Catálogo de libros: Deportes de combate y defensa personal

970 Catálogo de libros: Deportes de combate y defensa personal

Libros Eliminar filtro Estilo de vida, deporte y ocio Eliminar filtro Deportes y recreación al aire libre Eliminar filtro Deportes de combate y defensa personal Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Wing Chun Masters
    Jose MFraguas
    Through conversations with many historical Wing Chun figures such as the Grandmaster Yip Man’s sons; Yip Ching and Yip Chun, and other top disciples of his like Wong Shun Leung, Willian Cheung, Victor Kan, Leung Ting, etc…the information in this book has never appeared anywhere before. The author, Jose M. Fraguas proudly presents “Wing Chun Masters”, with an amazing repertoire ...

    38,79 €

  • Understanding Aikido
    Jan J Sunderlin
    Understanding Aikido: Essential Information and Perceptions (Special Edition) presents an historical, cultural, and philosophical look at the development of the Japanese martial art of Aikido. Sunderlin focuses on the influences brought to bear on Morihei Ueshiba, the founder of Aikido, and the subsequent cultivation of the latter's martial art as a vessel of Budo. The author a...

    63,06 €

  • Fut Sao Wing Chun
    James Cama
    Wing Chun is one of the most popular martial arts in the world. It was made famous by Bruce Lee and his master, Yip Man. The most practiced form of Wing Chun is the Hong Kong version, which is streamlined and compact. However, older systems survive in China and one of them is the obscure art known as Fut Sao (Buddha Hand) Wing Chun. Fut Sao Wing Chun was brought to America in 1...

    18,04 €

  • Karate
    Keiji Tomiyama
    This excellent work, with more than 800 photos for ease of use, is designed to help students get the most out of the study and training of the five essential Pi Nan kata. Tomiyama Sensei, one of the leading Shito Ryu instructors in the world, not only demonstrates the katas, advising on performance and underlying principles, but also brings together sets of “bunkai” (applicatio...

    21,25 €

  • Masterclass Karate
    Michael R. Berger / Michael RBerger
    Keri-waza, or kicking techniques, comprise about half of the arsenal in karate. Perhaps of more importance, being that the legs are far superior in both strength and reach to the arms, neglecting the proper development of kicking can result only in a partial development of the art, and thus in obvious ultimate defeat. The proper use of kicking opens a full array of possibilitie...

    21,17 €

  • Winning Kumite
    Kunio Miyake / Jose MFraguas
    This introduction to sport competition teaches you in detail how to use your potential and your technical skills to defeat your opponents in Karate competition. Master Miyake shows hundred of basic, intermediate, and advanced sparring combinations used by the great karate champions in the sport. This is the perfect guide to understand offensive and defensive tactics as used in ...

    25,41 €

  • Regards from the Dragon
    George Lee
    Throughout their friendship, Bruce Lee wrote George Lee letters on a regular basis. Those letters touched on everything from Martial Arts philosophy and the development of Jeet Kune Do to George’s creation of workout equipment for Bruce’s private and personal training.These letters express friendship and appreciation for a man Bruce Lee called ‘my friend.’ Periodically, George ...

    29,47 €

  • Taekwondo
    Marc Tedeschi
    The essential text on Taekwondo’s widely practiced ITF patterns, written by the author of the landmark 896-page book, 'Taekwondo: Traditions, Philosophy, Technique.' ----- This informative text provides a detailed summary of the 24 patterns historically associated with the International Taekwondo Federation, which are widely appreciated for their traditional qualities, aesthe...

    39,87 €

  • Hapkido
    Marc Tedeschi
    The essential introductory text, written by the author of the landmark 1136-page book, 'Hapkido: Traditions, Philosophy, Technique.' ----- This is the first introductory text to accurately portray Hapkido in its entirety. One of the world’s most exciting, varied, and practical martial arts, Hapkido consists of thousands of techniques encompassing all forms of martial skills: st...

    23,55 €

  • Taekwondo
    Marc Tedeschi
    The essential introductory text, written by the author of the landmark 896-page book, 'Taekwondo: Traditions, Philosophy, Technique.' ----- This is the first introductory text to accurately portray the world’s most widely practiced martial art, Taekwondo, in its entirety. Inclusive of virtually all Taekwondo styles, including Olympic-Style, this unprecedented work integrates ...

    23,55 €

  • Mental Karate
    Tom Muzila
    Karate master Tom Muzila, a direct student of the great Tsutomu Ohshima, presents for the first time a complete series analyzing the mental aspects of combat. This book is a through study of the theory and practice of the mental elements used by the great and legendary masters in Karate-do history. The author discusses in-depth many of the different psychological elements neces...

    20,08 €

  • Fundamental Iron Skills
    Dale Dugas
    Do you want hard arms for blocking and striking? How about an iron body to absorb blows from an attacker? In Fundamental Iron Skills, Dale Dugas shows you how to develop these ancient skills in a safe, step-by-step manner. This is the first book to cover all aspects of iron skills training in one volume, including solo training and the use of auxiliary training equipment and he...

    22,51 €

  • The Art of Throwing
    Marc Tedeschi
    One in a series of remarkable books that provide an in-depth look at the core concepts and techniques shared by a broad range of martial arts styles. ----- This illuminating work outlines the essential principles and techniques that define the art of throwing in most martial arts. More than 1,200 outstanding photographs introduce over 130 practical techniques encompassing all ...

    38,16 €

  • Stand Your Ground
    Jack Forbes
    Attorney and Martial Artist Jack Forbes analyzes State law from across the United States of America on the legal limits of self-defense, defense of others and defense of property. Applying the Law to concrete scenarios, Jack puts you face-to-face with assailants, victims and defenders, as force meets force. TO KILL, OR NOT TO KILL...can be a life-changing event; don't get it w...

    10,87 €

  • Gong Sau Wong
    Eric Lilleør
    'This is a book that will enlighten you, motivate you, and move you. I can’t recommend it highly enough!' -Sifu David PetersonWhat if you could transport back in time for a front-row seat into the life and legacy of one of the most respected Wing Chun masters in history?'Gong Sau Wong: A Tribute' offers you just that!At a whopping 360 pages, 'Gong Sau Wong: A Tribute' is a fasc...

    80,59 €

  • Sil Lim Tao
    Mestre Kim
    O Wing Chun é considerado um dos mais eficientes estilos de Kung Fu da China moderna, sendo o mais praticado em Hong Kong devido à sua eficiência. Este estilo dá grande ênfase ao uso das mãos e à luta a curta distância, o que lhe dá grande vantagem sobre os estilos especializados no uso das pernas.No Wing Chun, as pernas são usadas apenas como recurso de defesa, em bloqueios, e...

    12,42 €

  • Defensa personal para todos. Aprende a defenderte.
    Borja Collado Gimón
    Con este libro aprenderás a protegerte de forma efectiva en caso de una situación de peligro. Ganarás confianza en ti mismo y te sentirás más seguro en tu día a día. Desarrollarás una mayor capacidad de reacción y toma de decisiones ante situaciones de riesgo.Este libro está dirigido a ti, que quieres aprender a defenderte y a mejorar tu seguridad personal y la seguridad de tus...

    32,07 €

  • El Camino Del Wing Chun
    João Carlos Moreno
    El Camino del Wing Chun: Un Viaje de Estudio y Descubrimiento Después de los 50El Camino del Wing Chun: Un Viaje de Estudio y Descubrimiento Después de los 50ofrece una mirada profunda e inspiradora sobre cómo la práctica de este antiguo arte marcial puede ser transformadora. Más que un cambio físico, el Wing Chun influye en todos los aspectos de la vida, demostrando que nunca ...

    16,59 €

  • Krav Maga, Faça O Que Puder, Mas Faça Correto. Defesa Pessoal É Inteligência.
    Jefferson Pinheiro Leite De Macêdo
    Forjaremos juntos a sua alma e corpo para gerir sua própria segurança física, saindo da bolha da falsa sensação de segurança em que todos nós estamos inseridos. Tenha em mente que somente você, conseguirá prover a sua própria segurança individualmente. E que é impossível, deter uma pessoa determinada e focada a lhe causar mal.No mesmo sentido, somente uma pessoa treinada pode e...

    58,05 €

    Martín Ruiz, Luis
    Mano vacía es la última y definitiva obra de Luis Martín Ruiz sobre las disciplinas marciales. En este libro, el autor hace un examen de los conceptos «tradicional» y «deportivo», el primero real y auténtico como defensa personal y el segundo como una falacia, evidenciando y desaprobando un sinnúmero de técnicas y posiciones ilusorias que existen en el llamado «karate moderno»,...

    14,00 €

  • The Book of Five Rings
    Musashi Miyamoto
    ’When you attain the Way of strategy, there will not be one thing you cannot see.’ - Miyamoto Musashi.  Book of Five Rings Shortly before his death in 1645, the undefeated swordsman Miyamoto Musashi retreated to a cave to live as a hermit. There he wrote five scrolls describing the 'true principles' required for victory in the martial arts and on the battlefield. Instead of rel...

    9,11 €

  • Shock & Latch
    Jason Schultz
    Shock & Latch: A Primer is for the Medusa practitioner with no coach on hand. For the practitioner who is unsure of what we mean exactly by Shock & Latch. Step by step examples are given inside. ...

    28,91 €

  • Kanki Izumikawa Legacy and Teachings of a Goju Ryu Pioneer
    Filip Konjokrad
    Kanki Izumikawa was a leading pioneer of Goju Ryu in Japan who established the first Okinawan led dojo on the mainland in 1939. His Senbukan dojo became the centre of Goju-Ryu training for Eastern Japan where all kinds of budoka and famous students gathered. This book is the first of its kind to explore Kanki Izumikawa’s life, teaching’s and legacy in detail. It will surely be ...

    23,14 €

  • Unseen Advantages
    Adaly Rosado
    'Unseen Advantages: The Hidden Benefits of Martial Arts' is a book that explores the lesser-known benefits of practicing martial arts. The book delves into the physical, mental, and social advantages of martial arts that are often overlooked. The author, Rev. Adaly Rosado, is a first degree black belt in Taekwondo. He provides an in-depth analysis of how martial arts can help ...

    7,80 €

  • Pump it up Magazine
    Anissa Suttton
    Hey there, Fabulous Readers!Ever wondered how Juliana ’Killer’ Miller ended up gracing our cover? Well, here’s the scoop!In a stroke of fate and the allure of our August edition, I had the pleasure of meeting Juliana through the esteemed Grandmixer GMS. Not only is Grandmixer GMS a revered DJ at KPIU Radio, our official station, but he also graced our August cover - a true gem ...

    11,37 €

  • El Tejido Invisible
    Dr. Su Yu-Chang
    Este es un libro de Kung Fu, El Arte del Movimiento, que es también el Arte de la Relajación Completa.Desde monasterios legendarios, desde lujosos alcázares de guardias de corps de emperadores chinos, el maestro Su Yu Chang nos trae, bajo la forma de Tai Chi Chuan, la esencia del Kung Fu aplicado.En ese arte milenario que sintetiza de manera práctica los grandes pilares de la f...

    35,00 €

  • Medusa Edged Weapon System
    Jason Schultz
    The Medusa Edged Weapon System is the brainchild of father-son team Mike and Seth Raymond. This manual is one of the most concise you will find of it’s kind. The pages within aren’t bloated with martial musings and unfounded opinions. This work was completed after years of research and training pertinent to this study.This new hardcopy edition contains extra information not inc...

    23,97 €

  • Mastering Life and Swordsmanship
    Christopher Ford
    'Mastering Life and Swordsmanship: The Wisdom of Miyamoto Musashi' is a guide that offers a unique blend of martial philosophy and life principles from one of Japan’s most legendary swordsmen. This book encapsulates the essence of Miyamoto Musashi’s profound teachings, providing readers with a timeless roadmap for mastering not only the art of the sword but also the art of livi...

    8,69 €

  • As Voltas Que O Mundo Dá Na Capoeira Angola
    Prof. Cruzeiro De São Francisco
    As voltas que o Mundo dá na Capoeira Angola aborda temas relacionados a essa arte luta com seriedade e de uma forma totalmente diferenciada dos demais autores.A linguagem simples é retratada logo no primeiro capítulo, ao correlacionar a ginga ao caminhar do praticante da capoeira, fazendo referências a passagens históricas e importantes que proporciona uma reflexão sobre este t...

    13,58 €

  • Capoeira Angola Uma Filosofia De Vida
    José Luiz Oliveira Cruz
    Neste livro, o Mestre Bola Sete reúneo maior númeropossível de reflexões filosóficas proferidas pelo MestrePastinha, no intuito de presentear os alunos, discípulos e capoeiristas com a leitura dessespreciosos ensinamentos transmitidos pelo mestre maior dacapoeira angola, através de reportagens, entrevistas, livros,dentre outros meios de comunicação, inclusive conversas quemanti...

    15,40 €