Catálogo de libros: Relatos románticos y de relaciones interpersonales (infantil/juvenil)

1060 Catálogo de libros: Relatos románticos y de relaciones interpersonales (infantil/juvenil)

Libros Eliminar filtro Infantiles, juveniles y didácticos Eliminar filtro Ficción e historias reales infantiles y juveniles Eliminar filtro Relatos románticos y de relaciones interpersonales (infantil/juvenil) Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Knight Blazer
    Don Trey
    In a world of ancient magic, young Raiden strives to unlock his power and rise above his fears to defeat the evil creatures that seek to destroy the peace and prosperity of the land. Can he unleash the power of the Sword of Esoncia and rise triumphant? Is Arisha the Dragon Girl putting him at even graver risk than the trials that lie before him? Continue the magical journey in ...

    10,58 €

  • These Violent Delights
    Jeanette Battista
    Two households, both alike in dignity…Romy Montoya feels less than #blessed to be sent to Verona Prep, a posh boarding school on the East Coast designed to break students down and rebuild them for the Ivy League. As the daughter of a controversial pop superstar, Romy has spent most of her life in L.A. surrounded by ostentatious wealth and the obscenely privileged. After a highl...

    10,55 €

  • Adam’s Journal
    E C Flickinger
    Adam eventually finds love, but in a twist of fate, he must find a way to win her back. Sometimes you just have to wait for the thing you want most. 'The world is full of unmet friends,' Adam writes in his new journal soon after he turns sixteen. Adam has spent most of the last four years running and reading. Running made him stronger and more confident; reading taught him all ...

    16,22 €

  • My Alien
    Robin Martin
    Zoe Brennan has everything sorted. Finally, she's good friends with the ultra cool Jas and part of her popular group. She even has plans to make new boy, Chad Everett, fall for her. But on one disastrous day at the beach all that changes when she encounters Rion, an extremely annoying alien who informs her they are connected - for life. Bossy and egotistical, he has no hesi...

    12,67 €

  • Blooms of Consequence
    Breeana Puttroff
    It’s time to make her choices. Quinn Robbins is stuck in Eirentheos, unable to use the gate to go home, and she’s facing the biggest decisions of her life. Will she accept the destiny that was handed to her – one she never wanted – or will she walk away? With events spiraling out of her control, Quinn is forced to make some difficult decisions – and some of those choices have...

    11,33 €

  • The Underworld
    Jessica Sorensen
    Gemma thought her mind was gone, but she was wrong. And now she is left trying to figure out the truth to what Stephan is planning to do with her and the star, before it’s too late.But finding out the truth is hard, especially since Gemma doesn’t know who she can trust. There may be only one person who Gemma can turn to for answers, but that means having to go to the one place ...

    21,21 €

  • The Three Most Wanted
    Corinna Turner
    2,000 KILOMETRES - 3 NEW ADULTS - A BLOC-WIDE MANHUNT SAFE? NOT EVEN COMPARATIVELY. "Bane? Take Margo and go. You've done everything you can. Just leave me here, I'll be fine." "No, you won't," said Bane. "Fine. I won't. Doesn't make any difference now. Go." Margo, Bane and Jon are posing as just three more summer backpackers... but they have two thousand ki...

    11,50 €


    24,24 €

  • The Back Country Girl
    Lori Greenhalgh
    Annabell, a lonely girl with her young dog working on her parents’ New Zealand back country farm, finds herself pitted against girls trained in finishing school who have more worldly knowledge. She fights not to become involved with the new young man in the district, who seems beyond her reach. What follows is a delightful and humorous insight into the life of a young woman in ...

    13,38 €

  • 29 (Twenty-Nine)
    Nancy Pennick
    29 ... It's not just a number.Allie Sanders thinks life in a small town can’t get any more dull and boring. She plans to escape after graduation. After a bad break-up, she wants to sail through junior year without distraction. Then the mysterious loner sits down in front of her in AP English. He’s the guy she noticed last year desperately trying to stay invisible. She wants...

    15,87 €

  • Just the Way You Are
    Allison M. Boot / Allison M. Lewis
    Misty Miles, the princess of a faraway land known as Starryton, is like any other woman of her station – except for her disability. She has spent the majority of her 21 years high in a tower so that this, and the wheelchair that accompanies it, will remain a secret. Her parents’ fear of the monarchy appearing weak as a result of Misty’s condition necessitates this course of act...

    9,22 €

  • Striking Mars
    Cidney Swanson
    Fleeing for their lives, Jess and Pavel make it to the Moon, narrowly avoiding the attack on Space Station 92-AE. They should be safe and happy, but they discover they are not alone on Tranquility Base. The stranger they encounter seems uniquely qualified to leak their presence to Chancellor Lucca Brezhnaya, especially when the Marsians contemplate airing Lucca's political ...

    14,63 €

  • Twelve Steps
    Veronica Bartles
    When her crush asks her to fix him up with her perfect older sister, sixteen-year-old Andi decides it’s time to step out of the shadows. She creates a twelve-step program for second-class siblings to help her steal the spotlight, and the guy, from her sister, Laina. Step 1: Admit she's powerless to change her perfect sister, and accept that her life really, really sucks. St...

    14,45 €

  • With Love from Poland
    Linda Lee Keenan
    'With Love from Poland' begins in 1920 Cracow, then a prosperous textile town brimming with life. That was the year that the beautiful, fair-haired Helena Pawlowski met the brash, young Jan Jasinski quite by accident. From that moment on, their lives became intertwined. Their strong bond would later become the backbone of an underground movement to save their family and friends...

    16,79 €

  • Conjoined at the Soul
    Huston Piner
    Randy Clark has just looked in the mirror and figured out he’s gay. So now, all he needs is a boyfriend, and finding one should be easy enough, right? The trouble is Randy has a knack for being attracted to the wrong kind of guy, like the one who hasn’t spoken to him since he told him he had pretty eyes. Then there’s that locker-room jock who’s always putting him down. And new ...

    11,09 €

  • Our Sweet Guillotine
    Mary Gray
    A young executioner falls for the daughter of a woman he had to kill...Tempeste has survived much choosing to live on Paris’ streets–scavenging for food, learning survival skills from a deserter whom she paid to attack her in her sleep, and living a life her mother would approve of, one devoid of luxury. But denying oneself of food and proper bedding can stir a madness in the b...

    21,13 €

  • Flicker
    Melanie Hooyenga
    Biz is a perfectly normal teenager except for one minor detail: she uses sunlight to jump back to yesterday. She takes advantage of flickering by retaking Trig tests, fixing fights with her boyfriend (or reliving the making up), and repeating pretty much anything that could be done better. Trouble is, flickering makes her head explode from the inside. Or feel like it anyway.No ...

    13,41 €

  • Historias para leer a bordo
    Rodolfo Fernández Chaves
    'Historias para leer a bordo es un libro de superación que no termina de ser un libro de superación, y es un libro de relatos que no termina de ser un libro de relatos. Oscilando entre un género y el otro, el autor nos plantea de una manera jocosa y amigable una serie de historias que llaman a la reflexión, transmitiéndonos pequeños pero valiosos mensajes de una manera fácil de...

    11,96 €

  • Lluvia de cenizas
    Gerardo Javier Oliva Luna
    'Lluvia de cenizas es una colección de ocho relatos en los que se plasman las consecuencias, a veces trágicas y desafortunadas, que derivan de las acciones y decisiones que sus personajes asumen como resultado de sus sueños, ambiciones y creencias.A través de una narración sencilla, creativa y de fácil lectura, el autor nos transporta a escenarios donde el amor, la soledad y la...

    13,00 €

  • Síndrome de Tourette
    Dolph Apaestegui Sotomayor / Fernando Chiroque Castillo
    En las sombras de la adolescencia, donde las emociones rugen más fuerte que nunca, emerge 'Síndrome de Tourette', la oscura y conmovedora antología de Fernando Chiroque Castillo.Sumérgete en las páginas de este libro y descubre el viaje interior de un joven, plasmado en crudas historias que exploran la soledad, el amor y la desolación. Como una carta desgarradora dirigida a tod...

    9,36 €

  • La sonrisa del mal
    Mónica Olivera
    A Eunji le tocó descubrir eso de la peor manera. Un cruce de miradas inocentes desataría un sin fin de misterios y muertes a su alrededor, gracias a un psicópata que se obsesiona con ella. Eunji tratará de sobrevivir a esta locura o, ¿sucumbirá al oscuro y depravado mundo de los monstruos de carne y hueso? Aquellos que son conocidos como, asesinos. ...

    15,30 €

  • Mi vida en tu mirada
    Sabrina Castillo
    En 'Mi vida en tu mirada', Emily lucha por despejar su mente y encontrar respuestas a sus sentimientos mientras regresa a Londres con su madre y Olivia, dos semanas después de abandonar el hospital. La sombra de Leon, su 'prometido', se cierne sobre ella, confundiendo sus pensamientos y emociones en cada esquina de la ciudad.Mientras tanto, Lucas intenta rehacer su vida en Alem...

    20,47 €

  • Barcos de papel
    Freddy Zumaeta
    Sumérgete en un mar de emociones con 'Barcos de Papel', el cautivador libro de relatos de Freddy Zumaeta. Atrévete a explorar los rincones más profundos del ser humano, mientras te adentras en un viaje lleno de miedo, angustia, dolor, amor, felicidad y, sobre todo, esperanza. En esta fascinante recopilación, el autor invita al lector a experimentar y conectar con cada una de es...

    7,28 €

  • Por amor o por pecado
    Carolina Salazar Araujo
    Por amor o por pecado nos muestra un cuestionamiento que siempre nos ha acompañado como seres humanos: lo que está bien y lo que está mal. En nuestras vidas, procuramos elegir lo primero por encima de todo e intentamos que esto sea nuestro mantra, quizás nuestro valor predominante. Sin embargo, ¿sí podemos distinguir entre uno y otro? ¿Sí podemos elegir de forma correcta?La nov...

    12,47 €

  • Escrito para ti
    Dulce María Marcela Martínez García
    Escrito para ti. Narraciones, diferentes historias de amor y otros pensamientos, de la autora mexicana Dulce Martínez García, es un libro sumamente heterogéneo. A pesar de su brevedad, alterna textos poéticos con narraciones, reflexiones y reinterpretaciones históricas de temas religiosos y míticos.Una obra sincera, escrita por una mujer con profunda fe, cuya pluma sencilla y h...

    15,08 €

  • La cara del olvido
    Camila Castellanos / Kelly Bonilla
    Adéntrate en 'La Cara del Olvido', un libro que narra el oscuro viaje de una joven universitaria en su lucha contra los problemas del pasado y la angustia que la acompaña al ingresar a la vida adulta. Enfrentando sus demonios internos, recurre al alcohol, las drogas y el sexo en un intento desesperado por escapar de su dolor. Cada poema describe su estado depredador, ansioso y ...

    10,40 €

  • Forzando el amor
    Kelly Bonilla
    'Forzando el amor' cuenta la historia de Matthew Collins, un excéntrico millonario que vive la vida de fiesta en fiesta y trata a las mujeres como objetos. Sus padres deciden intervenir y obligarlo a casarse con la ahijada de un amigo cercano, Katherin Davis, una joven sencilla y amable que trabaja en un restaurante mientras estudia en la universidad. ¿Puede una chica humilde c...

    15,36 €

  • Querido error
    Ana F
    Esto va más o menos así...Rompí con mi novio AKA el amor de mi vida... Ok está bien, él rompió conmigo, diferencias culturales fue la excusa ¿En serio? Si. En serio.Entonces su mejor amigo que por cierto es un pesado, planeó unas horribles vacaciones soñadas con mi familia incluída ¿Quién hace eso? ¿Pude negarme? Evidentemente no.Ahora estoy atrapada en un mágico lugar con mis ...

    11,73 €

  • Chiara Cavalcanti
    Virginia Velásquez
    Chiara Cavalcanti ha crecido rodeada de amor, el amor más puro de su familia y el amor romántico de sus años adolescentes al lado de Odalis, su primera amiga, su primer beso, su primera ilusión y sí, su primer corazón roto. El cáncer le arrebató a la mujer con la que veía su futuro, sumiéndola en un bache oscuro con el que tendrá que luchar para salir adelante. En el camino apa...

    17,00 €

  • Los pedazos de un corazón roto
    Sofía Hidekel
    Dylan y Lena han tenido una vida lo suficientemente incompleta, sus tragedias solían ser muy grandes hasta que ambos se conocen. Al ver que su amor crece toman la decisión de cambiar de pasado, creando un presente indescriptible y un futuro diferente. Pero de nuevo ocurre una situación donde la alegría desvanece y se convierte en tristeza. Dylan y Lena forman una gran conexión ...

    9,69 €