Catálogo de libros: Árboles, flores silvestres y plantas

1114 Catálogo de libros: Árboles, flores silvestres y plantas

Libros Eliminar filtro Estilo de vida, deporte y ocio Eliminar filtro Historia natural Eliminar filtro Árboles, flores silvestres y plantas Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • The Poeming Pigeon
    For our 5th issue of The Poeming Pigeon, Homer takes us back to our roots – literally and literarily. Enjoy this collection of over 80 poems that celebrates dirt under our fingernails, sharing zucchini with our neighbors, seed catalog dreams, and this labor-of-love we call gardening.Contributing Poets Around the Globe Include:Pamela Ahlen • Heather Angier • Diane Averill • Dian...

    13,18 €

  • Verdant Gnosis
    VERDANT GNOSIS is a poetic rendering of the Latin expression, Viridis Genii, which refers to the collective spiritual intelligence of our botanical environment. Viridis means 'green, verdant, growing'--all that is lush and nourishing; while genii is the origin of the words 'genius' and 'genie'--the spirit, daemon, or guiding intelligence of an entity. Vi...

    24,78 €

  • Bog-Trotting for Orchids
    Grace Greylock Niles
    Grace Greylock Niles’ classic Bog-Trotting for Orchids opens a view into the world of a female student of nature, and her love for the flora and fauna of the Northeast. Focusing on her search for orchids in the bogs of Vermont, it offers a look back (over a century) at the history and natural history of this well-known region, and the earlier poetry and prose that influenced he...

    33,65 €

  • Hearts, Flowers, and Butterflies
    Complicated Colouring
    Relax and unwind with these Love Heart, Flower and Butterfly designs and Mandalas.Discover an easy way to reduce stress, unwind and recharge. Spend quality time with loved ones and experience the therapeutic benefits of colouring.This book is printed onto black paper. Each design is single sided to help with colour bleed.Perfect to use with your favourite felt tips, marker pens...

    10,88 €

  • Seeds and Tales
    Mirna Wabi-Sabi
    Seeds and Tales is a fine-art print photography initiative by Riccardo Riccio in collaboration with the Brazilian agro-ecological company Trovão Tropical and the multilingual press Plataforma9. Over two years of expeditions throughout Brazil, the Seeds project collected over 300 species of unique seeds. Alongside seed guardians, it documented oral traditions regarding cultivati...

    43,13 €

  • Já Sei Receitar Meus Florais De Bach
    Karina Cerqueira
    No e-book Já Sei Recitar Meus Florais de Bach, a enfermeira Karina Cerqueira compilou, de forma direta e objetiva, as informações necessárias para que você prescreva os florais para si mesmo ou em consultas remuneradas.Florais de Bach é uma terapia livre para todas as idades, sem contra indicações e sem efeitos colaterais, conforme previsto pela Organização Mundial de Saúde (OM...

    11,75 €

  • Compêndio Floral
    Roselia Bezerra
    O livro compila poesias com tema floral.Descreve o êxtase de um vergel onde a jardineira poeta se extasia ante tanta beleza.Parques e suas flores belas são poetados de forma naturalmente contemplados.A autora éamante das flores do campo de um modo em geral e vive a vida como se estivesse num místico jardim ornado com as mais distintas mimosas espalhadas em sua caminhada diária....

    26,84 €

  • Coração De Fogo
    Desto Souza
    Minhas mãos sangravam e olhei em direção a copa daquelevéiojatobá! E fiz meu juramento. Embora a dor seja uma parte inevitável da vida humana, é importante ressaltar que cada pessoa lida com a dor de maneira pessoal aplicável para superar o sofrimento, e cada indivíduo pode encontrar seu próprio caminho para lidar com a dor e encontrar significado em meio às adversidades de sit...

    12,58 €

  • Eu, Uma Orquídea!
    Wilson Roberto Paulino
    Neste livro, escrito em linguagem clara e acessível, descrevemos uma conversa informal, obviamente fictícia, entre uma pessoa e uma orquídea. Nele, a orquídea aborda alguns aspectos das plantas em geral, que julgamos interessantes, curiosos e capazes de despertar a atenção de muitas pessoas, embora tais aspectos sejam amplamente divulgados e reconhecidos pelo mundo científico.M...

    16,90 €

  • Descubriendo el Parque de la Fuente del Berro
    José María Martín Fernández-Gallardo
    El libro contiene la información más que suficiente, escrita y en imágenes, para identificar toda la variedad de tipos de cedros, cipreses, palmeras y acacias, así como para reconocer e identificar a otros muchos árboles y arbustos. Sería un buen reto para aquel lector que se propusiera encontrar en el parque, todos y cada uno de los ejemplares descritos. 10 ...

    16,01 €

  • Garden of Marvels, A
    Ruth Kassinger
    Combing the curiosity of The Botany of Desire and the playful spirit of Wicked Plants, a witty and engaging history of botany and gardening memoir from the author of Paradise Under Glass--an easy-to-follow, anecdotal tutorial on the fascinating science of plants.In Paradise Under Glass, Ruth Kassinger-- a self-described 'wanton killer of plants'--recounted with grace, humor, an...

    17,94 €

  • The Plant Hunters - Adventures Among the Himalaya Mountains
    Mayne Reid
    Originally published in 1858 at the height of the passion for exotic specimens, this is the story of a young Bavarian botanist, Karl Linden, engaged in a plant-hunting expedition to the stupendous mountains of the Himalayas in Tibet. It is a vivid early narrative and primary souce, with commentaries on the Himalayas, plant hunting, inspecting cliffs, the Ibex & other fauna, asc...

    16,12 €

  • Floral Illustrations of the Seasons - Consisting of the Most Beautiful, Hardy and Rare Herbaceous Plants, Cultivated in the Flower Garden
    M. Roscoe
    'The present state of botanical knowledge renders it impossible for the Author of this Work to indulge in a hope, that she can add anything to the learning and research which distinguish the science: as a humble follower of those who have added so much to our information on these subjects, she would walk in their delightful paths, and gather some of those objects of beauty whic...

    12,53 €

  • Hidden World Revealed
    Tom Seymour
    Hidden World Revealed is a collection of short works by Tom Seymour, previously published in his blog 'Wild Plants and Wooly Bears.' Seymour discusses his interaction with animal neighbors and explores plants and seasonal changes. The narratives of his walks in the woods reflect Maine’s rural life and are instructive about the natural environment. A humble man with a fine mind ...

    17,66 €

  • Your Plants - Plain and Practical Directions for the Treatment of Tender and Hardy Plants in the House and in the Garden
    James Sheehan
    'In the winter of the year 1880, while the author was in attendance upon a large horticultural meeting in a neighboring city, which was attended by nearly all the leading florists and nurserymen in Western New York, the idea of writing this work was first suggested to him. An intelligent lady, present at that meeting, widely known for her skill and success as an amateur florist...

    9,94 €

  • Serene Succulents Coloring Book for Adults
    Michelle Urra
    Indulge your creativity, awaken your senses, and let the vibrant hues of succulents transport you to a realm of tranquility and wonder. Whether you’re coloring for mindfulness, artistic expression, or pure enjoyment, this coloring book for adults invites you to slow down, breathe, and revel in the therapeutic power of botanical artistry.Features:• 30 images to bring to life you...

    5,01 €

  • La naturalista emocional. 2ª edición.
    Eva Rodellas Fontiguell
    Més que un llibre, La naturalista emocional és una manera d’entendre la vida. Seguint les passes de l’Arlet, l’escriptora ens convida a participar d’un cant particular a la natura. Un cant de respecte, de curiositat i recerca, de petits assoliments que defineixen el personatge principal. El llibre transita un camí traçat amb molta cura a partir d’imatges precises i, quan és nec...

    14,98 €

  • Coletânea Poesia Em Flor
    Luciana De Lima Barreto
    EmColetânea Poesia em Flor , você será conduzido por uma viagem deslumbrante pelo mundo da poesia, explorando a mente e a alma de Luciana de Lima Barreto (Lu). Esta coletânea de poesias é um mergulho profundo nas emoções, nas experiências da vida e na conexão com a natureza e a espiritualidade.Com uma escrita cativante e reflexiva, Lu nos convida a explorar os cantos mais íntim...

    19,71 €

  • Mandalas para la Relajación y la Creatividad
    Adéntrate en el mundo del arte terapéutico y meditativo mientras coloreas estos mandalas, brindando vida a intrincados diseños inspirados en la rica biodiversidad de Brasil. Cada página ofrece una oportunidad única para relajarte, desconectar del estrés diario y avivar tu creatividad interior. Ya sea que seas un artista consumado o simplemente busques un momento de paz, este li...

    24,64 €

  • The Plant Hunters
    Mayne Reid
    'This is a story about the pair of brothers who travel to the Himalayas to search for plants, aided by a knowledgeable local guide. It is one adventurous situation after another with their eventually being trapped in a hanging valley but finding an exist through a cave. All problems are dealt with through the resourcefulness of the three men. Reid obviously has a good knowledge...

    19,76 €

  • Vision of the Honeybee Mimic
    Adrian Horridge
    Among the fly family Syrphidae are many examples of bee mimics, mostly of the genus Eristalis, among which we found the world-wide common dronefly, Eristalis tenax, most convenient for detailed study, as there is no sting. As would be expected for a fly, the eye is much larger than that of the honeybee.Our analysis revealed it as a typical fly visual system with some specialise...

    13,04 €

  • Camp’s Botany by the Numbers
    Kenneth R Camp
    Camp’s Botany by the Numbers provides a succinct, yet comprehensive walk through the plant kingdom in study outline form. Camp’s Biology by the Numbers guide series provide advanced high school students or college students with reliable, information-packed study tools that can save the reader from many hours of scouring dry textbooks. If you have a professor you can’t understan...

    32,31 €

  • A Menina Semente
    Antônio Bezerra
    A menina semente tece a trajetória de Iris Negra para realizar o sonho de cultivar um jardim em sua rua. Nas primeiras tentativas ela usa sua criatividade e tudo que já aprendeu com sua família, mas seu intuito é iniciar sozinha. Então surgem as dificuldades que levam Iris a um sentimento de frustração e tristeza. É exatamente nesse momento que ela começa descobrir outra maneir...

    10,10 €

  • Animals in Flowers Adult Coloring Book
    Tone Temptress
    Embark on a tranquil and artistic journey with our Animals in Flowers Adult Coloring Book. This nature-themed coloring book is designed as the ultimate stress reliever for both women and men, providing a serene escape to unwind, express creativity, and indulge in the therapeutic benefits of coloring.Soothing Scenery: Each page of this adult coloring book features intricate, nat...

    10,76 €

  • Garden Treasures
    Terrie Shaw
    Artist Terrie Shaw became intrigued as she planted little seedlings in the Spring. As she watched the tiny little leaves poke through the soil, she began to sketch them in her journal. As Spring, Summer and Fall moved along, Terrie found herself planted in the garden, sketching, pruning, weeding and harvesting seeds and veggies.Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of artist...

    20,38 €

  • Garden Treasures
    Terrie Shaw
    Artist Terrie Shaw became intrigued as she planted little seedlings in the Spring. As she watched the tiny little leaves poke through the soil, she began to sketch them in her journal. As Spring, Summer and Fall moved along, Terrie found herself planted in the garden, sketching, pruning, weeding and harvesting seeds and veggies.Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of artist...

    29,06 €

  • Mandalas for Relaxation and Creativity
    Step into the enchanting realm of ' Mandalas for Relaxation and Creativity: Flowers from Brazil' a captivating coloring book designed to transport you on a vivid journey through the mesmerizing world of Brazilian flowers. Within the pages of this book, unveil a curated array of intricately designed mandalas, each inspired by the awe-inspiring flora of Brazil, a nation celebrate...

    20,37 €

  • Hana Kotoba
    Mayumi Nakagaki / Satoshi Watanabe / Ziggy Quinete
    Welcome to the Enchanting World of 'Hana Kotoba: The Secret Wisdom of Flowers' - A Journey into the Heart of Floriography Step into the realm of 'Hana Kotoba: The Secret Wisdom of Flowers,' where the subtle art of expressing emotions through blooms unfolds in a tapestry of colors and meanings. This beautifully illustrated book delves into the ancient Japanese tradition of Hana...

    48,45 €

  • Investigation of probiotic nature of conventional Indian fermented foods
    Joshita Lamba
    The investigation of the probiotic nature of conventional Indian fermented foods has garnered significant attention due to their potential health benefits and longstanding cultural significance. These traditional foods, which include items such as yogurt, kefir, dosa, idli, and pickles, have been a staple in Indian cuisine for centuries. They undergo a natural fermentation proc...

    18,00 €

  • Phytoconscience
    Ana Cristina Prado (org)
    La phytoconscience est une réflexion importante et un voyage spirituel profond sur le règne végétal, plus précisément sur la connaissance mise à la disposition de nous tous - êtres dans lexpérience humaine - à travers les plantes apportées dautres planètes et constellations, matérialisées sur la planète Terre pour aider à la constante re-signification existentielle et à létalon...

    19,07 €