Catálogo de libros: Historia natural

17229 Catálogo de libros: Historia natural

Libros Eliminar filtro Estilo de vida, deporte y ocio Eliminar filtro Historia natural Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Companion Animals in Human Health

    147,39 €

  • The Ferns of Britain and Ireland
    C. N. Page / CNPage / Page C. N. / Page CN.

    184,60 €

  • Foundation Sires of the American Quarter Horse
    Robert M Denhardt

    30,97 €

  • The Book of Yaak
    Rick Bass

    14,85 €

  • In the Loyal Mountains
    Rick Bass

    14,07 €

  • Forests
    Laurence C. Walker / Laurence CWalker
    First published in 1990, Forests explores the ecological, economic, and human influences on over thirty significant types of woodlands. Laurence Walker focuses especially on the effects of site factors-climate, physiography, biology, and soils-upon the growth of various kinds of trees. Projects for amateur naturalists, reading lists, and a glossary make this the perfect introdu...

    26,24 €

  • Veränderungen der sektoralen Wirtschaftsstruktur beim Übergang in eine Kreislaufwirtschaft
    Frank Lönnies
    Inhaltsangabe:Einleitung: Das Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz vom 27. September 1994 soll nach den Vorstellungen des Gesetzgebers, den Übergang von einer Abfallwirtschaft zu einer Kreislaufwirtschaft einleiten. Der Zweck dieses „(...) Gesetzes ist die Förderung der Kreislaufwirtschaft zur Schonung der natürlichen Ressourcen und die Sicherung der umweltverträglichen Beseitigung von ...

    45,10 €

  • Ganzheitliche Qualitäts- und Umweltmanagementsysteme in betriebswirtschaftlicher Sicht
    Torsten Kleiber
    Inhaltsangabe:Einleitung: Der gesellschaftliche Wertewandel, die Globalisierung der Märkte und die Entwicklungen in der EDV-gestützten Produktionstechnik haben dazu geführt, daß der Wettbewerbsdruck auf die Unternehmen zugenommen hat. Um am Markt bestehen zu können, müssen die Betriebe auf die deutlich gestiegenen Kundenansprüche und die verschärfte Gesetzeslage im Bereich der...

    41,95 €

  • Das Umwelthaftungsgesetz
    Claudia Sura
    Inhaltsangabe:Einleitung: Am 01.01.1991 ist das Umwelthaftungsgesetz vom 10.12.1990 (BGBl. I S. 2634), im folgenden UmweltHG abgekürzt, in Kraft getreten. Vorausgegangen war eine ganze Reihe verschiedener Umweltkatastrophen wie z. B. die Dioxinverseuchung in Seveso 1976 oder der Brand in einer Lagerhalle des Sandoz - Konzerns in Basel 1987, als mit riesigen Giftstoffmengen ve...

    46,06 €

  • Betriebswirtschaftliche Aspekte der Nutzung regenerativer Energien durch einen Industriebetrieb
    Christof Stegemann
    Inhaltsangabe:Gang der Untersuchung: Zunächst wird im zweiten Kapitel das Kohlendioxidproblem einer grundlegenden Betrachtung unterzogen. Die Verursacher, die weitere Entwicklung sowie konkrete Lösungen werden hier kurz diskutiert. Anschließend werden in Kapitel drei alle für die Stromerzeugung eingesetzten Energieträger vorgestellt und kritisch gewürdigt. Zudem wird kurz die ...

    45,36 €

  • The Blessing of the Animals
    Philip Gonzalez / Ronald W Cotterill / Ronald W. Cotterill
    Move over, Lassie -- the dog who rescues cats has struck a chord in America that will not stop resonating. This canine crusader’s uncanny ability to find and rescue stray cats has melted hearts from coast to coast, generating massive media attention, making her the top dog in the talk-show circuit and winning her a host of humanitarian awards. 'The Blessing of the Animals' let...

    14,01 €

  • Plants and UV-B
    Peter Lumsden

    238,16 €

  • Gold Creeks and Ghost Towns
    Bill L. Barlee
    This work presents a brief look at the six historic mining counties of NE Washington. Included within these counties are some of the most fascinating and historic areas on the old Pacific Slope. Okanogan County - This is the land of Kamiakin and Tonasket' famous Indian chiefs from another century, and those men of the early west like Okanogan Smith and Pinnacle Jim O'Co...

    34,73 €

  • Aura and Its Us National Observatories
    Frank K. Edmondson / Frank KEdmondson

    193,61 €

  • Breeding the Orchid Dottyback, Pseudochromis Fridmani
    Martin A. Jr. Moe / Martin A. Moe / Martin AMoe
    This is a pioneer book about breeding marine tropical fish. It is loaded with tips and tricks that are of interest to any marine aquarium hobbyist. The aspiring marine fish breeder and the professional aquaculturist will be even more enlightened. It includes information never before in print about captive biology, food culture, larval rearing, and juvenile grow out. Aquarium sy...

    17,27 €

  • Plant Functional Types

    75,69 €

  • Global Warming
    C. M. Wood / CMWood

    276,01 €

  • Cosmos
    Alexander Von Humboldt

    38,83 €

  • The Temple Tiger And More Man Eaters In Kumaon
    Corbett Jim / Jim Corbett
    A continuation of the narratives in Man-eaters of Kumaon, The Temple Tiger and More Man-eaters of Kumaon further details Jim Corbett’s hunting exploits, as he is called upon to take down tigers, leopards and bears in regions such as Dabidhura, Muktesar, Panar and Tanekpur. Apart from the hunts, the accounts vividly describe the flora, fauna, people and local legends of the area...

    15,46 €

  • Out of Harm’s Way
    Terri Crisp / Terry Crisp

    24,06 €

  • The Earth Dwellers
    Erich Hoyt

    18,99 €

  • Fields Without Dreams
    Victor Davis Hanson
    America’s disappearing family farmer is often portrayed as either a figure of pitiable tragedy or glorified romance. But in one of the most unusual books ever written on farming, farmer and Greek scholar Victor Davis Hanson eloquently explains how neither portrait conveys what really matters about farming. As the family farm all but vanishes in our nation, it is neither food pr...

    19,00 €

  • Catfish Ponds and Lily Pads
    Louise Riotte
    From siting a pond to stocking it with fish and planting in and around the water, Riotte’s anecdotal information will lead to years of pond pleasure. ...

    14,76 €

  • A Natural History of Amphibians
    Nathan W. Cohen / Nathan WCohen / Robert C. Stebbins / Robert CStebbins
    This is a book for all readers who want to learn about amphibians, the animal group that includes frogs, toads, salamanders, and caecilians. It draws on many years of classroom teaching, laboratory experience, and field observation by the authors. Robert Stebbins and Nathan Cohen lead readers on a fascinating odyssey as they explore some of nature’s most interesting creatures, ...

    64,85 €

  • Horses And Horse Sense
    James Blakely / James Doc rAU Blakely
    A down-to-earth complete book on the study of horses, this book includes up-to-date information on over 50 breeds, history and evolution, and horse husbandry. Topics include reproduction and genetics, nutrition, parasite identification, diagnosing symptoms and problem prevention, and much more. An authoritative guide and a concise reference book. ...

    28,16 €

  • 100 Flowers and How They Got Their Names
    Diana Wells
    From Baby Blue Eyes to Silver Bells, from Abelia to Zinnia, every flower tells a story. Gardening writer Diana Wells knows them all. Here she presents one hundred well-known garden favorites and the not-so-well-known stories behind their names. Not for gardeners only, this is a book for anyone interested not just in the blossoms, but in the roots, too. Illustrations by Ippy Pat...

    26,41 €

  • A Guide to Deadly Herbs
    Julie Gomez
     Protect yourself! A Guide to Deadly Herbs discusses, twenty-eight of the most beautiful, yet deadly, herbs found in the fields, meadow, forests, mountains, roadsides and backyards of North America. All the herbs discussed in this guide are extremely dangerous. Children, wild-food enthusiasts, pets and livestock are the most vulnerable, and deaths occur each year. As well as in...

    16,83 €

  • Rosin
    Omer Haas

    31,61 €

  • Discovering Birds
    Paul Lawrence Farber

    40,94 €

  • Dog Behavior
    Ian Dunbar
    Dr. Ian Dunbar, renowned dog trainer and behaviorist, explains how dogs think, how dogs learn, and why they act the way they do. Dog owners who understand these issues can better train their dogs and develop a closer relationship with their pets. ...

    28,65 €