda M. Sanders / Belinda MSanders
    The Moon Has Phases is a delightful and ethereal book about Earth’s satellite, the Moon! This book is sure to entertain readers of every age; and especially readers who love observing the Moon as it journeys across the night sky. Sanders has written an interactive book that incorporates science activities. This free-verse poetic book displays beautiful artistic illustrations th...

    22,64 €

  • The Cell Theory | Biology’s Core Principle | Biology Book | Science Grade 7 | Children’s Biology Books
    Baby Professor
    Your child needs an educational book that supports his/her quest for academic excellence but with an irresistible appeal that makes it ideal for home study. This science book discusses the cell theory, which dictates that cells are the basic unit of life. Explore this theory further by going over the pages of this biology book. Get a copy today. ...

    29,64 €

  • Major Milestones in Space Exploration | Astronomy History Books Grade 3 | Children’s Astronomy & Space Books
    Baby Professor
    A long time has passed since Neil Armstrong’s moon landing. From then until today, technology and advancements in space exploration have changed astronomically. Your third grader will be learning about the major milestones in space exploration, which is a part of science discussions in school. Grow your child’s knowledge with secondary reading materials. Grab a copy today. ...

    29,55 €

  • Migration and Animal Adaptations Books for Kids Grade 3 | Children’s Environment Books
    Baby Professor
    Animals migrate and they adapt to their environments, just like humans. This level of intelligence is necessary in ensuring that their species thrive. In this book, your third grader will learn about migration and animal adaptation. In particular, he/she will learn about the structural and behavioral changes adaptations that help plants and animals survive. ...

    29,45 €

  • How are Planets Named? | Planets in the Solar System | Science Grade 4 | Children’s Astronomy & Space Books
    Baby Professor
    When you were born, your parents named you. They probably chose a name close to their hearts and with a meaning they know. The process of naming planets, on the other hand, is different. This rewarding since book for fourth graders will investigate the process of how planets are named. Your child will easily associate with this book because it’s in line with the curriculum in s...

    30,85 €

  • Uranus
    Baby Professor
    Why is Uranus the 'Blue-Green Planet'? Well, this book provides an explanation. It is littered with information that pertains to the composition, size and characteristics of Uranus as a planet. Fill your bookshelves with wonderful reading materials that expertly combine text and visual designs. Grab a copy today. ...

    29,45 €

  • Pluto
    Baby Professor
    Learn about the planet Pluto, the ninth planet from the sun. Using this book as your guide, you will learn to identify the characteristics and composition of Pluto that makes it unique. You will also get an idea on what it would be like if you were actually on this rock-and-ice planet. Read to learn beginning today. Secure a copy now. ...

    29,45 €

  • Why is Venus Called 'The Evening Star?' | Astronomy for Kids Books Grade 4 | Children’s Astronomy & Space Books
    Baby Professor
    When you look up at the sky at dusk, you will see Venus. It is that bright star that shines before any other star does. In this book, you are going to learn about Venus and why is it called the Evening Star. You will also learn about the composition and characteristics that make Venus the only Venus in the universe. Get a copy today. ...

    29,64 €

  • How Hot is Mercury? | Space Science Books Grade 4 | Children’s Astronomy & Space Books
    Baby Professor
    Let’s talk about Mercury, the planet closest to the sun. Learn how close Mercury is to the sun, and how hot it is. Also learn about its composition and structure that allows it to withstand such high degrees of temperature. Do you think life could survive in Mercury? Read to form a logical opinion. Secure a copy today. ...

    29,55 €

  • See Me in Jupiter | Astronomy Book for Kids Grade 4 | Children’s Astronomy & Space Books
    Baby Professor
    Jupiter is known as the largest planet in the solar system. Because of its size, does it behave differently compared to the other planets? What is Jupiter made of and why is it so enormous? Read more facts about Jupiter to correctly identify its unique characteristics. Secure a copy today. ...

    29,45 €

  • Something is Covering the Sun! Solar Eclipse Explained | Solar System Children’s Book Grade 3 | Children’s Astronomy & Space Books
    Baby Professor
    In this book, your child will learn about solar eclipse and why it is a natural phenomenon. Through this knowledge, your child should be able to destroy rumors of supernatural reasons for solar eclipse. This book has been created with a third grader in mind; therefore, the chosen language as well as images complement a third grader’s expected reading level. ...

    29,45 €

  • Neptune Is Too Far Away | Space for Kids Grade 4 | Children’s Astronomy & Space Books
    Baby Professor
    Yes, Neptune may be too far away but you can still learn so much about the planet. You have to than the astronomers who spent years studying the composition and characteristics of Neptune to give you a detailed narrative on what makes it what it is. Much information is held in this book for fourth graders. Grab a copy today. ...

    29,45 €

  • The Life Cycle of a Monarch Butterfly | Life Cycle Books Grade 4 | Children’s Biology Books
    Baby Professor
    In this book, we are going to focus on the life cycle of the monarch butterfly with the primary purpose of demonstrating the growth and life cycle of living things in general. Further, learn to demonstrate a deep understanding of the characteristics, structures and functions of living things and how they interact with their environment. Enjoy the good read! ...

    29,55 €

  • Behavior of Sound Waves | Physics Made Easy Grade 3 | Children’s Physics Books
    Baby Professor
    Waves move differently. In this book, your third grader will be learning about the sound waves - how they move and how they travel across different surfaces. At the end of this book, your child should be able to correctly identify the characteristics of sound. Secure a copy for your child to enjoy beginning today. ...

    29,45 €

  • Comets, Meteors and Asteroids | Science Space Books Grade 3 | Children’s Astronomy & Space Books
    Baby Professor
    In this book, your child will be learning about the differences between comets, meteors and asteroids. In particular, your third grader should be able to identify the characteristics of these three mentioned heavenly bodies. If you can’t get your child to read text-laden textbooks, then this very visual resource will be an amazing alternative. Grab a copy today. ...

    29,45 €

  • Scientific Investigation | Discussions and Simple Experiments | Science Kids | Science Grade 4 | Science, Nature & How It Works
    Baby Professor
    The purpose of conducting scientific experiments is to allow kids to be truly immersed in the learning process. Hands-on learning has been prove to shape a child’s interest in the study of science. The focus of this book is to encourage the design and conduct of simple experiments through scientific investigation. Grab a copy today. ...

    29,82 €

  • Saturn and Its Rings | Astronomy for Kids Books Grade 4 | Children’s Astronomy & Space Books
    Baby Professor
    Identify the characteristics that make Saturn unique in the entire solar system. This educational book contains pieces of information that would aid in the proper identification of the size and composition of Saturn. A discussion of its rings is also included. Best of all, the information included in this book has been packaged specifically for fourth graders. Grab a copy today...

    29,45 €

  • Can Humans Live in Mars? | Astronomy Book for Kids Grade 4 | Children’s Astronomy & Space Books
    Baby Professor
    Colonizing Mars is an idea that’s been lingering for quite some time now. Sci-Fi movies have even been produced playing with such an idea. But is there scientific basis for colonizing Mars? This book will provide the basic facts about Mars, which will help you form your own opinion on whether humans can live in Mars or not. Get a copy today. ...

    29,45 €

  • What is an Asteroid Belt? | Universe Book for Kids Grade 4 | Children’s Astronomy & Space Books
    Baby Professor
    Identify the heavenly body called the asteroid. Learn about how the first asteroid was discovered and the circumstances of its discovery. Also learn the composition of the asteroid to allow you to set it apart from comets and meteors. There is a wealth of astronomy information featured in the pages of this book. So go ahead and secure a copy today. ...

    29,45 €

  • When Can I See Halley’s Comet Again? | Kids Book About the Solar System Grade 4 | Children’s Astronomy & Space Books
    Baby Professor
    What is the Halley’s Comet and when was it discovered? More importantly, who discovered it and in what circumstances. Further, what makes the Halley’s Comet different from all the other comets that have been observed so far? All these questions, along with other facts, will be explained in this learner’s book for children. ...

    29,45 €

  • Modern Inventions in Energy
    Baby Professor
    Scientists and engineers never stop inventing new ways to improve the quality of life. A couple of these inventions focus on energy; and these are the solar panels and wind turbines. This book discusses the technology and uses of solar panels and wind turbines. Go ahead and grab a copy today. ...

    29,55 €

  • Meteoroids, Meteors, and Meteorites
    Baby Professor
    Understand the differences in size and composition of meteoroids, meteors and meteorites. The information included in this book should help you create the differentiation between these three forms of heavenly bodies. The included images and targeted information makes this book a worthy read for fourth grade students. Enjoy the read! ...

    29,82 €

  • Where Can I See the Andromeda Galaxy? Guide to Space Science Grade 3 | | Children’s Astronomy & Space Books
    Baby Professor
    Let’s talk about the Andromeda Galaxy. In this book, your child should be able to locate where the Andromeda Galaxy is, and the information scientists have of them. With the information, your child should be able to identify the differences between the Andromeda and the Milky Way Galaxies. Secure a copy today. ...

    29,45 €