Catálogo de libros: Deportes de pista y campo, atletismo

119 Catálogo de libros: Deportes de pista y campo, atletismo

Libros Eliminar filtro Estilo de vida, deporte y ocio Eliminar filtro Deportes y recreación al aire libre Eliminar filtro Deportes de pista y campo, atletismo Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • When Running Made History
    Roger Robinson
    Robinson takes readers on a globe-trotting tour that combines a historian's in-sight with vivid personal memories going back to just after World War II. From experiencing the 1948 'Austerity Olympics' in London as a young spectator to working as a journalist in the Boston Marathon media center at the moment of the 2013 bombings, Robinson offers a fascinating first-person ac...

    77,68 €

  • Correndo
    João Tavares
    EmCorrendo pela Vida , somos convidados a embarcar em uma jornada de superação e autodescoberta por meio da corrida. O autor, um ex-sedentário determinado a viver além das expectativas impostas a ele, compartilha sua inspiradora trajetória de transformação e liberdade.Nesta obra motivacional e envolvente, o autor desmistifica a crença de que correr é um esporte exclusivo para a...

    7,89 €

  • Ultraman
    Marcos Dantas E Iúri Totti
    Lenda do triathlon no Brasil, esporte que cresceu com ele no país, Alexandre Ribeiro teve sua carreira esportiva marcada pelo Ironman e o Ultraman. Triatleta dos mais respeitados, ele é admirado como um dos homens mais resistentes do planeta. Mas não é só por isso. Atleta ético e generoso nas competições, fora do mar, da bike e da pista de corrida, é um pai amoroso e dedicado a...

    16,82 €

  • Correr
    Furio Oldani / Igino Floris
    Correr es uno de los mejores ejercicios para mantenerse en forma,retrasar el envejecimiento y, además, divertirse. Y ahora está de moda: el running se ha convertido en hábito para unos, en terapia para otros y en placer para muchos.Con detallados planes de entrenamiento tanto para el que nunca se ha calzado unas zapatillas como para quien busca bajar su tiempo en un maratón, es...

    13,47 €

  • Gimnasia cerebral aplicada en estrategias didácticas. En busca del rendimiento académico
    Wildoro Ramírez Ramírez
    Desde sus orígenes, el objetivo principal de la educación es enseñar y proporcionar al estudiante información nueva que lo ayudará en su quehacer académico. En la actualidad existen numerosas investigaciones sobre diferentes procesos educativos, entre estos, la denominada gimnasia cerebral.La gimnasia cerebral hace trabajar a ambos hemisferios del cerebro al mismo tiempo. Ayuda...

    12,48 €

  • Ho deixo aquí
    Josep Maria Antentas Altarriba
    Josep Maria Antentas aplega tot un seguit de textos que reflecteixen la seva vinculació amb el món de latletisme i mostra quina és la relació que tota la vida ha tingut amb aquesta disciplina esportiva. Alhora, també narra algunes experiències i anècdotes que ha viscut, com, per exemple, haver conegut un dels millors fondistes de tots els temps, Haile Gebrselassie, haver estat ...

    16,96 €

  • A Woman’s Guide to Triathlon
    Eva Mauer
    Turn your triathlon dreams into reality. Have all your questions answered and get started training for your first tri!A Woman’s Guide to Triathlon - The Things Men Will Never Tell You About the Sport is written specifically for women wanting to get into the sport (really all 3 sports). It combines knowledge from seasoned pros and presents everything you need to know in a format...

    25,17 €

  • El gran libro del bodybuilding
    Bruno Davide Bordoni
    El bodybuilding es elentrenamiento para todos losdeportes. Permite alcanzar yconservar un nivel de saludóptimo, independientemente dela edad y el sexo. Todo ello con elrespaldo teórico de un largo yexhaustivo proceso deinvestigación científica.En su interpretación más amplia,no debe ser visto exclusivamentecomo una disciplina practicadapor unos pocos atletas de altonivel. Debe ...

    48,83 €

  • A Woman’s Guide to TA Woman’s Guide to Triathlon
    Eva Mauer
    Turn your triathlon dreams  into reality. Have all your questions answered and get started training for your first tri!A Woman’s Guide to Triathlon - The Things Men Will Never Tell You About the Sport is written specifically for women wanting to get into the sport (really all 3 sports). It combines knowledge from seasoned pros and presents everything you need to ...

    19,15 €

  • My Coworkers Think I’m A Pro
    Brock Gibbs
    Brock Gibbs’ funny autobiographical account of his quest for a podium finish in an Ironman 70.3 World Championships is anything but a how-to guide on becoming a champion.  Gibbs hilariously, and touchingly, weaves together stories of his own madman pursuits as he pushes himself to his limits: physically, mentally, and emotionally. In a funny, self-deprecating way, the author de...

    13,61 €

  • Journey to Kona
    Nick Muxlow
    Have you ever wanted to live the Ironman dream of qualifying for the Hawaii Ironman - and completing it? But what will it take to improve your Ironman training and racing so you achieve the result you want and make this a reality?The biggest challenge Ironman athletes face is not their lack of motivation or determination. They face three key problems: Lack of know-how around ...

    18,97 €

  • Ten Iron Principles
    K.AWypych / K.A. Wypych
    My name is Kelly, and I’m an Ironman.I never was much of an athlete, but God pulled me out of my comfort zone and put me in the world of endurance racing. In this environment, He could be the strength in my weakness. As I trained, I became stronger physically and spiritually. In fact, I came to salvation through an Ironman triathlon. God showed me His goodness through sweat and...

    17,52 €

  • MIKE REILLY Finding My Voice
    Lee Gruenfeld / Mike Reilly
    IRONMAN is a sports phenomenon that has come to symbolize the very best of human striving, achievement and excellence. And race announcer Mike Reilly is known throughout the endurance sports world as the “Voice of IRONMAN.”Every year, over three hundred thousand people around the world compete in a series of long-distance triathlons that test the outer limits of their physical ...

    33,68 €

  • MIKE REILLY Finding My Voice
    Lee Gruenfeld / Mike Reilly
    IRONMAN is a sports phenomenon that has come to symbolize the very best of human striving, achievement and excellence. And race announcer Mike Reilly is known throughout the endurance sports world as the “Voice of IRONMAN.”Every year, over three hundred thousand people around the world compete in a series of long-distance triathlons that test the outer limits of their physical ...

    26,96 €

  • The Sky’s the Limit
    Doug Eaton
    JOE DIAL’S STORY IS ONE OF HARD WORK, perseverance, dedication and determination. Starting at age five when he began pole vaulting in the family’s front yard his under the watchful eyes of his father and long-time coach, Dean Dial, Joe had the sport literally ingrained in his DNA. Just about every member of the Dial clan participated in the sport, including his grandfather, fat...

    24,00 €

  • The Sky's the Limit
    Doug Eaton
    JOE DIAL’S STORY IS ONE OF HARD WORK, perseverance, dedication and determination. Starting at age five when he began pole vaulting in the family’s front yard his under the watchful eyes of his father and long-time coach, Dean Dial, Joe had the sport literally ingrained in his DNA. Just about every member of the Dial clan participated in the sport, including his grandfather, fat...

    12,75 €

  • High School Track Cross-Country and Indoor Attendance and Scorekeeping Information Log
    David Thompson
    This is a track and field workbook that will help coaches and athletes coordinate and keep scores and statistics of dual meets and outdoor track, cross country, and indoor track and field. There are a number of illustrations and ideas that will help coaches and athletes manage or coordinate their practice and other activities. The research includes a welcome letter, code of eth...

    16,20 €

  • The Inside Track
    Courtney WThomas / Thomas W. Courtney / Thomas WCourtney
    An inspiring account of persistence and determination that led a frustrated baseball player to an Olympic Track double gold medal champion. Learning to set goals, and determining what work you must do to achieve those goals is a lesson in track, business and life. Red Smith, the famous Sports Writer from the Herald Tribune wrote “The 800 meter final was the most exciting race o...

    17,47 €

    Bob Parks
    Hall of Fame Coach Bob Parks’ personal account of 34 years of Coaching EMU Track and Cross Country. Eastern Michigan University’s legendary track and cross country coach Bob Parks tells it as it happened, year by year:  the meets, the victories, the defeats, and the drama that comes with the territory, all written by the coach who guided EMU’s storied Division I Track and Cross...

    60,51 €

    Bob Parks
    Hall of Fame Coach Bob Parks’ personal account of 34 years of Coaching EMU Track and Cross Country. Eastern Michigan University’s legendary track and cross country coach Bob Parks tells it as it happened, year by year:  the meets, the victories, the defeats, and the drama that comes with the territory, all written by the coach who guided EMU’s storied Division I Track and Cross...

    71,41 €

  • Curso de aikido
    Bruno Hoffer / Pascal Douté
    El aikido es un arte marcial de origen japonés creado por el maestro Morihei Ueshiba. Es un deporte exigente desde el punto de vista mental y espiritual. Su práctica no está orientada a la lucha o la competición, sino al entrenamiento del equilibrio del cuerpo y la mente, un aspecto necesario para alcanzar la seguridad y paz interior. Tal como revela su propio nombre, que deriv...

    37,18 €

  • Curso de autodefensa femenina
    Bruno Hoffer
    Los compromisos diarios de las mujeres en la actualidad hacen que frecuentemente se vean solas ante situaciones de peligro potencial, y tambien son numerosas las ocasiones en las que una mujer puede ser molestada o agredida: al regresar tarde a casa, caminando por una calle desierta, en un aparcamiento subterraneo, en la parada del autobus, al sacar dinero en un cajero. Esta gu...

    27,56 €

  • Curso de entrenador de baloncesto
    Pujol i Foyo
    El baloncesto goza de gran aceptación entre los jóvenes. Muchas entidades y centros deportivos organizan cursos y sesiones de entrenamiento en horas extraescolares. Este manual presenta todo cuanto debe saber un entrenador para conseguir que su equipo juegue con soltura y mejore constantemente su calidad. Le enseña todo lo necesario acerca de la preparación física, la programac...

    14,51 €

  • Curso de entrenador de fútbol
    Fidalgo Vega
    El fútbol tiene cada día de más atractivo entre los jóvenes que desearían emular a los grandes campeones. El secreto consiste en entrenar con dedicación y buenos métodos y tener clase. Este manual presenta todo aquello que un entrenador debe saber para conseguir que sus jugadores mejoren técnicamente y que su equipo progrese en todos los aspectos del juego colectivo. Le enseñar...

    14,04 €

  • Curso de esgrima
    Martine Fauré
    Con sus rápidas y espectaculares paradas, la esgrima es un deporte completo que precisa un entrenamiento serio; es también un deporte que se puede empezar a practicar a cualquier edad. Tanto si elige el florete, como la espada o el sable, con este libro aprenderá todas las técnicas que le permitirán sostener bien el arma, repetir correctamente un saludo, un ataque, un avance, u...

    12,43 €

  • Recreational Mechanics
    James Lockett
    There is no available information at this time. Author will provide once available. 3 ...

    16,27 €

  • Adult Coloring Book Horror Fitness
    A.M. Shah
    Congratulations. You have been qualified to participate in the national Horror Fitness Triathlon. Swim, bike, and run into death-defying fun. Only the top 66 from 66,666 that smash Planet Tri's high personal record will advance to compete, while the rest will croak in their pull floats down the oceans throat lying in defeat. If you think you got what it takes then dive into...

    13,22 €

  • Adult Coloring Book Horror Fitness
    A.M. Shah / A.MShah
    Congratulations. You have been qualified to participate in the national Horror Fitness Triathlon. Swim, bike, and run into death-defying fun. Only the top 66 from 66,666 that smash Planet Tri's high personal record will advance to compete, while the rest will croak in their pull floats down the oceans throat lying in defeat. If you think you got what it takes then dive into...

    5,57 €

  • La carrera a pie
    Furio Oldani
    * Todos podemos correr, ya que la carrera es un movimiento natural. Hay mil motivos para correr, y todos ellos son más o menos válidos.Hay quien corre por puro placer, por motivos de salud o para perder unos kilos. Otros se plantean metas importantes o se preparan para otras actividades deportivas. Lo importante es tener claros los objetivos por los cuales corremos, porque si n...

    25,22 €

  • Time and Chance
    Russ Ebbets
    For coach Eddie John Denny twenty years has been a long time. His fall from grace has landed him in obscurity. This is to be the best year of his life but redemption is a gift with its own price tag. There are new friends and new faces with familiar places. Individually flawed, but perfect together, the characters build on the best of each other to produce a team that can handl...

    13,73 €

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