Catálogo de libros: Varios

1912 Catálogo de libros: Varios

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  • Letter Box
    Sahil Patni
    This book consist of various types of  Topics under love which we can’t discuss with anyone but it’s important to know the Topics so here i bring a book for you to Help you out !!! Hope you will love it and enjoy it  ...

    12,21 €

  • Space Tourism Successful Factors
    John Lok
    What are the main factors influence future space tourism leisure development?It is suitable to any readers who have interest to acknowledge more any space exploration issues how to influence human ourselves psychological and psychological needs to order to adapt to change our daily life as well as researching whether what advantages and/or disadvantages that we can get from spa...

    17,94 €

  • The Empty Soul
    Birendra Danu
    Thinking is the greatest power of mankind. It helped us toevolve and develop. Each and every thought we get maybecome another forward step to mankind. Thought is amental process in which beings form psychologicalassociation and models of the world. That too, writer’sthoughts are very special. They helps us to feel manysituations without even experiencing them. This book isthe c...

    13,62 €

  • Robots Bring Positive Or Negative Changes To Human Societies
    John Lok
    This book concerns to be given my opinions to explain how artificial intelligent technology will impact our life and will influence economic development in the future as well as how to influence human job market change. Robots may bring what positive or negative influences to human societies.In labor market part, I shall indicate how artificial intelligence technology influence...

    23,83 €

  • Uses of videos
    Burhanuddin Luqmani
    Video captioning, the task of describing the content of a video in natural language, is a populartask both in computer vision and natural languageprocessing. In the beginning, researchers try to generate sentence-level captions for short video clips(Venugopalan et al., 2015). Krishna et al. (2017)propose the task of dense video captioning. Thesystem needs to detect event segmen...

    31,22 €

    Abul Chaudhury
    This book is the outcome of Ph.D research work done at Assam University, Silchar and it deals with the comparative study on the scientific ideas reflected in the Qur’an with that of Modern Science.  As the Quran claims itself to be a Book of Knowledge, it may be presumed that the Quran, though a religious book contains scientific ideas related to Modern Science.   Indeed, the h...

    39,02 €

  • Can Robots Influence Human Behavioral Change
    John Lok
    How AI technology influence productivities and service performance ?  Whether it can raise productivities and improve service performance?This book aims to explain why and how future artificial intelligent technology ( big data gathering method) can be applied to assit businesses to predict why and when and how consumer behavior changes. I shall explain why traditional psycholo...

    21,57 €

  • Mithilanchal
    Shiv Jha
    Everyone knows there is something in the air that is impacting every aspect of life in Mithilanchal. One is tempted to call it the cultural renaissance of Mithilanchal.Mithila is a geographical and cultural region located in the Indian subcontinent. It comprises certain parts of Bihar of India and adjoining districts of the eastern Terai of Nepal.We knew how and why Mithila reg...

    14,04 €

    Abdul Gafoor
    it a very feel good stories and inspiration of the koarean webseries and the reviwer enjoy itThank you for your support and love ...

    14,49 €

  • Research Whether Time May Influence Social Consumption Behavior
    John Lok
     This book has two parts. First part explain how and why time may influence consumer behavior and second part explains how any why time may cause salespeople feel to persuade the customers to choose to buy the product in short time or long time. In behavioral economy view, businessmen may apply this theory to predict consumer individual behavior whether what economy factor may ...

    32,08 €

  • A scientific Hand Book On PCOS-1
    Dr. P.
    A Scientific Handbook On PCOS And Managementyou will get to know all the essential things from A TO Z about PCOS  and how to Maintain it Including Diet Charts. ...

    9,84 €

    Anamika Tiwari
    A beautiful and useful book. A book full of wisdom. It will you to turn your negative emotions into positive emotions.It will help you to ignore all limitations .Find happiness, peace, opportunity to grow.. ...

    15,48 €

  • Learning Human Impacts Time Behavior
    K Gowri
    How social change influences human behavioral change  ? Why human behavior may be influenced by social change? Our individual behavior whether can be influenced to bring negative or positive attitude by social change?  I shall attempt to indicate cases to explain whether our individual behavior can be influenced to changed by social environment change. Readers can have more und...

    18,66 €

  • Project Direction And Control
    Prem Amrit
    This book contains topics related to project direction and control, it gives complete knowledge about the topics in simple and easy language. ...

    9,96 €

  • Learning How Robots Influence Human Future Behavior
    John Lok
    Whether (AI) robotic workers can be instead of traditional human workers in these different new markets to bring positive or negative impaction to change human job nature change?  In recent years, machines had been used to be human’s tasks in the performance of certain tasks related to intelligence , such as aspects of image recognition.  Experts also forecast that rapid progre...

    23,35 €

    S Jayabalan
    The riddles of the soul are concerned with divine mysteries. All we should do is to close the windows and doors of our body, mind, and heart (Matthew 6:6) and allow the Spirit to join our spirit (Romans 8:16) in the depth of our being. One of the things Lord Jesus has insisted upon is the need for Discovery. The telling parable which he uttered is the ‘Hidden Treasure’ (Matthew...

    16,76 €

  • Daily Motivation by Moon Merchant
    Moon Merchant
    If you want to be motivated every day then you must read this book. Ever feel a lack of motivation than just turn a random page and read to feel motivated.  ...

    32,61 €

  • Learning Human Behavior How Influences Technologic innovation
    John Lok
     How social change influences human behavioral change  ? Why human behavior may be influenced by social change? Our individual behavior whether can be influenced to bring negative or positive attitude by social change?  I shall attempt to indicate cases to explain whether our individual behavior can be influenced to changed by social environment change. Readers can have more un...

    23,57 €

  • How Human Behavior Influences AI Technological Needs
    John Lok
     How social change influences human behavioral change  ? Why human behavior may be influenced by social change? Our individual behavior whether can be influenced to bring negative or positive attitude by social change?  I shall attempt to indicate cases to explain whether our individual behavior can be influenced to changed by social environment change. Readers can have more un...

    27,41 €

    With everything going on around and in our lives, we have all realized that none of us has any idea of how to deal with the extended isolation, anxiety, uncertainty, or the dozens of other mental health struggles of our new normal, which is totally understandable, TBH.Being a sufferer myself, I have penned down a few go-to’s in this little guide. ...

    13,56 €

  • Rhythms of Retaliation
    Anoop Krishnan
    Every contact leaves a trace. A perfect crime is a myth. But was a crime committed?It was retaliation. A nemesis for a committed sinLove is a weapon, money being the ammunition. If these two come together, what cannot be done?  When a lawyer, a doctor and a rich girl hatch a sinister strategy to attain their particular goals, will they be able to escape the hands of nemesis? Wi...

    16,71 €

  • Technology How Influences Human Behavioral Change
    John Lok
     In my this book, I shall indicate fun questions and the different solution methods in behavioral economy view. I shall attempt to explain how and why ecommerce may be one kind network human job. Also, I shall indicate reasons to explain why human network behavior may bring direct or indirect influences to economy growth or recession in our global societies in macro and micro e...

    46,42 €

  • My XPERIENTIAL File (Reloaded)
    Stevewealth Firenew
    My XPERIENTIAL File (Reloaded) is a simple book which has been detailed with the personal quotes of the author, and which is:’The WORDS of the WISE to the WORLD’My XPERIENTIAL File (Reloaded) entails quotes from varied, personal life experiences of the author, which spans over two decades.Inspirational Quotes (Reloaded) have made and remade many individuals, who emanated from t...

    13,56 €

  • Half A Year Quotes
    Stevewealth Firenew
    Half A Year Quotes (Quotes from the Heart) is a simple book which has been detailed with the personal quotes of the author. It entails quotes from varied, personal life experiences of the author, which spans over two decades. Quotes have made and remade many individuals, who emanated from the most impoverished villages and towns to become great men and women in the societal, fa...

    13,59 €

  • Metaethereality
    Lukas Allen
    Into the story, the meta breaks. In Metaethereality, my stories converge, diverge, and blur. The four main characters from my books, Yule Tidings, TNK, Lucy, and Mary Jane come together, in reality and ethereality.These stories shouldn’t be together... but here they are.So sit back, tune in, and enjoy the building and breaking of my worlds.The radio turns on of its own free wil...

    19,50 €

  • Stairs Upon the Mountain (Unimproved Version)
    Larry Burington
    Non-Fiction, Experiential. Author is a lay member of the Roman Catholic faith, and observes the practices of a secular monk. Meaning he keeps the hours of the Divine Office daily; as his state of life and disposition permits. When the Lord Jesus decides that the writer of this manuscript should suffer as he did; albeit in a watered-down manner; the author has learned to keep hi...

    11,20 €

  • She, Her and the People
    Radhika Sule
    The book in your hand ' She, Her and the People”, is a wordy representation of miscommunication between society and women. Today Society, culture, religion, caste, and customs draw a different human in us but the string is humanity that holds us together. Nowadays we all forget about humanity but focus on our imperfections with each other. As we all know that this world is alre...

    15,59 €

  • Human Behavior And Social Development Relationship
    John Lok
     In our societies, how developing and developed countries can apply robotics to improve themselves countries social development to be better, even the best. Can robotic development be applied to help developed and developing noth to improve their societies in success?  Can robotic development only be applied to help developed countries to improve their societies more easier to ...

    20,23 €

  • Raindrops on my pain~
    Anna Rashid
    We all have been through the traumatic experiances-  we all have felt that unsual, painful feeling, if you do, you will relate to each one of the poetries written in this BOOK. Understand the emotions behind the poems, and get lost in the words you awaited to utter... ...

    12,85 €

  • The GTA V Online Tutorial Book
    Alex Fox
    This is the best book to ever be written in gaming history!In this tutorial book, I have compiled all the information you will need to essentially complete GTA V Online: how to run the businesses, how to complete the heists, how to do the glitches/exploits and more! With my seven years of experience, I have stated the best tips and tricks for you to outcompete everyone else and...

    15,59 €