Catálogo de libros: Deportes y recreación al aire libre

13694 Catálogo de libros: Deportes y recreación al aire libre

Libros Eliminar filtro Estilo de vida, deporte y ocio Eliminar filtro Deportes y recreación al aire libre Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Catfishing Secrets
    Bowe Packer
    'So, you are finally ready to catch the Big Catfish?' 'Looking to discover new catfishing techniques & strategies that will bring you closer to that bigfish?' 'Exhausted all your catfishing resources, looking to find the next catfishing tip on how to catch the big one?' This Practical Guide Is Designed To Teach You More About This Amazing, Exciting & Fun Sport. Let me help you ...

    9,99 €

  • Karate
    Keiji Tomiyama
    This excellent work, with more than 800 photos for ease of use, is designed to help students get the most out of the study and training of the five essential Pi Nan kata. Tomiyama Sensei, one of the leading Shito Ryu instructors in the world, not only demonstrates the katas, advising on performance and underlying principles, but also brings together sets of “bunkai” (applicatio...

    21,25 €

  • Masterclass Karate
    Michael R. Berger / Michael RBerger
    Keri-waza, or kicking techniques, comprise about half of the arsenal in karate. Perhaps of more importance, being that the legs are far superior in both strength and reach to the arms, neglecting the proper development of kicking can result only in a partial development of the art, and thus in obvious ultimate defeat. The proper use of kicking opens a full array of possibilitie...

    21,17 €

  • Winning Kumite
    Kunio Miyake / Jose MFraguas
    This introduction to sport competition teaches you in detail how to use your potential and your technical skills to defeat your opponents in Karate competition. Master Miyake shows hundred of basic, intermediate, and advanced sparring combinations used by the great karate champions in the sport. This is the perfect guide to understand offensive and defensive tactics as used in ...

    25,41 €

  • Regards from the Dragon
    George Lee
    Throughout their friendship, Bruce Lee wrote George Lee letters on a regular basis. Those letters touched on everything from Martial Arts philosophy and the development of Jeet Kune Do to George’s creation of workout equipment for Bruce’s private and personal training.These letters express friendship and appreciation for a man Bruce Lee called ‘my friend.’ Periodically, George ...

    29,47 €

  • Sports Entrepreneur
    David Smith
    Create your Sports Product or Service Business Idea, Protect It, and Bring it to Life!Sports Entrepreneur is your guide to developing practical skills to: create your business idea, protect your business, build a business team, secure business funding and more. Learning these skills is a necessary addition to any education, training, or internship.FIND YOUR PASSION, DEVELOP YOU...

    11,72 €

  • Treinamento de Resistência Mental Avançado para Fisiculturismo
    Joseph Correa
    Esse Livro vai mudar significantemente a maneira como você pode impulsionar-se mental e emocionalmente através das técnicas de visualização ensinadas nesse livro. Você quer ser o melhor? Para ser o melhor deve treinar psicologicamente e mentalmente para alcançar a sua máxima capacidade. Comumente pensa-se que visualizar é uma atividade que não pode ser quantificada, o que torn...

    20,62 €

  • Becoming Mentally Tougher In Bodybuilding by Using Meditation
    Joseph Correa
    Meditation is one of the best ways to reach your true potential. Eating right and training are two of the pieces of the puzzle but you need the third piece to reach your true potential. The third piece is mental toughness and that can be obtained through meditation. Bodybuilders who practice meditation regularly will find they are or have: More confident during competition....

    28,27 €

  • 究極の体づくり
    コレア ジョゼフ・
    あなたの本来の可能性に到達するために、最適な体と精神状態をつくる必要があります。そのために、体力、可動性、栄養と精神的な強靭さを発展させる、効率的なプランをスタートするのです。これはそのための本です。健康的に正しく食べることとハードなトレーニングは、難問のうちの2つなのですが、すべてがうまくいくように3つ目のピースが必要です。3つ目のピースとは、精神的な強靭さです。それはこの本の中で教える瞑想と可視化テクニックを通じて得ることができるのです。   この本が提供すること:   −ノーマルと上達のトレーニングカレンダー −ダイナミックなウォームアップ・エクササイズ −ハイパフォーマンストレーニング・エクササイズ −アクティブリカバリーのためのエクササイズ −筋肉を増やす食生活カレンダー −脂肪燃焼の食生活カレンダー −筋肉を作るレシピ...

    30,62 €

  • The Perfect Corner 2
    Adam Brouillard / Paradigm Shift Driver Development
    Learn how the physics of racing can be applied to advanced track sections. We show you the rules needed for double apexes and chicanes, as well as how to link them in complex sequences. Plus you’ll learn the surprising science of optimizing straights.   Finally, the last section will really put you to the test as we break down some of the most complex corner sequences in the wo...

    20,87 €

  • Dream Road Bike Tour of the Alps
    Jerry Nilson
    Inspiration to plan and execute your own bike tour through the beautiful mountains of the Alps.This book offers information on what you need to know to make the most out of a longer tour through the mountains. How to plan the tour, what to think about when on the road and tips on equipment.Most importantly the book contains a full “dream tour” plan with all the details and thin...

    13,00 €

  • Taekwondo
    Marc Tedeschi
    The essential text on Taekwondo’s widely practiced ITF patterns, written by the author of the landmark 896-page book, 'Taekwondo: Traditions, Philosophy, Technique.' ----- This informative text provides a detailed summary of the 24 patterns historically associated with the International Taekwondo Federation, which are widely appreciated for their traditional qualities, aesthe...

    39,87 €

  • Hapkido
    Marc Tedeschi
    The essential introductory text, written by the author of the landmark 1136-page book, 'Hapkido: Traditions, Philosophy, Technique.' ----- This is the first introductory text to accurately portray Hapkido in its entirety. One of the world’s most exciting, varied, and practical martial arts, Hapkido consists of thousands of techniques encompassing all forms of martial skills: st...

    23,55 €

  • Taekwondo
    Marc Tedeschi
    The essential introductory text, written by the author of the landmark 896-page book, 'Taekwondo: Traditions, Philosophy, Technique.' ----- This is the first introductory text to accurately portray the world’s most widely practiced martial art, Taekwondo, in its entirety. Inclusive of virtually all Taekwondo styles, including Olympic-Style, this unprecedented work integrates ...

    23,55 €

  • Mental Karate
    Tom Muzila
    Karate master Tom Muzila, a direct student of the great Tsutomu Ohshima, presents for the first time a complete series analyzing the mental aspects of combat. This book is a through study of the theory and practice of the mental elements used by the great and legendary masters in Karate-do history. The author discusses in-depth many of the different psychological elements neces...

    20,08 €

  • Programa de Entrenamiento del Servicio en el Tenis
    Joseph Correa
    Programa de Entrenamiento del Servicio en el Tenis: ¡Sirva 10 a 20 mph más rápido en 90 días!Por Joseph Correa Aprenda cómo cambiar su servicio drásticamente a través de 6 ejercicios que incrementaran la velocidad y aceleración de su raqueta de forma significativa.Este libro incluye:Los 6 ejercicios para el servicio en TenisLas 3 tablas que le enseñarán cómo hacerlos de forma o...

    20,11 €

  • 瞑想でボディービルディングの精神力を養う
    Joseph Correa
    瞑想は皆様の真の力を解放できる最も有効な手段の一つです。正しい食生活と練習を実践することは、真の力を解放する2種類の手段となりますが、まだほかにも手段は存在します。3つ目は、瞑想から得られる精神的忍耐力です。 定期的に瞑想をする選手は以下の効果を得られます: 試合にもっと自信を持って臨める。 ストレスの度合いが軽減される。 長時間集中力を保てる。 筋肉の疲労が減る。 試合後や練習後の快復が早くなる。 緊張をうまく克服できるようになる。 プレッシャーを感じても気持ちをコントロールできる。 選手にとっていいこと尽くしですね? 真の力を解放したい時、選手の皆さんは大抵身体機能と栄養摂取の改善に専念しますが、瞑想や視覚化など、内なる力の解放を見過ごしがちです。身体運動から身体的効果を望むのは一般的ですが、瞑想で身体の健康とパフォーマ...

    25,91 €

  • Erschaffe den ultimativen Basketballer
    Joseph Correa
    Um dein wahres Potential zu entfalten, musst du in deiner physischen und mentalen Bestform sein. Um das zu erreichen, musst du einen Plan erstellen, der dir dabei hilft, deine Stärke, Mobilität, Ernährung und mentale Stärke zu verbessern. Dieses Buch hilft dir dabei. Die richtige Ernährung und Training sind nur zwei der Puzzleteile, aber du brauchst noch ein drittes Teil, um da...

    25,24 €

  • Aufbau mentaler Stärke beim Krafttraining durch Meditation
    Joseph Correa
    Meditation ist eine der besten Arten um dein wahres Potential zu entfalten. Eine gesunde Ernährung und Training sind nur zwei Teile des Puzzles, du benötigst jedoch ein weiteres, um dein wahres Potential zu entfesseln. Das dritte Puzzleteil ist die mentale Stärke, die du durch Meditation erreichen kannst.Sportler, die regelmäßig Meditationsübungen durchführen,… sind während e...

    25,89 €

  • 50 Recetas de Barras Proteicas Caseras para Fisicoculturistas
    Joseph Correa
    50 Recetas de Barras Proteicas Caseras para Fisicoculturistas le ayudará a incrementar la cantidad de proteínas que usted consume al día, para facilitar el aumento de masa muscular. Estas recetas le ayudarán a aumentar músculo en una manera organizada, agregando grandes porciones saludables de proteína a su dieta. El estar demasiado ocupado para alimentarse apropiadamente puede...

    23,83 €

  • Heart of a Hunter
    Robert Halbritter
    From hunting backyard bucks to pursuing dangerous game in faraway exotic lands, you will share the heartache, hardships, danger, success, and failure that so often accompany a hunter in his quest. You will be transported to lands where life and death make no apologies and the hunter can very easily become the hunted. You will travel to lands yet unspoiled by modern technologies...

    42,78 €

  • Fundamental Iron Skills
    Dale Dugas
    Do you want hard arms for blocking and striking? How about an iron body to absorb blows from an attacker? In Fundamental Iron Skills, Dale Dugas shows you how to develop these ancient skills in a safe, step-by-step manner. This is the first book to cover all aspects of iron skills training in one volume, including solo training and the use of auxiliary training equipment and he...

    22,51 €

  • The Art of Throwing
    Marc Tedeschi
    One in a series of remarkable books that provide an in-depth look at the core concepts and techniques shared by a broad range of martial arts styles. ----- This illuminating work outlines the essential principles and techniques that define the art of throwing in most martial arts. More than 1,200 outstanding photographs introduce over 130 practical techniques encompassing all ...

    38,16 €

  • Park City Hiking Guide
    Beverly Hurwitz
    The resort town of Park City, Utah may be one of the most hiker friendly places in the world. A free public transportation system, coupled with more than 400 miles (640 km) of manicured trails in and around the town, provides easy access to mountain and canyon forests, lakes, streams, fields of flowers, geologic wonders, wildlife viewing, and stunning scenery.Residents and visi...

    11,55 €

  • B180 Basketball Fundamental Skills Program
    David Smith
    DEVELOP YOUR PLAYERS NOW!Are you tired of 'thinking about' improving your player’s or team’s basketball skill level, even promising to spend more time on it during practices, but never making it happen? Are you tired of finding and using the same boring drills to teach your clients?Are you looking for a basketball skills training program that will take you from wasting time sea...

    34,84 €

  • My Mind Body Golf
    Adam Stevenson
    "Adam Stevenson is hands-down one of the top golf coaches in the world. His new book My Mind Body Golf is incredible! It's packed full of great information on all aspects of golf performance, health and fitness, mindset, and so much more! Every golfer could benefit from reading this book!" - Clint Howard MS, Bestselling Author  "Adam Stevenson is one of golf’s superheros!  ...

    63,07 €

  • 50 Jugos Para Adelgazar
    Joseph Correa
    “50 jugos para adelgazar” te ayudará a perder peso de forma natural y eficiente. Éstos no deben reemplazar a las comidas, pero deben complementarlas naturalmente día a día.Estar demasiado ocupado para comer bien, a veces puede convertirse en un problema y es por ello que este libro te ahorrará tiempo ayudándote a nutrir tu cuerpo para lograr las metas que deseas.Este libro te a...

    26,02 €

  • 40 Weight Loss Recipes for a Busy Lifestyle
    Joseph Correa
    40 Weight Loss Recipes for a Busy Lifestyle will help you lose weight naturally and efficiently. Knowing what to eat and when will make all the difference in the world. If you haven’t been successful in the past with losing that unwanted fat, now is your chance to make that change. Read this book and start living the life you deserve. The calendar and meal recipes are easy to f...

    23,83 €

  • The Ultimate Bodybuilding Training Program
    Joseph Correa
    For bodybuilders to develop consistent muscle growth they need to have a solid training plan and they need to supplement it with great nutrition.This book will provide you with an organized training plan and calendar. Both a NORMAL and an INTENSE version of this training program are included in case you find the NORMAL version not challenging enough. Make sure to include the nu...

    27,34 €

  • Selbstgemachte Protein-Shakes für maximales Muskelwachstum
    Joseph Correa
    Selbstgemachte Protein-Shakes für maximales Muskelwachstum: Verändere deinen Körper ohne Pillen, Kreatine oder Steroide Dieses Buch wird dir dabei helfen, deinen täglichen Protein-Konsum zu steigern und dein Muskelwachstum dadurch anzuregen. Diese Mahlzeiten werden deine Muskeln auf eine organisierte Art und Weise stärken, indem sie deinem Speiseplan eine gesunde Menge an Prot...

    23,76 €