Catálogo de libros: Religión y creencias (infantil/juvenil)

1961 Catálogo de libros: Religión y creencias (infantil/juvenil)

Libros Eliminar filtro Infantiles, juveniles y didácticos Eliminar filtro Infantil y juvenil: no ficción general Eliminar filtro Religión y creencias (infantil/juvenil) Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • The Morning Surprise
    Iris Gray Dowling
    The Morning Surprise emphasizes these Educational Aims:To learn the Black Swallowtail Butterfly’s stages: egg, larva, pupa, adult.To motivate interest in the Metamorphosis cycles of all Butterfly species.To learn to pronounce a Butterfly’s scientific words using phonetics.To learn there is Biblical proof God created the beautiful butterflies.To learn in the world of butterflies...

    14,30 €

  • Parables from Nature
    Mrs Alfred Gatty
    Collected here are twenty nine stories, originally published as four separate volumes. Parables From Nature are inspired from Nature, but written in a fun and entertaining way for Children to be able to read, understand, and enjoy! ...

    36,87 €

  • Cussing for Kids
    Jimmy Huston
    Strangely enough, there is no profanity in this lighthearted book. Instead, it is about why we cuss, how to cuss, how to cuss well, when to cuss, and how to get away with it. There’s also a bit about where to cuss. But no actual cussing. And, there are pictures. ...

    15,76 €

  • I Wish I Was a Bee
    Jess L Owen / Jess Owen / TBD
    I Wish I Was a Bee is a silly, rhyming and heartwarming tale about a bee who wants to be just about anything, but a bee! Read and giggle along as he tries to change himself in crazy ways, in order to fit in with everyone else. It’s not till the bee meets the sun that he learns that he’s God’s masterpiece and is special just the way he is. The sun helps the bee discover his purp...

    19,57 €

  • The Rosary
    Jennifer Silvia
    A sweet book for Catholics to use as they pray for Mary’s and their own intentions. Our Lady of Fatima is probably weeping -- it has been over one-hundred years since she appeared and impressed the Rosary.A touching children’s book that teaches about:The AnnunciationThe VisitationThe NativityThe PresentationThe Finding in the TempleAnd many other faith-filled stories! ...

    11,42 €

  • Francisco and the Hidden Jesus
    MaryGrace Rose Franz
    The second of The Shepherd Children of Fatima books will inspire children to imitate Blessed Francisco Marto's devotion to adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Children will be encouraged to pray to console the hearts of Jesus and Mary. Imprimatur and Nihil Obstat. Vibrant, full-color illustrations. Softcover, 26 pgs. 3 ...

    9,33 €

  • Lolly Learns About Joy
    Beth S. wilson / Beth Swilson
    This is a story about a fruit of the spirit, and Lolly, who is a precious six-year old girl who has experienced a loss. She struggles to find her joy while being so sad at the same time.Her father comes beside her and spends time with her while she learns how to cope. Lolly's sensitive personality and the beautiful illustrations bring the story to life. ...

    17,25 €

  • Hide It In Your Heart
    Ahava Lilburn
    Minister 2 Others has produced a second book in the HIDE IT IN YOUR HEART series - PSALM 23. This bilingual book contains the entire chapter of Psalm 23, one of the most memorized chapters in Psalms. The first half of the book is in English. However, by turning the book over, the same book is represented in the Hebrew with both the Hebrew translation and its transliteration. Th...

    23,60 €

  • Anthony Ayuda la Tierra
    Sallie Daniels
    Un sábado, Anthony y su madre van de compras.  Anthony ayuda a su madre con las compras. Cuando Anthony y a su madre a casa de la tienda de comestibles, él mira para arriba en el cielo y observa las aves. Al llegar a casa de compras, corre a la ventana y mira para las aves en su patio trasero. Él no ve cualquier aves.  Su vecino le dice que los pájaros necesitan árboles.  Antho...

    8,02 €

  • The Christmas Gift
    Brenda Anderson
    What is your favorite Christmas tradition?Christmas is a special time of year to celebrate the birth of our Savior.The time of year to enjoy our family and friends.The Christmas Gift is the nativity story of Jesus Birth.  Grandma Cookie the goat on the cover tells the story of why we celebrate Christmas.  Nativity story of when Jesus was born. Family traditions are important....

    19,32 €

  • Children of the Bible
    Agnes de Bezenac / Salem de Bezenac
    Attractive illustrations and interesting information on the lives of 12 children of the Bible. Within their stories, each of these "Children of the Bible" display a unique character trait and give some helpful examples of how kids can also play a role in doing special things for God.Suggested for ages 7 and under.For more kids products and free downloads, visit our website at w...

    9,54 €

  • The Lunar Princess II
    T S Cherry / Tashlultum Levy
    The Lunar Princess Book II- Tween Chapter BookThe story takes place in a massive web of an invented world in which the Lunar Princess protects the Nocturnal creatures and animals from the evil King Constellation. The Lunar Princess Book II is a beautiful children’s book about two young princess named Sugar Plum and Nightmare, the daughters of the Lunar princess and the Sandman...

    8,16 €

  • Unidade na Diversidade
    Melanie Lotfali / Nika & Shakib Shahidian
    Este belíssimo livro ilustrado contém cinco histórias simples para os leitores mais jovens. As histórias fomentam a compreensão da unidade da raça humana e comemoram a sua diversidade no âmbito da sua unidade. As histórias utilizam o concreto para ensinar o abstrato: comparam a raça humana com as cores num tecido, frutos na árvore da vida, estrelas no céu, membros de um só corp...

    22,13 €

  • Psalms for Children
    Don Gordon
    When I was the father of three little girls, I used to read the Bible to them at bedtime. It was one of the favorite moments of my day, and these moments now stand as some of my most cherished memories. Because some of the words were difficult for a child to understand, I did some “on the fly” editing, changing words or phrases to something they could comprehend. The Psalms did...

    24,32 €

  • Orientation for Children Who Love Jesus
    Alvin C. Bernstine
    This book offers a 13-week illustrated course of study/mediation for the orientation of children in the Christian faith. It is designed to be interactive and provides an opportunity for parents and/or caregivers to participate in the process of faith-building in children. This book is designed with the local church in mind, but could be effectively used in personal devotions ...

    11,32 €

  • A Very Tubie Christmas
    Meikele Lee
    This year experience Christmas the way a child with a feeding tube would! Allow Nico "Tubie" your guide on Santa's midnight ride,As he tells you all the ways a traditional Christmas would change if Santa had 2 belly buttons. Would Santa fit in a chimney?Could you leave out milk and cookies?What would the reindeer be named? Find answers to these questions and more in this bo...

    13,32 €

  • How Bi-Yi-Yig is God?
    Bev LaVigne
    Every night before going to bed, questions were asked about what was read.One day as we were going merrily along, suddenly, “How Biyiyig is God?” rang out from curious little one.Mother’s answer, peaceful and calm, settled little one. For there is comfort in reminding, years beyond. ...

    19,04 €

  • Activities and Colouring Prayer Book
    Joy Ani
    This activities and colouring book is suitable for use at home and Sunday School. The book is packed with lots of scripture-based and colouring activities. Plus extra space for the child to be creative. ...

    17,85 €

  • Fellowship Farm 4
    Melanie Lotfali
    In books ten to twelve, contained in the fourth volume of stories about Leezah, Skye-Maree and Olingah Fitzgerald of Fellowship Farm they prepare for the annual Naw Ruz Mahta River Boat Race. There are some unexpected hitches.  Skye-Maree and Olingah learn about loyalty and sacrifice as they work out how to respond to the challenges they face.  Soon after Naw Ruz winter sets in...

    10,00 €

  • Obedience
    Lauretta Amata Olowu
    James disobeyed his mum and went to a birthday party, but soon discovered that there are consequences for disobedience and rewards for obedience. He finally agreed that obedience is really cool and also pays. ...

    13,32 €

  • OSCAR, the dog gone dog
    Bill F Korver
    A heart-warming, true story of a dog adopted from a shelter by a family. It was later lost for two months before finally being found. The book details life lessons and biblical truths its owners learned along the way. ...

    15,91 €

  • Fun Bible Lessons on Self-control
    Agnes de Bezenac / Salem de Bezenac
    Learning self-control takes time and practice. You don't all of a sudden become disciplined and able to handle all of life's temptations. Learning why and how to control your emotions and actions can make a big difference.Enjoy some activities such as mazes, word puzzles, quizzes and coloring, as you learn more about self-control. As you begin to control yourself in one...

    8,43 €

    Kristin Hagen / Kristin Mock
    Almost nothing in the human experience compares with being at the peak of wellness. This book helps motivate people to start on their own pinnacle wellness journey, finding their own personal goals along the way. This book was written for everyone who wants to embark on their own personal wellness journey! ...

    14,05 €

  • Gps aquino
    Duarte da Cunha / João César das Neves
    Os autores deste livro, que foi pensado especialmente para os jovens mas é acessível a todos os leitores, pretendem oferecer uma introdução acessível à magistral obra de São Tomás de Aquino, defendendo que uma vida bem informada e culta exige diálogo e familiaridade com os maiores espíritos que povoaram a história humana, como é o caso deste incontornável santo e doutor da Igre...

    8,95 €

  • Funky de ahora en adelante | Softcover | Funky, From Now On
    Funky / Nelson Thomas
    Esta es la historia inspiradora del que es hoy uno de los principales exponentes de la música urbana cristiana y uno de sus más influyentes artesanos. En estas páginas encontrarás los detalles hasta ahora no revelados de un exitoso músico que aprendió a través de los golpes y fracasos de la vida a ser un hombre que influencia las masas. ...

    18,54 €

  • Al Ghazâlî El libro de la limosna y el ayuno para niños
    Facultad de Estudios Andalusíes / Fons Vitae Publishing
    Aunque los niños no están obligados a ayunar o pagar zakat, las virtudes y dimensiones espirituales de estas prácticas pueden ser presentadas a los niños. Las historias y metáforas del imam al-Ghazâlî ofrecen una forma eficaz de comunicación entre padres e hijos, en un lenguaje que se relaciona directamente con la vida cotidiana. En estos dos libros de la Ihya, virtudes como la...

    16,22 €

  • Al-Ghazâlî El Libro de la Peregrinación para Jóvenes
    Facultad de Estudios Andalusíes / Fons Vitae Publishing
    El Libro de la peregrinación de imam al-Ghazali contiene una exposición resumida de los recursos interiores esenciales que deben ser parte de nuestro periplo diario, sea que estemos realizando la Peregrinación o no. Esta obra, a la vez que transmite el significado profundo y el espíritu del Hach, destaca enseñanzas que pueden no solo fortalecer el carácter, sino ofrecer a toda ...

    17,68 €

  • Al Ghazâlî El libro del conocimiento para niños
    Facultad de Estudios Andalusíes / Fons Vitae Publishing
    Se dice que el Libro del conocimiento contiene todo la obra de imam al-Ghazali. En esta maravillosa adaptación, las enseñanzas y metáforas de al-Ghazali son presentadas en forma de relatos para niños, aunque sus contenidos son adecuados para la vida espiritual de padres y maestros también. Los temas en las 40 historias tienen que ver con: el conocimiento verdadero, el propósito...

    22,57 €

  • Al Ghazâlî El libro de la creencia para niños
    Facultad de Estudios Andalusíes / Fons Vitae Publishing
    El Libro de la Creencia presenta conceptos muy sutiles sobre Dios y el más allá. Por esta razón, se decidió que, en el libro, el Imam hará una visita imaginaria a los niños con el fin de responder a sus preguntas. Nos hemos valido de esta figura para mostrar cómo el mensaje atemporal de al-Ghazali llega hasta nuestros hijos. Otra razón para transportar a Imam al-Ghazali a nuest...

    15,00 €

  • Al Ghazâlî El libro de la purificación para niños
    Facultad de Estudios Andalusíes / Fons Vitae Publishing
    Junto con los libros Uno y Dos de la ’Revivificación de las Ciencias Religiosas’ de Imam al-Ghazali, presentamos ahora el libro ’Los Misterios de la Purificación’. El volumen contiene 17 historias, presentadas por Shaykh Hamza Yusuf. Tanto padres como niños se sentirán inspirados al comprender la belleza y los significados profundos de los rituales de purificación, a partir de ...

    15,00 €