Catálogo de libros: Historia y el pasado (infantil/juvenil)

973 Catálogo de libros: Historia y el pasado (infantil/juvenil)

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  • The Han Dynasty
    Baby Professor
    At the end of this book, you should be able to enumerate the important contributions of the Han Dynasty not just to the history of China but also to the world. Read about how the empire started, developed, expanded and ended. Learn about silk roads and why they were very important. Get a copy today! ...

    29,45 €

  • Traditions of West African Civilization | History of West Africa Grade 6 | Children’s Ancient History
    Baby Professor
    In this book, you will read about the West African empires of Ghana and Mali. You will read about how and why their traditions were closely linked to gold. Up until the 1350 AD, West Africa was supplying the two-thirds of the world’s gold. This means that West Africa was a wealthy civilization that used gold for wealth and trading purposes. Grab a copy and learn more today! ...

    29,45 €

  • The Ancient Kingdom of Kush | Nubia Civilization Grade 5 | Children’s Ancient History
    Baby Professor
    This time, let’s study the ancient kingdom of Kush which was an ancient kingdom in Nubia. What are the differences and similarities between Kush and present-day Northern Sudan and southern Egypt? What were the major discoveries during the height of the Kingdom of Kush? Find out by reading this book today. ...

    29,45 €

  • The Most Important Ancient Greek Artifacts | Ancient Artifacts Grade 5 | Children’s Ancient History
    Baby Professor
    Ancient Greek left behind clues to the past. These clues are called artifacts. In this book, you are going to read about the most important ancient Greek artifacts. What did they say about life before technology and modern gadgets? What lessons can be learned from the past? Grab a copy of this book and start reading today. ...

    29,45 €

  • Rome Rising
    Baby Professor
    Two of the main historical figures in Rome were the twins Romulus and Remus. In this book, you will learn about the formation and rise of Rome based on story of these mythical twins. You will also learn about the location, society and way of life of the first Romans. What a delightful read this book is! ...

    18,46 €

  • From a Republic to an Empire
    Baby Professor
    Learn the reasons for the expansion of Rome, rising from a republic to an empire. Study the geographic and political reasons for the growth of the empire, its territories, currency and trade routes. Get familiar with the names of the leaders who were instrumental in the Roman empire’s transition from republic to empire. Start reading today. ...

    19,40 €

  • A Search for a New Home
    Baby Professor
    History has it that the Jewish people have struggled a lot. Their story includes struggles, captivity, and the search of freedom and a home. Interestingly, their story crosses that of the Romans. In this book, you will read about how the Jews were freed from captivity and what transpired during their exodus to the 'promised land'. Start reading today. ...

    19,40 €

  • Traditions of West African Civilization | History of West Africa Grade 6 | Children’s Ancient History
    Baby Professor
    In this book, you will read about the West African empires of Ghana and Mali. You will read about how and why their traditions were closely linked to gold. Up until the 1350 AD, West Africa was supplying the two-thirds of the world’s gold. This means that West Africa was a wealthy civilization that used gold for wealth and trading purposes. Grab a copy and learn more today! ...

    19,40 €

  • The Importance of Shipbuilding to Viking History | Viking History Books Grade 3 | Children’s History
    Baby Professor
    The Vikings were known seafarers so shipbuilding is essential. In this book, you will understand why the Vikings needed to travel by sea and the navigation methods they used. You will also understand how they created their ships and why there were memorable in history. Don’t forget to checkout a copy of this book! ...

    19,40 €

  • How Are Mummies Made? | Archaeology Kids Books Grade 4 | Children’s Ancient History
    Baby Professor
    Have you ever wondered how and why mummies were made? Mummies were very important archaeological finds because through them, we have learned so much about how the ancient Egyptians lived. The complex procedures of ancient Egyptian mummification baffle scientists until today. Read about the unique process of mummification in this book. ...

    29,55 €

  • What Happened During the Viking Age? | Vikings History Book Grade 3 | Children’s Geography & Cultures Books
    Baby Professor
    Read about the period called the Viking Age. Take note of the important dates, deeds, and exploration of the Atlantic Ocean. Learn about the personal characteristics of the Vikings, and some of their notorious activities too. What an exciting book this is! Make sure you buy a copy today so you can start reading right away. ...

    29,45 €

  • The Importance of Shipbuilding to Viking History | Viking History Books Grade 3 | Children’s History
    Baby Professor
    The Vikings were known seafarers so shipbuilding is essential. In this book, you will understand why the Vikings needed to travel by sea and the navigation methods they used. You will also understand how they created their ships and why there were memorable in history. Don’t forget to checkout a copy of this book! ...

    29,45 €

  • The Phoenician Cities of Sidon and Tyre | Ancient Mediterranean Cultures Grade 5 | Children’s Ancient History
    Baby Professor
    In this book, your child will learn to identify on the map where the ancient world of Phoenicia was located. He/she will also learn how unique Phoenicia was compared to the present-day countries in the sense that it was made up of city-states. The most important of these city-states are Sidon and Tyre, both of which will be explained in this book. Grab a copy today. ...

    19,40 €

  • The Ancient Kingdom of Kush | Nubia Civilization Grade 5 | Children’s Ancient History
    Baby Professor
    This time, let’s study the ancient kingdom of Kush which was an ancient kingdom in Nubia. What are the differences and similarities between Kush and present-day Northern Sudan and southern Egypt? What were the major discoveries during the height of the Kingdom of Kush? Find out by reading this book today. ...

    19,40 €

  • Muslim Contributions
    Baby Professor
    Did you know that Muslim scholars made significant contributions, too? This entire book is dedicated to the most important legacies of the civilization of Islam. Among these are contributions to science, geography, mathematics, literature, medicine, philosophy, and art. Reading this book will definitely boost your child’s interest in Middle Eastern history. Grab a copy today. ...

    19,76 €

  • West African Civilization | Written & Oral Traditions | African Books | Social Studies 6th Grade | Children’s Geography & Cultures Books
    Baby Professor
    Study the West African Civilization using this targeted book on sixth grade social studies. Using the knowledge indicated in this book, your child should be able to locate the Niger River as well as vegetation zones, which allowed West African Civilizations thrive. Encourage your child to relate these features to the trade of salt, gold, slaves and food. Get a copy today. ...

    19,58 €

  • Life Among the Olmecs | Daily Life of the Native American People | Olmec (1200-400 BC) | Social Studies 5th Grade | Children’s Geography & Cultures Books
    Baby Professor
    The Olmecs walked the Earth a long time ago but their marks are still felt these days. In fact, some of the traditions you know may have originated from the Olmecs. Read about the Olmec civilization, particularly their art and religion, daily life and discoveries. Get a copy and encourage your fifth grader to read beginning today. ...

    19,58 €

  • From Priests to Untouchables | Understanding the Caste System | Civilizations of India | Social Studies 6th Grade | Children’s Geography & Cultures Books
    Baby Professor
    Use this dedicated book on social studies to better understand the caste system, and how it shaped the civilizations of India. The caste system was a social structure that basically branded citizens for life. It dictated the way of life, as well as the quality of living. Encourage your child to dive deep into the pool of knowledge by understanding one concept after another. Gra...

    19,40 €

  • Phoenician’s Phonetic Alphabet | Legacies of the Phoenician Civilization | Social Studies 5th Grade | Children’s Geography & Cultures Books
    Baby Professor
    Fifth grade social studies would touch on the lesson of the Phoenicians. Give your child an edge by getting him/her a copy of this book even before the lesson is discussed in school. Here, your child will learn to identify the unique characteristics of the Phoenician civilization. It will also discuss Phonetic Alphabet, and why it is the basis of our modern alphabet. ...

    19,40 €

  • The Roman Legacy | Lessons from Roman Art to Law | Books about Rome | Social Studies 6th Grade | Children’s Geography & Cultures Books
    Baby Professor
    What did ancient Rome give to the world, and even delivered on a silver platter? Well, Roman legacies range from art and architecture, to language and law. Read about each of these Roman legacies in this wonderful book of social sciences. Feed your child with as much as information as he/she can handle. If you notice even the slightest interests, push him/her to learn more. Goo...

    19,58 €

  • How to Live Like a Viking | Scandinavian History Book Grade 3 | Children’s Geography & Cultures Books
    Baby Professor
    Imagine what it’s like to live like a Viking. What food will you be eating? What kind of life will you be living? This book discusses some of the most important facts of Viking living. Information such as the activities they enjoyed as well as the personality characteristics of the Vikings are included in this book. Grab a copy today. ...

    19,40 €

  • The Incans and Their Road System | The Inca People Grade 4 | Children’s Ancient History
    Baby Professor
    Did you know that the Inca road system was the most advanced in pre-Columbian South America? Read about how such an ancient civilization managed to create a complex road system. Who planned it all out? What materials did they use? How did the Inca road system affect their way of life? You’ll find all the answers in this book for fourth graders. ...

    19,40 €

  • From Nomads to City Builders
    Baby Professor
    The Aztecs went a long way from being nomads to city builders. Such a leap was not easily done so how did they do it? In this book, you will read about the history of the Aztec people. You will gain important information on the lives they lived, the leaders they selected and the culture they painstakingly built. Get ready for a mind explosion! Start reading today! ...

    19,40 €

  • The Ancient Civilization of the Indus River | Indus Civilization Grade 4 | Children’s Ancient History
    Baby Professor
    The Indus River was an important location in ancient times. Near it, civilizations thrived. In this book, you are going to learn about the ancient civilization of the Indus River, and how such a body of water was instrumental in the people’s survival. Go ahead and grab a copy of this book today. ...

    20,79 €

  • The Mayans Developed a Calendar, Mathematics and Astronomy | Mayan History Books Grade 4 | Children’s Ancient History
    Baby Professor
    Did you know that before Aristotle and Galileo there were the Mayans? The Mayans were an ancient civilization that once lived in Mexico. They were intelligent people who developed their own calendar and studied math as well as astronomy. Develop an appreciation for this ancient civilization by reading all about them. Go ahead and grab a copy today! ...

    19,49 €

  • Mysteries of Ancient Egypt Revealed | Children’s Book on Egypt Grade 4 | Children’s Ancient History
    Baby Professor
    Ancient Egypt was one of the most documented ancient civilizations in history. However, there were mysteries that continue to puzzle even the most experienced archaeologists today. In this book, you will read about some of the mysteries of Ancient Egypt. What did you like best and why? Get a copy today. ...

    19,76 €

  • The Roman Legacy | Lessons from Roman Art to Law | Books about Rome | Social Studies 6th Grade | Children’s Geography & Cultures Books
    Baby Professor
    What did ancient Rome give to the world, and even delivered on a silver platter? Well, Roman legacies range from art and architecture, to language and law. Read about each of these Roman legacies in this wonderful book of social sciences. Feed your child with as much as information as he/she can handle. If you notice even the slightest interests, push him/her to learn more. Goo...

    29,64 €

  • Geography of Ancient Egypt | Ancient Civilizations Grade 4 | Children’s Ancient History
    Baby Professor
    Investigate the geography of Ancient Egypt. Focus on its physical features such as the natural environment of the Nile River Valley and the Sahara Desert. How did its geography influence the cultures and traditions of Ancient Egyptians? How important was the Nile and the Sahara to them? Grab a copy and start reading today. ...

    29,72 €

  • A Brief Overview of the Aztec Empire | Ancient American Civilizations Grade 4 | Children’s Ancient History
    Baby Professor
    What was Aztec culture like? Use this book to examine the features of the Aztec empire particularly its aqueducts, art, architecture and society. Where did they live and what was their way of life like? How successful were the Aztecs in building and expanding their empire? Read all about the Aztecs in this book for fourth graders. ...

    29,64 €

  • The Simple Lives of the Incas | Precolumbian History of America Grade 4 | Children’s Ancient History
    Baby Professor
    The Incas lived between 1200 and 1535 AD in the Andes Mountains in South America. History has it that they lived simple lives but what that entails is discussed in this book for fourth graders. Examine the features of the Incan society focused on its natural environment, the road system, Cuzco and Machu Picchu. Get a copy and learn today. ...

    29,45 €