Catálogo de libros: Barcos y embarcaciones: interés general

340 Catálogo de libros: Barcos y embarcaciones: interés general

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  • Rear Admiral Larry Chambers, USN
    Ric Murphy
    The first African-American aircraft carrier commander, Rear Admiral Lawrence Cleveland Chambers (1929- ) played a prominent role as captain of the USS Midway during the Vietnam War. During the evacuation of Saigon--known as Operation Frequent Wind--he famously ordered several UH-1 helicopters pushed overboard to make room for an escaping South Vietnamese Air Force major to l...

    42,85 €

  • Electric Boats and Ships
    Kevin Desmond
    Electric propulsion for boats was developed in the early 19th century and--despite the advent of the internal combustion engine--continued with the perfecting of the modern turbo-electric ship. Sustainable and hybrid technologies, pioneered in small inland watercraft toward the end of the 20th century, have in recent years been scaled up to create integrated electric drives ...

    58,73 €

  • A Piper’s Tale
    Stan Henderson
    Based on a memoir plucked from his family history, A Pipers Tale records the impressions made on a teenager as he makes his way into the thorny world of shipbuilding. A world in which the author, during the 1960s, witnessed the change from traditional shipbuilding - where vessels were constructed with a minimum, but adequate, level of technical support via long established trad...

    20,03 €

  • The Greatest Coast Guard Rescue Stories Ever Told
    Tom McCarthy
    A first-ever compilation of the most courageous and stunning Coast Guard rescue stories.The Coast Guard is one of the nation's five military services, which exist to defend and preserve the United States, and the Coast Guard’s rescue personnel are second to none. In The Greatest Coast Guard Rescue Stories Ever Told, the editor has pulled together some of the finest writings...

    16,32 €

  • John Banister of Newport
    Marian Mathison Desrosiers
    Merchant John Banister (1707-1767) of Newport, Rhode Island, wore many hats: exporter, importer, wholesaler, retailer, money-lender, extender of credit and insurer, owner and outfitter of sailing vessels, and ship builder for the slave trade. His recently discovered accounting records reveal his role in transforming colonial trade in mid-18th century America. He combined b...

    73,23 €

  • Priestley’s Progress
    Mike Bullock
    This first ever biography of Antarctic explorer Sir Raymond Priestley (1886-1974) covers his full (at times life-threatening) involvement with Sir Ernest Shackleton’s 1907-1909 Nimrod Expedition and Robert Scott’s 1910-1913 Terra Nova Expedition. Priestley’s service with the British 46th Division during World War I won him the Military Cross for gallantry. After the war, h...

    57,54 €

  • The Silent Service in WWII
    United States Navy
    The definitive technical guide to the submarines of World War II, "The Fleet Type Submarine" was originally published in 1946. Originally classified secret, this legendary book has never been available to the public until now. The Fleet Type Submarine uses the Balao-class USS Perch SS313 to explain submarine operating principles, technologies, and systems. It contains numerous ...

    32,08 €

  • Joseph Brown and His Civil War Ironclads
    Myron J. Smith
    A Scottish immigrant to Illinois, Joseph Brown made his pre-Civil War fortune as a miller and steamboat captain who dabbled in riverboat design and the politics of small towns. When war erupted, he used his connections (including a friendship with Abraham Lincoln) to obtain contracts to build three ironclad gunboats for the U.S. War Department--the Chillicothe, Indianola an...

    59,12 €

  • The United States Merchant Marine in World War I
    Greg H. Williams
    During World War I, the American Merchant Marine meant dangerous duty. Sailors on cargo ships faced the daily threat of enemy submarines, along with the usual hazards of life at sea, and help was rarely close enough for swift rescues. Pre-war shipping in America depended mainly on foreign vessels, but with the outbreak of war these were no longer available. Construction be...

    81,36 €

  • Sea Was in their Blood
    Quentin Casey
    It was a frigid night in February 2013 when the five young fishermen vanished. The crew of the Miss Ally—a 12-metre Cape Islander from Woods Harbour, Nova Scotia—was fishing for halibut far off the Nova Scotia coast when their boat's spotlight malfunctioned. A vicious winter storm was approaching from her south, and all other boats at the fishing grounds were steaming for s...

    23,19 €

  • Relics of the Franklin Expedition
    Garth Walpole / Russell Potter
    Sir John Franklin’s Arctic expedition departed England in 1845 with two Royal Navy bomb vessels, 129 men and three years’ worth of provisions. None were seen again until nearly a decade later, when their bleached bones, broken instruments, books, papers and personal effects began to be recovered on Canada’s King William Island. These relics have since had a life of their own...

    58,59 €

  • A Soldier Gone to Sea
    Charles Frederic Jerram / Donald F. Bittner
    In this memoir spanning nine decades, Lieutenant Colonel C.F. Jerram (1882-1969) of the Royal Marines recounts his life and military service through both world wars. Jerram describes in candid detail his late 19th-century childhood in Devon and Cornwall, the late Victorian and Edwardian Royal Navy, the Royal Navy’s Far East Station, a traditional Corps of Marines, the Gallip...

    43,99 €

  • Shipmates
    Gary Burns
    In late 1944, 78 U.S. Navy sailors and officers climbed aboard a ship just 150 feet long and 23 feet wide, and headed toward the sound of gunfire. One of a class of gunboats known as 'mighty midgets,' LCS 52 carried an arsenal equal to ships twice its size. Yet its shallow draft enabled it to maneuver to within a few hundred feet of any beach. Packed inside the tiny craft, t...

    51,47 €

  • Smoke Up the River
    Van Hawkins
    The Mississippi River is said to run fast and deep. This book shares one characteristic, but not the other. It is not a study of steamboats in great depth, from the diameter of smokestacks on each vessel to the maximum pressure tolerated by various boilers. Rather, it is designed to provide an easily accessible overview of steamboats that in one way or another had ties to what ...

    20,73 €

  • The $25 Wreck of the Robert J. Walker
    Gary Gentile
    Known to anglers and divers as the $25 Wreck and Mason's Paddle Wheeler, the rotting hull has been a popular fishing and diving site since as far back as the 1950's, perhaps earlier. By their very nature, shipwreck stories have a dark side that involves death and destruction, heroism and cowardice, the luck of the draw, and the struggle for survival. The loss of the Robert J. W...

    20,22 €

  • The U.S. Navy’s 'Interim' LSM(R)s in World War II
    Ron MacKay
    The 'Interim' LSM(R) or Landing Ship, Medium (Rocket) was a revolutionary development in rocket warfare in World War II and the U.S. Navy’s first true rocket ship. An entirely new class of commissioned warship and the forerunners of today’s missile-firing naval combatants, these ships began as improvised conversions of conventional amphibious landing craft in South Carolina’...

    58,99 €

  • Mine’s Bigger
    David A Kaplan / David A. Kaplan
    As the dominant venture capitalist of Silicon Valley, Tom Perkins had seemingly done it all--from amassing a billion-dollar fortune to getting himself convicted of manslaughter in France. But his ultimate dream was to create the biggest, fastest, riskiest, highest-tech, most self-indulgent sailboat ever built.With keen storytelling and biting wit, bestselling author David A. Ka...

    17,32 €

  • Oil Spill Jack
    John J. Gallagher / John JGallagher
    Once a generation a person comes along who changes the way things are done. That is Jack Gallagher, a larger than life character unafraid to step on the deck of a foundering ship, amidst pounding seas and find a way to oversee her salvage. This is a true story told in Jack's own words of an industry at a time when ships grew to be the Super tankers and enormous containershi...

    13,44 €

  • Oil Spill Jack
    Once a generation a person comes along who changes the way things are done. That is Jack Gallagher, a larger than life character unafraid to step on the deck of a foundering ship, amidst pounding seas and find a way to oversee her salvage. This is a true story told in Jack's own words of an industry at a time when ships grew to be the Super tankers and enormous containershi...

    26,48 €

  • The Last Run
    Todd Lewan
    It was a desperate mission that made front-page headlines and captured the attention of millions of readers around the world. In January 1998, in the dead of an Alaskan winter, a cataclysmic Arctic storm with hurricane-force winds and towering seas forced five fishermen to abandon their vessel in the Gulf of Alaska and left them adrift in thirty-eight-degree water with no lifeb...

    13,17 €

  • American Sea Power and the Obsolescence of Capital Ship Theory
    R.B. Watts
    Since the beginning of the 20th century, the United States has sought to achieve Admiral Alfred Thayer Mahan’s vision of 'command of the sea' using large battle fleets of capital ships. This strategy has been generally successful: no force can oppose the U.S. Navy on the open seas. Yet capital ship theory has become increasingly irrelevant. Globally, irregular warfare domi...

    57,44 €

  • The Lost Hero of Cape Cod
    Vincent Miles
    The Lost Hero of Cape Cod tells the story of an extraordinary nineteenth-century mariner… and of a morale-boosting victory for the young United States over Britain in the commercial battle that broke out on the Atlantic after the War of 1812.   Born in a small village on Cape Cod in 1809, Asa Eldridge grew up to become one of the world’s greatest shipmasters. Even today, he sti...

    11,90 €

  • Lightships, Lighthouses, and Lifeboat Stations
    Bernie Webber
    Lightships, Lighthouses and Lifeboat Stations is part history book, part memoir, written by Bernie Webber, recipient of the Coast Guard’s highest award, the Gold Life-saving Medal, and hero of the Disney movie The Finest Hours. While the public will recognize Webber’s name from the movie and the bestselling book by the same name, few people know that during his lengthy Coast Gu...

    33,04 €

  • The Unfortunate Captain Peirce
    Philip Browne
    The first biography of Richard Peirce, captain in the service of the East India Company,and account of the wreck of his ship, the Halsewell, off Dorset in 1786. He drowned, along with members of his family, and the loss became a tragic cause celebre, recorded in literature and art. ...

    24,82 €

  • The Boston Marine Barracks
    Lt. Col. John R. Yates / Thomas Yates
    The Boston Marine Barracks is one of the oldest in the United States: it stands within eyeshot of the USS Constitution. Lt. Col. John R. Yates, Jr., the last commanding officer of the Barracks when it closed in 1974, researched the hundreds of letters left behind by previous Barracks commanders, their superiors and many others. They reveal the life and times of the Marines b...

    58,56 €

  • The Last Confederate Ship at Sea
    Paul Williams
    The CSS Shenandoah fired the last shot of the Civil War and was the only Confederate warship to circumnavigate the globe. But what was Captain James Waddell’s true relationship with his Yankee prisoner Lillias Nichols and how did it determine the ship’s final destination? Without orders, Waddell undertook a dangerous three month voyage through waters infested with enemy crui...

    42,93 €

  • United States Coast Guard Leaders and Missions, 1790 to the Present
    John J. Galluzzo / Thomas P. Ostrom
    The history of the U.S. Coast Guard and its predecessor agencies dates from 1790, with missions in both domestic and international waters. The service has provided aids to navigation, enforcement of maritime laws, environmental protection, search and rescue, immigration and narcotics interdiction, maritime safety assistance, port security, natural disaster response and natio...

    42,88 €

  • The Tragedy of the Royal Tar
    Mark Warner
    On October 25, 1836, the sidewheel steamer Royal Tar caught fire in Maine's Penobscot Bay. On board was a small circus menagerie returning to Boston from a summer-long tour of the Canadian Maritimes. Plagued by gale-force winds and rough seas, the usual overnight trip from Saint John, New Brunswick, stretched out to four days and, on the fourth day, disaster struck off the ...

    11,41 €

  • Submarine Torpedo Tactics
    Edward Monroe Jones / Shawn S. Roderick
    Never-before-published, firsthand accounts of under-sea action presented with a summary of torpedo tactics illustrate how a submarine’s crew can hit a target trying to avoid being hit. Legendary figures in American submarine history come to life in actual logs of undersea warfare, and in accounts of sailors who were in the van of torpedo tactics development. The technology...

    42,85 €

  • The Harbor at Scituate Massachusetts
    Harvey H. Pratt
    Brief on behalf of Scituate Harbors importance as a harbor of refuge and as a commercial port with a listing of wrecks along its shores from 1807 to 1919. ...

    13,60 €