Catálogo de libros: Historia y el pasado (infantil/juvenil)

1058 Catálogo de libros: Historia y el pasado (infantil/juvenil)

Libros Eliminar filtro Infantiles, juveniles y didácticos Eliminar filtro Infantil y juvenil: no ficción general Eliminar filtro Historia y el pasado (infantil/juvenil) Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Its a Purple Patch!
    Baby Professor
    For a long time, travelers through the Mediterranean Sea sought after the handcrafted works of the Ancient Phoenicians, especially their Tyrian Purple Dye. It was said that only the rich could afford to wear purple because it was so expensive largely because of how they were made. This book will talk about the process of creating the Tyrian purple dye, and some of the other tre...

    19,49 €

  • Egypt vs. Nubia! Ancient Battles
    Baby Professor
    Egypt and Nubia were geographically close to each other that’s why their cultures have become so intertwined. However, they did not always have peaceful relations. In this book, you will read about the ancient battles that transpired between Egypt and Nubia. Why did they fight, who won and what changes took place after these periods of war? This book will answer these questions...

    19,40 €

  • We’re the Same but Different!
    Baby Professor
    You can pretty much say that the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Nubia are like two peas in a pod. There were a lot of similarities between them, particularly in sacred traditions, architecture, and language. This book will explore these similarities and explain why there many intersects between these civilizations. By the end of this book, you should be able to tell which c...

    19,40 €

  • It’s All in Our Culture!
    Baby Professor
    This book will focus on the rebirth of Nubia, or what it was like after it was free from Egyptian influence. This is a huge topic as it details what pure, uninfluenced Nubian culture was. In particular, it will discuss Nubian art and architecture, religion, its very own system of writing, and even its ancient traditions. ...

    19,58 €

  • They Once Had It All
    Baby Professor
    This book will highlight the natural resources of Ancient Nubia, particularly timber, gold and iron ore. It will also talk about Meroe, a famous trade center that was developed after Nubia gained its freedom from Egyptian rule. There will also be a section on Nubia’s exotic trade made up of valuable commodity from Africa. Discover the treasures of Ancient Nubia! ...

    19,40 €

  • A Tyrant is a Child of Pride!
    Baby Professor
    We now know that Ancient Greece gave birth to democracy. But did you know that before that happened, there was tyranny? This book explores the progression of Greece’s form of government from a monarchy, oligarchy, tyranny and finally democracy. Read about how each form of government affected leadership in the city-states. Get to meet some of ancient Greece’s, too. ...

    19,40 €

  • The Daily Lives of Ancient Greeks!
    Baby Professor
    The Ancient Greeks lived very interesting lives. They were innovators and they were able to put forward ideas ahead of their times. Their art, architecture, athletics and literature are studied today. This book will take you through a journey that transcends time. Here, you will read and see examples of Greek art in all its form and glory. Enjoy the read! ...

    19,40 €

  • Are We There Yet?
    Baby Professor
    The Ancient Phoenicians were as excellent in sailing as they were in trading. This book will highlight the navigation skills of this ancient civilization. It will discuss the trade routes the Ancient Phoenicians took throughout the Mediterranean and Near East. Later, you will get to understand how all these trading by sea that they did led to the development of major port citie...

    19,40 €

  • Necessity, the Mother of Invention!
    Baby Professor
    The Shang Dynasty is best known for the innovations that came out during this time period. This book will highlight some of the Shang Dynasty’s most significant contributions that have shaped the modern world. In particular, you will be reading about how Ancient Shang used bronze, created silk textiles, and a sophisticated writing system. There sure is a lot to learn from this ...

    19,40 €

  • The Olmec Civilization at a Glance
    Baby Professor
    You can pretty much say that art and religion were intertwined for the Olmecs. They create powerful works of art to associate with their many gods. In this book, you will read about some of these artwork and understand how they resonate the people’s religious beliefs. By the end of this book, will realize that a huge chunk of the religious, artistic and social traditions of the...

    29,45 €

  • Egypt vs. Nubia! Ancient Battles
    Baby Professor
    Egypt and Nubia were geographically close to each other that’s why their cultures have become so intertwined. However, they did not always have peaceful relations. In this book, you will read about the ancient battles that transpired between Egypt and Nubia. Why did they fight, who won and what changes took place after these periods of war? This book will answer these questions...

    29,45 €

  • We’re the Same but Different!
    Baby Professor
    You can pretty much say that the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Nubia are like two peas in a pod. There were a lot of similarities between them, particularly in sacred traditions, architecture, and language. This book will explore these similarities and explain why there many intersects between these civilizations. By the end of this book, you should be able to tell which c...

    29,45 €

  • They Once Had It All
    Baby Professor
    This book will highlight the natural resources of Ancient Nubia, particularly timber, gold and iron ore. It will also talk about Meroe, a famous trade center that was developed after Nubia gained its freedom from Egyptian rule. There will also be a section on Nubia’s exotic trade made up of valuable commodity from Africa. Discover the treasures of Ancient Nubia! ...

    29,45 €

  • A Tyrant is a Child of Pride!
    Baby Professor
    We now know that Ancient Greece gave birth to democracy. But did you know that before that happened, there was tyranny? This book explores the progression of Greece’s form of government from a monarchy, oligarchy, tyranny and finally democracy. Read about how each form of government affected leadership in the city-states. Get to meet some of ancient Greece’s, too. ...

    29,45 €

  • West African Civilization
    Baby Professor
    Up until 1350 A.D., about two-thirds of the world’s gold was supplied by West Africa. What changed that? In order to answer that question, you first need to know which West African civilizations flourished because of gold and its many natural resources. You will be introduced to the Ghananian and Malian Empires in this book. You will also read about how they influenced the deve...

    29,45 €

  • Roman Expansion!
    Baby Professor
    At some point in history, the Roman Empire was so huge that its influence was immense and far-reaching. But how did Roman grow from a small city to what historians believe as the greatest empire ever formed? Who engineered this growth? What were the factors that favored the Roman Empire. There is so much to learn from this little book so start reading today. ...

    29,45 €

  • Clemons Van Forer’s Freedom
    Joshua A Clemons
    The story is about an enslaved man named Clemons Van Forer. Joshua, the author, wrote this story to give to his mother on Juneteenth. His grandmother read the story and felt it was worthy of publication.The main character, Clemons, had heard stories of a man named Tice Davids escaping to freedom from his owner. His owner said that Tice must have escaped through an underground r...

    20,80 €

  • Hypatia - Ancient Alexandria’s Female Scholar
    Billie Holladay Skelley / TBD
    Hypatia of Alexandria was one of the most brilliant women who lived in the ancient world. Born in Alexandria, Egypt in the fourth century CE, Hypatia lived in a time when few girls learned to read or write. Women were expected to marry, to run a household, and to raise children. Hypatia’s father, Theon, however, educated her as if she were his son, not his daughter. Theon raise...

    18,49 €

  • From Schoenau
    Andrea Gibb
    Hans went searching for an adventure.And two meals a day. And a pair of real shoes. But winter has arrived and with it something dark and lonely. But Christmas is coming. And for a boy from Ukraine who grew up with nothing and was not allowed to celebrate any religion, Hans learns that the darkest nights fade to sunny days and can bring unexpected gifts.  ...

    10,22 €

  • Sappho
    Anya Leonard
    Sappho, the great ancient Greek Poetess, was considered equal to Homer. Living in the 7th BCE, her work was renowned and beloved... but over time her poetry has been lost. Today almost none of it has survived... that is, until a new discovery was found! Learn the true story of Sappho’s life, loss and the remarkable rediscovery of her poetry in Sappho: the Lost Poetess.Childre...

    17,59 €

  • Ancient History
    Elizabeth Hauris / Stephanie Hanson
    Explore the ancient world on a tour of the most beautiful, vibrant, and fascinating places people have called home. History Unboxed takes you outside the box of a traditional history curriculum, exploring cultures around the globe on a journey across six continents. Get to know the Jomon people of Japan, the African empire of Ghana, and the Olmecs of Mesoamerica, alongside hist...

    37,43 €

  • The Reign
    C. Nichole / CNichole
    The Reign: North and South America features 20 ethnic groups of the African Diaspora within the Americas, with lively illustrations and historical facts. Learn about different cultures, different ways of life, how they arrived in the Americas, and the injustices they are still facing. From groups such as the Quilombolas, Haitians, Mascogo, etc., see the Americas’, its African D...

    26,73 €

  • The Reign
    C. Nichole / CNichole
    The Reign: North and South America features 20 ethnic groups of the African Diaspora within the Americas, with lively illustrations and historical facts. Learn about different cultures, different ways of life, how they arrived in the Americas, and the injustices they are still facing. From groups such as the Quilombolas, Haitians, Mascogo, etc., see the Americas’, its African D...

    16,75 €

  • The Truth About God’s Rainbow
    Lisa Soland
    The Truth About God’s Rainbow tells the story of Noah and the rainbow in a new, refreshing way, using images of religious artwork from over the ages to help recount the events. I vividly remember learning about the importance of the rainbow as a child in Vacation Bible School. Each time it rained, I would run outside in search of the sun so I could witness, once more, God’s mir...

    29,63 €

  • 101 mulheres incríveis que mudaram o mundo
    Julia Adams
    Descubra a vida de 101 mulheres pioneiras e as coisas notáveis que elas conquistaram. Este livro está repleto de biografias curtas de cientistas, ativistas, líderes, atletas, artistas, exploradoras e muitas, muitas mais. Da famosa à esquecida, essas mulheres e suas histórias certamente inspirarão os jovens leitores e os encorajarão a sonhar grande. ...

    39,02 €

  • Michelle Goes To Paris
    Charron Monaye
    Bienvenue à Paris!! Welcome to Paris!! In this exciting adventure, Michelle and her parents are off to Paris for her father’s business meeting. Throughout their visit, Michelle is introduced to French cuisine, enjoys the double-decker bus tour of the city, and learns about the history of various landmarks. But, when touring the Eiffel Tower is not on her parent’s agenda until t...

    12,38 €

  • Ancient Egypt Activity Book
    Scott Peters
    There is an updated version of this book called Ancient Egypt Activity Book for Kids -- ASIN: 1951019393Stay summer smart! Learn all break long with this ultimate ancient Egypt workbook that’s packed with curriculum-based activities, exercises, and games!Loved by kids and used in schools, these activities are now available in a fast-paced, fun activity workbook. Instantly engag...

    13,37 €

  • The Red True Story Book
    Andrew Lang
    The Red True Story Book by Andrew Lang is a large collection of short stories derived from truth and history. Varying in topics, lengths, and cultural origins, The Red True Story Book depicts the stories of real people who endure curious happenings of history. Wilson’s Last Fight follows the events leading to the death of a soldier, Major Wilson, in a 19th century battle agains...

    15,13 €

  • The Book of Princes and Princesses
    Andrew Lang / Leonora Blanche Lang
    The Book of Princes and Princesses is a collection of fourteen true short stories, each centered around a European monarch, including Napoleon, Elizabeth I, Fredrick the Great and more. Though these figures seem larger than life, The Book of Princes and Princesses portray them as real, relatable people who struggled to achieve greatness, and sometimes failed anyway. Following t...

    12,88 €

  • The Red Book of Heroes
    Andrew Lang / Leonora Blanche Lang
    ' Life is not all beer and skittles...and all books are not fairytales. In an imperfect state of existence, the poetry of it is that we cannot have all things as we would like them. '-Andrew Lang Perhaps in a perfect world, there would be no need for heroes, though such existence is unheard of. Instead, people must step up when they are needed, in whatever ways they are able. T...

    12,90 €